The Dragons "Weaknesses" spoilers
but for now, lets just be grateful that the end-game content for HoT was actually polished and a little bit more original than “lets just send everything on one big suicide mission.”
Err, what? We systematically took down key pieces of Zhaitan’s military infrastructure, then moved in for the kill before he could recover. “Playing it safe” wouldn’t have worked because Zhaitan would have had time to adapt to our tactics, while we were left drowning in an ever growing tide of Risen. The final battle still is very lackluster, but the overall campaign was solid.
Meanwhile Hearts and Minds explicitly relies on a full frontal suicide attack as a distraction (whether this is the DS meta or an unspecified preceding assault doesn’t matter), and instead of slowly working towards our victory (though the original PS assumes all preceding arcs took place…) the key revelations come straight out of nowhere.
As for “polished”, I assume you never died during any of the gliding phases in HaM?
Disclaimer: I’m not trashing the HoT story and saying vanilla GW2 was soooo much better, I believe both stories are pretty good in themselves, but both are presented in an absolutely terrible manner, leaving the player to guess or read up most of the actual plot.
Here’s a twist: quaggans are the water dragon’s minions.
That would be funny, however the dragons minions cannot be corrupted by other dragons (that is why there are no risen Sylvari), however there are risen Quaggans.
That’s not entirely true.
Pale Reavers in personal story explain this – where a human, charr, asura or norn die their soul leaves but body is still able to be revived (zombiefied) while sylvari are plants and to dress it in simple words – they decompose almost instantly as opposed to others.
That is why Pale Reavers were created AND equipped with best weapons in Tyria kitten called suicide squad against Zai – so that after they die they wont reinforce his armies.
AND as we know even people can be dragon minions… but still if you wanna go this way – i haven’t see any Tengu corrupted by dragons so far so this may suggest some things…