The Small Things you want from HoT
I would love to see the world progress on a global scale.
Not only am I referring to the rebuild of LA, but, for example, I want to see how the relationship between Humans & Charr have developed. This whole treaty talk is still busy, but we are almost 3 years later now. And much more.
This will give us not only a whole new region to explore, but make it worth it to revisit the core content.
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
I want a toggle option to turn off the Engineer kit backpacks, in PVE at the very least.
I want a toggle option to turn off the Engineer kit backpacks, in PVE at the very least.
Or at least re-design them.
I still really want a hat collection.
I want a “use/open all” button to avoid pointless clicking.. If that where the only new thing in the expansion i think i would still buy it.
1. More pets.
2. Yes, use/open all option!
3. Less trench coats.
4. Cabinet for Endless Tonics.
5. Wallet use for Bloodstone dusts, ore, etc.
6. Another method, other than Mawdrey II, to use Bloodstone dust.
7. Something like the Star of Gratitude for the Bloodstone ore.
8. Lion’s Arch rebuilt.
9. A slot on our account for the Salvage-o-Matic.
10. A trophy cabinet or area in our home instant for certain items. Mini Hall of Monuments in other words.
Not really for me, but I know it would please a lot of people if an actual /duel system was in place.
In addition to others’ thoughts:
1) Redesigned character select screen
- Includes actual scenery (like in GW1) of the area that the character is located
- Also includes a lighting toggle to switch a character’s scene between nighttime and daytime and whose state is remembered across log-ins (no more blinding white background)
- Character portraits that the snapshot is taken after the character has loaded and physics have settled so we no longer have bucktooth/squeezed chin/“holy crap!” wide eyed characters in the portraits
- A button that enables locking the order of our characters to where we can drag the portraits to organize them in a specific order or switch it off to have the current ‘last active’ character first as it is now (I’d prefer a rotational style character selection of the actual rendered characters and the portrait section should be toggleable for those that prefer selection via portrait instead of rotating/flipping through rendered characters)
- Currently equipped weapon set as well as back pieces being visible on the rendered characters
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
More world-accessible minis
Continue using the Wallet (stupid bandit badges, geodes, etc… gosh darn it!)
Saved templates or macros for gear/trait swap-outs
Expanded bank and personal storage options
Subtle new events/lore added to existing zones
Tutorial text when new systems are introduced (How in the world will people figure out Carapace→Luminescent armor a year from now? In-game should be better than google)
Method to condense Bloodstone and other ascended materials
I want some sort of trackable questline for getting ascended/legendary gear. Just a tangible in-game check list that shows me what I need, how much of it, how much I have, what combines into what, etc. The biggest reason I haven’t started working on ascended/legendary gear is it’s just so confusing for me, even when reading the wiki. There’s so many items, and I don’t understand what combines into what. If there was some sort of in-game checklist I could use, I’d definitely start working on that. I’m not asking them to give me anything for free, I just want something to show the steps involved, and to track my progress so I understand what’s left for me to do.
Being able to hide the rest of your armour parts.
I don’t understand why we can only hide headpiece, shoulders, gloves and backpiece, but not our footwear?
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]