The charr gliding animation
Graphical issues with charr? What a ******* surprise.
Speak for yourself I like the arms being out like superman its funny, and there is nothing graphically wrong with chart gliding from what I saw
Speak for yourself I like the arms being out like superman its funny, and there is nothing graphically wrong with chart gliding from what I saw
My problem isn’t with clipping or anything like that, I just don’t like how clumsy it looks. Other races have such an elegant pose while the Charr is reaching out for an invisible trapeze or something.
may be it’s a reflex thing you know. since charr moves on all 4 limbs. So they unconciously do that pose to prepare for landing and such
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
I think its histerical and want them to keep it I laughed really hard at my guy trying to be like superman I think they did this though because of the whole flying squirrel thing
Actually i would like alot more if the other races were like that, superman flying style ftw ^^
I think the cat reflex would be a nice way to explain it. It looks fine if you ask me, a cat always prepares for landing. A shame humans would land nose down into the dirt if something goes wrong with that pose right? :P