The Chak Gerent is just fine

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RustyMech.9876


This is what happens when most of the other events in a game are so easy that you can just spam 1. I still remember when the event in lornar’s pass with scarlet; people complained about it being too difficult, a week into it people were rarely failing the event.

Slowpokeking.8720 so how many times have you actually tried this event? Seems to me that more and more random people are completing the event.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


26 TD meta attempts
25 fails
1 victory


Before or after the recent update?

After the update, the problem is still there, I couldn’t even find a map. Some taxi showed up 30 mins ago that’s all.

I doubt they did that many runs after the update which was what my question was asking. You also have to think about the day of the week, the time of the day, and when you are choosing to look for a map doing the meta.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Andred.1087


Seems reasonable enough with a solidly organized group, but man, screw pretentious, know-it-all meta guilds who only care about their godkitten pixel rewards.

I was just in a map for 45 minutes while it was getting organized, suddenly the map closes and we all get scattered. Which is unfortunate, but there’s still time to regroup and get situated. But nah, they just decide to give up, because they’ve killed it a whole 11 times, so obviously they know when it’s too late. And not only that; when the non-quitters wanted to keep organizing and try anyway, they refused to leave the instance, and opted to just laze about and collect their pity prize, instead of politely making room for people who actually felt like trying.

I mean seriously, it’s not like we would have gotten less rewards if we tried to do it and failed. But I guess their precious finger energy is more important than an entire map full of people who would rather struggle than just give up.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RustyMech.9876


Seems reasonable enough with a solidly organized group, but man, screw pretentious, know-it-all meta guilds who only care about their godkitten pixel rewards.

I was just in a map for 45 minutes while it was getting organized, suddenly the map closes and we all get scattered. Which is unfortunate, but there’s still time to regroup and get situated. But nah, they just decide to give up, because they’ve killed it a whole 11 times, so obviously they know when it’s too late. And not only that; when the non-quitters wanted to keep organizing and try anyway, they refused to leave the instance, and opted to just laze about and collect their pity prize, instead of politely making room for people who actually felt like trying.

I mean seriously, it’s not like we would have gotten less rewards if we tried to do it and failed. But I guess their precious finger energy is more important than an entire map full of people who would rather struggle than just give up.

Haha. Probably the same people that ask others to leave, too funny.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I realize this is a bold statement, but after having done the event multiple times, I’ve come to that conclusion. It’s basically just like tequatl, which also seemed too hard in the beginning.

Now, beating Tequatl is usually trivial. We just had to learn how to do it.

I participated in a TD meta event with the guild TTS. And you know what happened? Not only did we beat it, all but one lane did so with little real difficulty. It went by the numbers, the lane I was in (Rata Novus) killed it on the second burn phase with time to spare.

When we were done, the officers had a post-mortem where they asked each lane officer to tell what went good and bad. The one lane that had trouble beat the Chak Gerent with 4 seconds to spare, and she said the problem was in the beginning no one was really listening to her directions, but in the end they pulled it together.

And when they were done, the head of the entire run said, “well, there we go, we had two successful runs back to back, let’s do it again soon!”

I stopped and said, “Wait, you did this successfully twiced? In a row?!”

Yup, they sure did.

The point being you need a tight organized group. Its more complex than tequatl, due to separate lanes, but really, if you have a tightly organized map it works just fine. And, just as a final point, I believe this will end up like Tequatl: as the population learns what they need to do, it will become almost as trivial as Tequatl now is.

There’s 2 major issues with the TD meta:

1. The timer on the event, there is no in game timer till the meta starts, and people have to rely on third party websites to find out when the meta will start, because people don’t want to sit around for 2 hours on a T4 map just waiting.

My suggestion? Make the meta progress based on lane progression rather than a 2 hour timer. When you progress the meta to T4, it starts the king of the jungle event. You trigger the garent, defeat it, or fail, and then the event won’t start again for the rest of the original 2 hour timer, with the timer being in game.

2. The breakbar mechanic for the fight. The entire rest of HoT trains you to break breakbars in order to gain a burn phase on the boss. This is the one exception which makes it extremely counterintuitive and in a big PuG, which is what this map is, you can’t rely on everyone being in voice communication, or even paying attention to chat, whispers, says, anything. That one person burning through the breakbar despite you begging them not to because it screws it up, ruins the fight for 100 or more other people. It shouldn’t come down to that because we can’t expel people from the map. Just think of how many rangers play this game facerolling their longbow bar and using their knockback off cooldown. Relying on a counterintuitive mechanic like the Garent breakbar is bad design.

Player’s mistake can be fixed.
In-game design that supposedly to give you advantage but in reality makes it harder, which you have absolutely no control of is not tolerable.

Seriously, SCAR NEED to be fixed. Remove the cannon or makes it does something else.

Or rework Gerent entirely, makes it like legendary vinetooth, which you’re rewarded for breaking bar, and put Gerent in vulnerable position for a period of time.

Non sensual horrible design is the root of the whole TD meta problem. Dps is not remotely the issue here. The entire design is flawed.

The point is it’s counterintuitive. it’d be like anet making a fight where if you stand there and take a telegraphed attack it barely tickles you, but if you dodge/block/go invuln you get one shot killed instantly… after the entire game has trained you to dodge everything or you get one shot by bosses.

To have something be completely counterintuitive like that should only happen in instanced content where you can control who is in the instance. It should never be like that for open map content.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pepsis.5384


Yet Anet added another hard meta. So obviously it’s not a failure.

And why? Because I’m in a large guild and we can’t fit everyone in a raid and we want to play together. Oh and we’d rather not do braindead content.

Oh yeah? Better hope your large guild and the likes are enough to support this game financially

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Maris.3164


The problem with this event is to get everyone on the map to actually join the event, or leave the map to make room for players who want to do the event. After that the problem is organizing and whether or not people listen.

Also I would like to point out that tequatl was nerfed considerably and is a breeze now, especially since you can crit him now too. Prior to megaserver and the nerfs, only a couple of servers were considered worth joining for the event. Does “Taxi to Deso main” sound familiar?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


That stinking fail of a tiny expansion has a whole of 4 maps – and most of those maps can´t even be played without managing my playtime after a not existing ingame-timer (third-party tools ftw) and relying on an ingame lfg-tool which is much worse than most fan-made third-party tools.

And if I wasn´t reading the forum I wouldn´t even know by now that something like a TD-meta even exits.

Shame on Anet for their awfully bad gameplay-design, shame on you elitists for not using your brain on how this will work out for the population of the game (and no, making it maybe to hard is only the last of their fails here).

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

No it doesn’t. TT has not been “brought in line” with other events in old tyria. Anet intended these fights to be harder. The nuhoch lane was buggy so I agree with the fixes there and perhaps scar might need some tweaking because I don’t know that the gerent’s bar is intended to break like that. But other than these issues the fight really doesn’t need anything done to it.

The wurm occurs in backwater areas of Bloodtide and nothing is gated behind its success (other than the specific rewards for fighting it). You can’t compare it to the main event on one of only four maps we got this expansion, and one that people need to beat in order to do multiple things.

There’s no way Anet intended a random bug to be a bigger challenge than a zone-wide battle against Mordremoth itself.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DutchRiders.2871


The only reason people actually fail chak gerent after recent fixes is dps. And with full pug map we got most bosses killed in 2nd burn. How is that a hard dps check ? And mind you scar was 2nd to kill after nuhoch.

The only real advantages of mega guilds in TD is them creating new maps in which every player participaties in the events.

Just wait till most players start being more responsible for the dps they bring. The event is fine.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fishball.7204


Just did a full pug chak gerent 20 mins ago. Not TTS or any other massive guild, full pug. Half the guys didn’t even use food/oil.


The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amurond.4590


The event is much easier now due to the bugfixes. It might still need better repeatable rewards though as I can see people not wanting to continue doing it after they get their mistward helm/legendary/pact backpack collectibles.

as for the rest of the thread… guardian staff 1 1 1 1 is not adequate for this event and that is the best part about it.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Misguided.5139


The event is much easier now due to the bugfixes. It might still need better repeatable rewards though as I can see people not wanting to continue doing it after they get their mistward helm/legendary/pact backpack collectibles.

This is true. I happen to like the map and the event, but the rewards for completing the meta, beyond ley-line crystals, are underwhelming. The Chak eggs will be an enticement for some, but I think the entire weapon set is an abomination and have no interest in those.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

Plus a couple other collections and map completion of Tangled Depths.

Map completion of Tangled Depths is in no way tied to the Chak Gerent. There’s a single Mastery Point tied to a Strongbox behind the wall. You don’t need to collect every Mastery Point to max out your HoT tracks.

I stepped up last night to command a lane for a Gerent attempt in a map with randoms. We won pretty handily, Ogre being the last lane to kill its Gerent with 1:30 left to go. People are getting better at the event.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


I doubt they did that many runs after the update which was what my question was asking. You also have to think about the day of the week, the time of the day, and when you are choosing to look for a map doing the meta.

I tried through 8:30-4:30 PST Sunday. 1 map at most each time.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


This is what happens when most of the other events in a game are so easy that you can just spam 1. I still remember when the event in lornar’s pass with scarlet; people complained about it being too difficult, a week into it people were rarely failing the event.

Slowpokeking.8720 so how many times have you actually tried this event? Seems to me that more and more random people are completing the event.

20+ tries at least, 3 tries yesterday.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


The event is much easier now due to the bugfixes. It might still need better repeatable rewards though as I can see people not wanting to continue doing it after they get their mistward helm/legendary/pact backpack collectibles.

as for the rest of the thread… guardian staff 1 1 1 1 is not adequate for this event and that is the best part about it.

How is your success rate with pugs?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


The only reason people actually fail chak gerent after recent fixes is dps. And with full pug map we got most bosses killed in 2nd burn. How is that a hard dps check ? And mind you scar was 2nd to kill after nuhoch.

The only real advantages of mega guilds in TD is them creating new maps in which every player participaties in the events.

Just wait till most players start being more responsible for the dps they bring. The event is fine.

No, people still fail at some lanes, my first try yesterday the mushroom lane still failed in 1st phase when we took 40% of the gerent’s HP out in the first burn.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ugrakarma.9416


Triple Trouble is hugely more complex than chark, cuz the 3 wurns have different complex mechanics of each other, and theses mechanics have should be taught before events begins.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


See how funny it is? So many people came out to say it’s easy, but none of these even have a >50% success rate with the pugs.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


Map completion of Tangled Depths is in no way tied to the Chak Gerent. There’s a single Mastery Point tied to a Strongbox behind the wall. You don’t need to collect every Mastery Point to max out your HoT tracks.

I stepped up last night to command a lane for a Gerent attempt in a map with randoms. We won pretty handily, Ogre being the last lane to kill its Gerent with 1:30 left to go. People are getting better at the event.

How is your success rate with the pugs?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

At the moment, 100%. We’ll see if I try it again tonight. Probably not, I don’t have as much time to play on a weekday as on the weekend…

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


At the moment, 100%. We’ll see if I try it again tonight. Probably not, I don’t have as much time to play on a weekday as on the weekend…

What do you mean at the moment? How many pug tries have you done since HoT and tell me how many times did you make it?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Right now the event is perfect. Before the update it clearly was not as it had major issues over which you had little control­.

I love ubber hard content that takes dedication as long as I get enough control over my progress toward success. When a scaling issue ruin everything despite all your efforts (you can’t control others) it is a problem.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


You guys seem mad salty and nitpicking everything I say.

I’ve pugged plenty of maps and some have succeeded, some have failed. I only mentioned that Nuhoch kill because you guys were like ZOMG ITS IMPOSSIBRU ITS A HARD LANE whereas the truth is, you’re bad. You’re both bad.

Teq used to be unpuggable too then guess what? People stopped complaining and tried to git gud and look where we are now. Pugs organizing defense teams and killing teq like it’s nothing.

How many have you pugged and how many have succeeded?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


Right now the event is perfect. Before the update it clearly was not as it had major issues over which you had little control­.

I love ubber hard content that takes dedication as long as I get enough control over my progress toward success. When a scaling issue ruin everything despite all your efforts (you can’t control others) it is a problem.

How are you going to control your progress in open world map?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Right now the event is perfect. Before the update it clearly was not as it had major issues over which you had little control­.

I love ubber hard content that takes dedication as long as I get enough control over my progress toward success. When a scaling issue ruin everything despite all your efforts (you can’t control others) it is a problem.

How are you going to control your progress in open world map?

It is impossible to control everything in such a content. However, if the event doesn’t have faulty mechanics, that pretty much doom you when they kick in no matter what, it does let more space to individual players to matter and feel it is THEIR fault if they failed or succeed rather than weird programming issues.

I’ve been in several successful pugs now and can see a big difference with how things were at first were a pug map was a sure fail map.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


Anyone? Anyone here had tried at least 8-10 times with pugs and got >50% sucess rate?? Anyone?

“I ran with a pug and we made it nicely!”

But that’s not all what they had experienced!

“But most of the times(>50%, way > for most of them,) we got owned.”

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


It is impossible to control everything in such a content. However, if the event doesn’t have faulty mechanics, that pretty much doom you when they kick in no matter what, it does let more space to individual players to matter and feel it is THEIR fault if they failed or succeed rather than weird programming issues.

I’ve been in several successful pugs now and can see a big difference with how things were at first were a pug map was a sure fail map.

How many pugs have you been in and how is your success rate since HoT? Tell us.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It is impossible to control everything in such a content. However, if the event doesn’t have faulty mechanics, that pretty much doom you when they kick in no matter what, it does let more space to individual players to matter and feel it is THEIR fault if they failed or succeed rather than weird programming issues.

I’ve been in several successful pugs now and can see a big difference with how things were at first were a pug map was a sure fail map.

How many pugs have you been in and how is your success rate since HoT? Tell us.

I’d say 4-5.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Anyone? Anyone here had tried at least 8-10 times with pugs and got >50% sucess rate?? Anyone?

“I ran with a pug and we made it nicely!”

But that’s not all what they had experienced!

“But most of the times(>50%, way > for most of them,) we got owned.”

It’s been less than a week since they fixed Nuhoch and improved the rewards. It’ll take time to get people to try the meta again and teach them how to do it. It’s really no different than how AB was as it took time before people in general got comfortable enough to beat it consistently.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


I’d say 4-5.

4-5%? And you are here to say it’s easy?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Anyone? Anyone here had tried at least 8-10 times with pugs and got >50% sucess rate?? Anyone?

“I ran with a pug and we made it nicely!”

But that’s not all what they had experienced!

Yeah. these fix are what make me agree with OP. Before THAT I would definitely not agree at all since winning was not only a matter of doing good and learning the mechanic.

“But most of the times(>50%, way > for most of them,) we got owned.”

It’s been less than a week since they fixed Nuhoch and improved the rewards. It’ll take time to get people to try the meta again and teach them how to do it. It’s really no different than how AB was as it took time before people in general got comfortable enough to beat it consistently.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


It’s been less than a week since they fixed Nuhoch and improved the rewards. It’ll take time to get people to try the meta again and teach them how to do it. It’s really no different than how AB was as it took time before people in general got comfortable enough to beat it consistently.

It has come out for more than a month. People were keep trying it before the fix, the mech aren’t new, yet none of you here have a >50% success rate. And how is the bug our fault?

AB? AB was already a >80% win as long as it’s organized at this point.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It’s been less than a week since they fixed Nuhoch and improved the rewards. It’ll take time to get people to try the meta again and teach them how to do it. It’s really no different than how AB was as it took time before people in general got comfortable enough to beat it consistently.

It has come out for more than a month. People were keep trying it before the fix, the mech aren’t new, yet none of you here have a >50% success rate. And how is the bug our fault?

AB? AB was already a >80% win as long as it’s organized at this point.

Why do you insist on arguing on the past when a recent patch made a lot of past fails now irrelevant?

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the spores in the Nuhoch lane to not respawn during the chak gerent meta-event.

Start comparing success rate since above fix. Before that fix I had 1 pug success (my only success at that time mind you) out of 30+ try. Since last week it is very different.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


Why do you insist on arguing on the past when a recent patch made a lot of past fails now irrelevant?

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the spores in the Nuhoch lane to not respawn during the chak gerent meta-event.

Start comparing success rate since above fix. Before that fix I had 1 pug success (my only success at that time mind you) out of 30+ try. Since last week it is very different.

Because the past is there, it’s not our fault to cause the bug. Even with the bug, people know the mech from those attempts. It’s not brand new.

Even after the patch like many people said here, the success rate with pugs are still < 50%, way < for quite a few of them. I’ve tried 4 times yesterday, SUNDAY and the 3/4 tries have failed. 2/4 weren’t even close. Before the fix it was like 1-5% success rate, right now it’s 15-20% for pugs, which is still very low.

(edited by Slowpokeking.8720)

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


Why do you insist on arguing on the past when a recent patch made a lot of past fails now irrelevant?

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the spores in the Nuhoch lane to not respawn during the chak gerent meta-event.

Start comparing success rate since above fix. Before that fix I had 1 pug success (my only success at that time mind you) out of 30+ try. Since last week it is very different.

Let me ask you one thing, what harm will it cause if it’s nerfed to the point of other HoT meta?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Why do you insist on arguing on the past when a recent patch made a lot of past fails now irrelevant?

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the spores in the Nuhoch lane to not respawn during the chak gerent meta-event.

Start comparing success rate since above fix. Before that fix I had 1 pug success (my only success at that time mind you) out of 30+ try. Since last week it is very different.

Because the past is there, it’s not our fault to cause the bug. Even with the bug, people know the mech from those attempts. It’s not brand new.

Even after the patch like many people said here, the success rate with pugs are still < 50%, way < for quite a few of them. I’ve tried 4 times yesterday, SUNDAY and the 3/4 tries have failed. 2/4 weren’t even close.

It is irrelevant to address the past the way you do since ANET has address key issues since.

As for the event being difficult there is nothing wrong about it. No, you can not simply AFK button mash your way to the chest like the Shatterer but that isn’t a bad thing at all.

In HOT ‘hard’ doesn’t only mean opponents with bigger stats. It means you have to learn some key elements first and adapt.

How many week-end pug maps did I saw where many would just be AFK, never wp or just ignoring map chat? This is something that make the event fail that is on the players fault.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Triple Trouble is hugely more complex than chark, cuz the 3 wurns have different complex mechanics of each other, and theses mechanics have should be taught before events begins.

Triple Trouble mechanic is EQUALLY as simple.

The problem is the map SCALE your level down, making everyone much weaker, making the dps check that much more severe.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

What do you mean at the moment? How many pug tries have you done since HoT and tell me how many times did you make it?

Since the bug in Nuhoch lane was fixed, I’ve made one try with a random group, and succeeded one time. That’s 100%.

That might go down the next time I try, or it might not.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


It is irrelevant to address the past the way you do since ANET has address key issues since.

As for the event being difficult there is nothing wrong about it. No, you can not simply AFK button mash your way to the chest like the Shatterer but that isn’t a bad thing at all.

In HOT ‘hard’ doesn’t only mean opponents with bigger stats. It means you have to learn some key elements first and adapt.

How many week-end pug maps did I saw where many would just be AFK, never wp or just ignoring map chat? This is something that make the event fail that is on the players fault.

Again can you PLS take back the face of elitists?

AFK button? I got into the map 30MINS-1HOUR before the event, they had ALREADY STARTED prepare and organize the map, yet we STILL FAIL most of the time. It took me THE ENTIRE MORNING to try and I was too tired so I needed to take a nap thus missed the only successful run.

Seriously, WHY DID YOU SAY OTHERS ARE NOT LEARNING WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THEY HAD DONE? Have. you. even. tried. this. map? If it wasn’t organized people won’t even do the event.

HOW are you going to let pugs learn? How are you going to know did they learn or not when you get in? HOW are you gonna do when they didn’t? CAN you kick them? NO, you have almost 0 power to control open world meta progress.

THIS, THIS, THIS is why Open World Meta shouldn’t be too hard. This isn’t the only dumb thing ANET has done in HoT. Remember the level 4 mastery for story and 400 HP for Elite Spec? The TD Meta is another one.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


Since the bug in Nuhoch lane was fixed, I’ve made one try with a random group, and succeeded one time. That’s 100%.

That might go down the next time I try, or it might not.

Then your point is very vague. Come to say it’s easy only because of 1 try.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


“ELITISTS: People only want faceroll content.

FACT: Most of the pugs failed after spent hours to organize and learn it. Even after the fix, the successful rate is less than 25%. And most of the time 3/4 of the people didn’t do anything wrong, it was one lane’s fault thanks to the design.

Nobody is saying it should be faceroll, we are saying that open world meta shouldn’t be that hard, which you have spent months to try, spent hours to prepare and still fail most of the times."

Some people don’t even read.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

When did I say it was easy? I said people are getting better at the event.

We had a lot of time left on the clock, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. I died twice because I’m incredibly squishy and get very little forgiveness with the donuts,. But the people who were taxied in were generally knowledgeable, and the ones who weren’t asked questions about the event and got the help they needed. We didn’t need to shout for anyone to leave the map. We didn’t even have four tags until about ten minutes before the event started.

I’m sorry that you’re having bad luck.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It’s been less than a week since they fixed Nuhoch and improved the rewards. It’ll take time to get people to try the meta again and teach them how to do it. It’s really no different than how AB was as it took time before people in general got comfortable enough to beat it consistently.

It has come out for more than a month. People were keep trying it before the fix, the mech aren’t new, yet none of you here have a >50% success rate. And how is the bug our fault?

AB? AB was already a >80% win as long as it’s organized at this point.

It doesn’t matter how people did before the fix. The lack of decent rewards and some events bugging causing failure due to RNG is what stopped many people from even trying. Now that these have been fixed, it’s going to take time to get people back into the map to give it another chance.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


When did I say it was easy? I said people are getting better at the event.

We had a lot of time left on the clock, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. I died twice because I’m incredibly squishy and get very little forgiveness with the donuts,. But the people who were taxied in were generally knowledgeable, and the ones who weren’t asked questions about the event and got the help they needed. We didn’t need to shout for anyone to leave the map. We didn’t even have four tags until about ten minutes before the event started.

I’m sorry that you’re having bad luck.

People aren’t getting better, it’s the bug fix that made it easier. This Meta doesn’t have much mechanics and nearly all the mech were already known by them before the fix. It’s not a new meta.

I’ve asked all the people here, and almost none of them have higher than 50% success rate with pugs even after the fix.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


It doesn’t matter how people did before the fix. The lack of decent rewards and some events bugging causing failure due to RNG is what stopped many people from even trying. Now that these have been fixed, it’s going to take time to get people back into the map to give it another chance.

People already know most of the mech even before the fix, so it’s not some brand new meta, and yet it still have a less than 50%, actually 20% success rate with pugs since the fix. It’s certainly not as easy as the other 3 maps’ meta.

What’s wrong to nerf it to the point of other HoT Meta?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It doesn’t matter how people did before the fix. The lack of decent rewards and some events bugging causing failure due to RNG is what stopped many people from even trying. Now that these have been fixed, it’s going to take time to get people back into the map to give it another chance.

People already know most of the mech even before the fix, so it’s not some brand new meta, and yet it still have a less than 50%, actually 20% success rate with pugs since the fix. It’s certainly not as easy as the other 3 maps’ meta.

What’s wrong to nerf it to the point of other HoT Meta?

There’s a difference between knowing and doing. There are many guides out on how to do the three raid bosses. People know the mechanics for them. How many people have beaten all three raid bosses? There’s more to it than just knowing the mechanics.

It doesn’t need nerfing which is why. An organized guild can kill all four gerents during phase two. I’ve seen the gerent killed during phase one a few times. There’s plenty of flexibility for pugs to beat it as it’s not as big of a DPS check as some make it out to be.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slowpokeking.8720


There’s a difference between knowing and doing. There are many guides out on how to do the three raid bosses. People know the mechanics for them. How many people have beaten all three raid bosses? There’s more to it than just knowing the mechanics.

Raid is different, it’s targeted to elite players with elite rewards. Open World Meta is made for pugs. Many people did do the boss and got nothing wrong with the mechanics, they just couldn’t prevent fail.

I’ve started to play HoT since its release and I can tell meta like AB’s success rate was already above 70-80% as long as it’s organized after 3-4 days of its release, before that people knew NOTHING of it. As for TD, it’s still lower than 30%.

It wasn’t made for organized guilds, you fight with pugs and pugs fail most of the times. Shall we make the personal story into group content, as long as it’s easy for 5 ppl it would be fine?

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


There’s a difference between knowing and doing. There are many guides out on how to do the three raid bosses. People know the mechanics for them. How many people have beaten all three raid bosses? There’s more to it than just knowing the mechanics.

Raid is different, it’s targeted to elite players with elite rewards. Open World Meta is made for pugs. Many people did do the boss and got nothing wrong with the mechanics, they just couldn’t prevent fail.

I’ve started to play HoT since its release and I can tell meta like AB’s success rate was already above 70-80% as long as it’s organized after 3-4 days of its release, before that people knew NOTHING of it. As for TD, it’s still lower than 30%.

It wasn’t made for organized guilds, you fight with pugs and pugs fail most of the times. Shall we make the personal story into group content, as long as it’s easy for 5 ppl it would be fine?

Doesn’t matter with what I was saying but ok. Instead of raids, let’s say TT. How many pugs consistently beat it? There’s an open world example.

TD is lower because people got put off from doing it because of the map design, lack of rewards, and mechanics that could bug (Nuhoch) randomly resulting in a fail. It’s going to take time to get players back into this map. AB also has a very very very lenient timer.