I would LOVE to have an off hand sword for the thief specialization, it’s something I wanted to have since launch. The main idea is a class that is somewhat related to warrior playstyle, by fighting on the front lines. Only instead of just facerolling your keyboard as a tanky warrior, each of your skills would have a specific situational use that you need to use to use to protect yourself as squishy thief, such as block, evade, slow, weakness and even quickness. The possibilities are so numerous, and so fun to think of.
The name could be a fencer, or a duelist; although the name duelist is used in other parts of the game and is probably not up for use, but I think it’s fitting to describe the play style.
The off-hand sword skills should definitely have at least a block, with a quick counterattack and a slightly high initiative cost, to avoid permanently spaming it. The other off-hand skill or duel wield skill could give you quickness that only lasts for your next skill (effectively reducing the cast time), or be some flurry of sword attacks, or a simple swipe with some conditions or condition removal.
The F1 skill could stay a gap closer, but perhaps a lunge instead of a shadow step, and damage instead of the steal. Or a little more complicated lunge, that works with a charge system. Or an even more complicate F1 skill, could use quickly use the thief’s other off-hand weapon; so if the thief’s other off-hand weapon is a dagger, the F1 skill could be a backstab, or if it is a shotbow the skill could shoot a clusterbomb, or if it is a pistol it could be the dazing shot, or blinding powder, or the whatever, it could be any of the current skills or all new skills.
For the utility skills I think that physical skills would be the most fitting (like the ones that warrior has).
The traits could do interesting things, like the first mandatory trait changing the ‘2’ skill to remove the cast time, but changing it to lunges instead of a shadow steps. Or the autoattack skills can change on a successful block, instead of when you are invisible. For the traits that you select, a grandmaster trait that doubles the extra damage that you do to vulnerable targets, adding vulnerability to sword autoattack, or on a successful block (I really want to emphasize using vulnerability with a class like this, using it should be a crucial part of your damage output). Another big trait can let you cast utility skills that while they are still on cooldown, but then require initiative depending on how long the cooldown still is. There can be increased dash ranges, odd might stacking mechanics, situational dazes, brief evades, immobilizes, and definitely some situational damage buffs.
As far as the elite skills go, I barely want to think about it, or else I’ll be here all day, but something that I personally would like to see is a signet, since the current elite skills for the thief, are not all that great in pve (I assume that this is because a very strong elite skill would make the thief too strong in pvp), a sigil could give you a nice buff, but not cause too much problems in pvp. An example could be adding one vulnerability stack each time you hit an opponent (yeah vulnerability again, but I don’t expect a class to instantly give a person 25 stacks of vulnerability and keep it on them persistently, nor do I want it, so of course the values would have to be tuned to be balanced, probably not all the vulnerability skills I mentioned would be able to be used together), and the active could be defensive, giving you evade for second or two, and perhaps breaking stuns.
I really enjoy thinking of things like this, and could spend days on end on it. But I would like to hear what other players think about a class like this, not too much about my specific skills, but more about the overall idea, and also what you would like to see. If a dev happens across this, I would very much love to hear what they think in general (good or bad/viable or not/creative or boring/etc.). Btw, this is my second post ever, so sorry if it’s a little long winded.
Edit: I’m sure that the devs are hard at work with whatever specialization that they have planned for the professions, but each profession will get more specializations as time goes on, so for the time being forget about the stupid rifles please XD
(edited by Ryu.8673)