So much time wasted
It’d be great if ANet changed the map switching system to how it is in WvW, so if we want to switch maps we just que for it instead of spamming “Join in X.” I’m pretty sure people have been saying this for a while, but the devs have been silent on this problem…
I get disappointed when I can’t join a DS event because it’s full. That’s disappointing. But, life is full of disappointments, so I go do something else and maybe I get lucky next time.
It’d be great if ANet changed the map switching system to how it is in WvW, so if we want to switch maps we just que for it instead of spamming “Join in X.” I’m pretty sure people have been saying this for a while, but the devs have been silent on this problem…
It took them two years just to fix the queuing system for WvW to take players in the order they originally queued up instead of the most recent/random ones.
They clearly can’t do queues (no offense guys).
The best part of the game is still when you go through all of this effort, find a decent map on DT, SW, VB, AB, TD or DS, spend an hour doing all the events and then right at the end get a five second lag spike that disconnects you and you lose everything. No map slot, no event credit, no rewards, nothing. Being in a party helps but there’s still no reserved spots for party members after all this time, you still have to sit there and spam “join in map” over and over praying for someone else to DC.
Super mega ultra fun stuff.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
yeah.. maybe they will ‘fix’ this ‘issue’ when they fix the forum / search
Large-scale meta events are an ambitious approach to content. It’s too bad game infrastructure issues mar the implementation.
yeah.. maybe they will ‘fix’ this ‘issue’ when they fix the forum / search
Forum search will never be fixed, they guy who made it he forum no longer works for ANet, or something like that. Miss Grey posted it in another thread a long time ago.
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I know, that was my point.