With the coming of the magnificent expansion that Heart of Thorns is, I was truly excited. The new content is genuine fun! There are so, so many new things that can be done, although I won’t extend myself too much on the subject. This is not what I am here to talk about. Apart from the things to do, there are a -lot- of things to craft, and to gather materials for; the Guild Halls, the new recipes, and everything else! If you haven’t noticed, crafting also had some changes, with the addition of the patches for insignia crafting and making Cured Thick Leather Squares use more of the base material, to name a few. The market is currently going -crazy-.
Before Heart of Thorns kicked in with its humongous load of content, I found that Ascended Armor was a fun, additional challenge to do while I was playing the game. It was difficult to get, but not impossible. (I will be using Ascended Armor as my main example in here, but it can apply to other things as well). I didn’t think I would have to spend the majority of my game time focusing on efforts to get this in a descent amount of time.
I feel that, more and more, we are splitting the community in two distinct ends; The Casual Players and The Hardcore Players. I feel that there is no longer an in-between where we can still play casually due to busy lives and still enjoy end-game content. It is either you sit on your exotic loot and enjoy playing the actual game, or you farm your butt off in hope of gathering enough gold to sink it into the next piece of armor.
When I get on to play a video game, I get on to play it. Not to farm for countless hours in order to achieve very little progress towards an armor set. Everything is “Get a lot of stacks of a lot of mats and pray for the best”. I feel that these kind of gold sinks are -everywhere- now. Gold sinks should be for these overly dedicated people who should have something unique to show off for these countless hours of game time. Now, every above-exotic item is a gold sink. And that is painful. I love doing fractals. I am not saying I am the best, but it is something I find I am good at, and will eventually require my AR to be above what my accessories can provide me, and will come a time where I won’t be able to follow my usual play crew into higher levels of fractal. Same fear goes for the upcoming raids.
It might be time to rethink crafting more than just nudging a few things here and there to make brief obstacle to people whom already have gold and impossible for people who do not want to dedicate their few hours to farming. High-end, unique skins and items should be hard to get. However, the armor that is expected to be used for anyone wanting to try their hand at end-game content should not be that out of reach for people who want to experience the game to its fullest without investing 25+ hours a week in it.
I am not sure if I made myself clear, I am a wee bit tired. But, tl;dr:
The end-game content is becoming too much of a farmer-oriented expensive content that is not readily accessible to people whom want to enjoy it without having to spend countless hours to get to it. This game should be about enjoy its actual content while doing the intended goals, and not farming countless hours in hopes of having enough gold to buy the materials required to make this time-gated, account bound items that will be used for crafting. The changes made to make things harder to get are not affecting the people intended; the whole crafting process of the end-game ascended armor should be a time-gated, account bound process in my opinion. This way, no money is involved, everyone gets it at the same intended rate, and it feels much more fulfilling than having to farm mats over gold over mats over gold for hours.
I should be playing GuildWars 2, not FarmingWhileWatchingNetflix2.
Thank you.
Living in Crystal Desert (: