Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


I would LOVE to have an off hand sword for the thief specialization, it’s something I wanted to have since launch. The main idea is a class that is somewhat related to warrior playstyle, by fighting on the front lines. Only instead of just facerolling your keyboard as a tanky warrior, each of your skills would have a specific situational use that you need to use to use to protect yourself as squishy thief, such as block, evade, slow, weakness and even quickness. The possibilities are so numerous, and so fun to think of.

The name could be a fencer, or a duelist; although the name duelist is used in other parts of the game and is probably not up for use, but I think it’s fitting to describe the play style.

The off-hand sword skills should definitely have at least a block, with a quick counterattack and a slightly high initiative cost, to avoid permanently spaming it. The other off-hand skill or duel wield skill could give you quickness that only lasts for your next skill (effectively reducing the cast time), or be some flurry of sword attacks, or a simple swipe with some conditions or condition removal.

The F1 skill could stay a gap closer, but perhaps a lunge instead of a shadow step, and damage instead of the steal. Or a little more complicated lunge, that works with a charge system. Or an even more complicate F1 skill, could use quickly use the thief’s other off-hand weapon; so if the thief’s other off-hand weapon is a dagger, the F1 skill could be a backstab, or if it is a shotbow the skill could shoot a clusterbomb, or if it is a pistol it could be the dazing shot, or blinding powder, or the whatever, it could be any of the current skills or all new skills.

For the utility skills I think that physical skills would be the most fitting (like the ones that warrior has).

The traits could do interesting things, like the first mandatory trait changing the ‘2’ skill to remove the cast time, but changing it to lunges instead of a shadow steps. Or the autoattack skills can change on a successful block, instead of when you are invisible. For the traits that you select, a grandmaster trait that doubles the extra damage that you do to vulnerable targets, adding vulnerability to sword autoattack, or on a successful block (I really want to emphasize using vulnerability with a class like this, using it should be a crucial part of your damage output). Another big trait can let you cast utility skills that while they are still on cooldown, but then require initiative depending on how long the cooldown still is. There can be increased dash ranges, odd might stacking mechanics, situational dazes, brief evades, immobilizes, and definitely some situational damage buffs.

As far as the elite skills go, I barely want to think about it, or else I’ll be here all day, but something that I personally would like to see is a signet, since the current elite skills for the thief, are not all that great in pve (I assume that this is because a very strong elite skill would make the thief too strong in pvp), a sigil could give you a nice buff, but not cause too much problems in pvp. An example could be adding one vulnerability stack each time you hit an opponent (yeah vulnerability again, but I don’t expect a class to instantly give a person 25 stacks of vulnerability and keep it on them persistently, nor do I want it, so of course the values would have to be tuned to be balanced, probably not all the vulnerability skills I mentioned would be able to be used together), and the active could be defensive, giving you evade for second or two, and perhaps breaking stuns.

I really enjoy thinking of things like this, and could spend days on end on it. But I would like to hear what other players think about a class like this, not too much about my specific skills, but more about the overall idea, and also what you would like to see. If a dev happens across this, I would very much love to hear what they think in general (good or bad/viable or not/creative or boring/etc.). Btw, this is my second post ever, so sorry if it’s a little long winded.

Edit: I’m sure that the devs are hard at work with whatever specialization that they have planned for the professions, but each profession will get more specializations as time goes on, so for the time being forget about the stupid rifles please XD

(edited by Ryu.8673)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

you guyz are getting a Rifle, deal with it

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


The main reason it’s unlikely to happen is our unique number 3 property. Unlike other professions, our number 3 is a dual weapon skill. Which means, if we get an offhand weapon they’ll have to create a number 3 skill for every 1 handed combinations available.

So we’ll get a two handed weapon, because it’s easier for them to make.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: skowcia.8257


The main reason it’s unlikely to happen is our unique number 3 property. Unlike other professions, our number 3 is a dual weapon skill. Which means, if we get an offhand weapon they’ll have to create a number 3 skill for every 1 handed combinations available.

So we’ll get a two handed weapon, because it’s easier for them to make.

No, its not a problem. Just look at Ele. It wont happen cause dagger/sword would be silly.

obey me

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631


The main reason it’s unlikely to happen is our unique number 3 property. Unlike other professions, our number 3 is a dual weapon skill. Which means, if we get an offhand weapon they’ll have to create a number 3 skill for every 1 handed combinations available.

So we’ll get a two handed weapon, because it’s easier for them to make.

No, its not a problem. Just look at Ele. It wont happen cause dagger/sword would be silly.

Ele’s number 3 isn’t a combination. It’s only a thief feature. When you unequip off hand with thief, number 3 changes, if you unequip off hand with ele, number 3 doesn’t change.

It’s this property :

(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

The main reason this won’t happen is that we know ele is getting sword. It is unlikely two Elite Specs get the same weapon.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Thief isn’t getting a specialization

its already a cheap class and doesn’t need one

jk xD

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sagat.3285


MH dagger OH sword thief not confirmed!!!

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


The main reason it’s unlikely to happen is our unique number 3 property. Unlike other professions, our number 3 is a dual weapon skill. Which means, if we get an offhand weapon they’ll have to create a number 3 skill for every 1 handed combinations available.

So we’ll get a two handed weapon, because it’s easier for them to make.

No, its not a problem. Just look at Ele. It wont happen cause dagger/sword would be silly.

Ele’s number 3 isn’t a combination. It’s only a thief feature. When you unequip off hand with thief, number 3 changes, if you unequip off hand with ele, number 3 doesn’t change.

It’s this property :

I think what they were implying is that any time an Ele will get a new weapon, assuming the Attunement mechanic doesn’t change that weapon will have anywhere between 8 – 12 new skills.

Taking into consideration the Dual Wield skill:

  • a new main hand weapon would have would have 6 new skills (1 skill from stealth, 1 auto-attack, 1 second slot skill and 3 dual-wield skills for the current weapons (dagger, pistol, empty),
  • a newoff-hand weapon would have 5 new skills (3 dual wield skills for the main-hand weapons (sword, dagger + pistol) and 2 normal skills in the 4 + 5 slots)
Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


While I kind of have a feeling this is unlikely for the first elite, I find this pretty neat. As a side note It would be kind of awesome if the Elite or something got turned into a form of quickness that makes you auto attack with both weapons or something, I dunno just throwing out ideas =o

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


you guyz are getting a Rifle, deal with it

Possibly, but these specialization will not be the only ones, there will be more coming in the future.

While I kind of have a feeling this is unlikely for the first elite, I find this pretty neat. As a side note It would be kind of awesome if the Elite or something got turned into a form of quickness that makes you auto attack with both weapons or something, I dunno just throwing out ideas =o

Yeah man, that would be quite epic

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


MH dagger OH sword thief not confirmed!!!

Why you no like Cervantes????

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


you guyz are getting a Rifle, deal with it

Possibly, but these specialization will not be the only ones, there will be more coming in the future.

While I kind of have a feeling this is unlikely for the first elite, I find this pretty neat. As a side note It would be kind of awesome if the Elite or something got turned into a form of quickness that makes you auto attack with both weapons or something, I dunno just throwing out ideas =o

Yeah man, that would be quite epic :)

I’m actually surprised that have not done something like they for warrior. Since it seems way more like something a warrior would do xD

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


MH dagger OH sword thief not confirmed!!!

Why you no like Cervantes????

:O that would be so sick. Imagine taking that pose of his when you stand still (or a slightly more relaxed version)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


Pirate spec confirmed?

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


Pirate spec confirmed?

Yarrrr! Rune of the pirate required matey!

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


Pirate spec confirmed?

Yarrrr! Rune of the pirate required matey!

Elite: Drunken rage xD

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


Pirate spec confirmed?

Yarrrr! Rune of the pirate required matey!

Elite: Drunken rage xD

Gains half a second of evade every second, and uses any weapon currently equipped as a melee weapon (including shotbows XD) with a new set of druken weapon abilities and utilities. Or maybe if it grants some protection and stability for a while, I would like that, the thief has so few stability skills (and yes, I realize that people are less stable when drunk….but if you’re so unstable that you can dodge a few cc attacks, then that works too :P)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


Sword / Dagger is way more fencer-y than Sword / Sword, off-hand sword is very unwieldy. It’s the reason why a main-gauche existed and why the daisho combat style usually used a wakizashi quite a bit smaller than the katana.

I was going to say that I couldn’t imagine the thief’s F1 changing that much because all existing traits have to work with it, no matter what specialization a thief uses. However, looking at the traits the thief will have after the specialization update, I don’t see that big of a problem.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


Yeah, that is somewhat why i feel it may be less likely despite being an interesting idea. But there its also to keep in mind that the Thiefs offhand is almost like an other main hand due to it changing the 3 depending on the combination. The really only far fetched combination of all them is the Sword/Sword. But still leaves P/S D/S which is still 2 ability each and then 2 more depending on the combo (not including S/S in that.)

As far as Thief goes it also might not be completely out of the question for the chance of focus/ Specter/Staff in the future since they are kind of a hybrid class feeling.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


Sword / Dagger is way more fencer-y than Sword / Sword, off-hand sword is very unwieldy. It’s the reason why a main-gauche existed and why the daisho combat style usually used a wakizashi quite a bit smaller than the katana.

I was going to say that I couldn’t imagine the thief’s F1 changing that much because all existing traits have to work with it, no matter what specialization a thief uses. However, looking at the traits the thief will have after the specialization update, I don’t see that big of a problem.

As far as the real world goes, yes you are absolutely right, before Infenso mentioned Cervantes the look of a main-hand dagger off-hand sword really bothered me, only in terms of styling alone, let alone the possible combat moves. But as far as video game logic goes, were getting a guy that can hit someone with a hammer from over quite a range, without even throwing it, and we have a class that can shoot beams out of greatswords, so I won’t let that bother me too much ^^. And also the current thief s/d is REALLY not fencer-y :P

(edited by Ryu.8673)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


R . I . F . L . E .

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Sword / Dagger is way more fencer-y than Sword / Sword, off-hand sword is very unwieldy. It’s the reason why a main-gauche existed and why the daisho combat style usually used a wakizashi quite a bit smaller than the katana.

I was going to say that I couldn’t imagine the thief’s F1 changing that much because all existing traits have to work with it, no matter what specialization a thief uses. However, looking at the traits the thief will have after the specialization update, I don’t see that big of a problem.

As far as the real world goes, yes you are absolutely right, before Infenso mentioned Cervantes the look of a main-hand dagger off-hand sword really bothered me, only in terms of styling alone, let alone the possible combat moves. But as far as video game logic goes, were getting a guy that can hit someone with a hammer from over quite a range, without even throwing it, and we have a class that can shoot beams out of greatswords, so I won’t let that bother me too much ^^. And also the current thief s/d is REALLY not fencer-y :P

Revenant and Mesmer are bad examples. There is a difference between using magic to enhance an object, and using objects to enhance magic.

  1. Read the description of the skill. Can you reproduce the effects of the skill without the use of that object, or without the use of an object at all?
  2. If you said yes, you are using magic/technology/prowess to enhance an object.
  3. If you said no, you are performing magic/technology/prowess that requires the use of that tool. Therefore your magic/technology/prowess is enhanced by the use of the object.

Ex. I am shooting pistols.
Shadow Strike
“Stab your foe, then shadowstep away and shoot them.” Can all be done without the use of that skill. I am using my prowess as a thief to enhance my pistol use.
Phantasmal Duelist
“Create an illusion that unloads its pistols on your foe.” Can only be done with this skill and with this object. It would seem the Mesmer requires the use of the object to summon the Duelist.

I see no problem with sword/sword. But dagger/sword would require an actual combat style behind it for it to exist. Your other examples were people using an item as a construct for performing a magic. Whereas thieves use prowess to enhance their use of technology.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


The main reason this won’t happen is that we know ele is getting sword. It is unlikely two Elite Specs get the same weapon.

Ele may also get axe since a lot of their skills say chop and there is only 1 melee axe in the game so would be ncie to see another.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sevenDEADLY.5281


I think in a lot of cases they’re trying to spread out the least usable weapons. Mesmer is only the 4th class to be able to use shield, Engineer will be only the 3rd class that can use Hammer, Guardian the 3rd class to be able to use Longbow. Rifle is currently only usable by 2 classes; warrior and engineer. So it just makes sense for thieves to get some kind of sniper rifle spec. As far as elementalists, I know it does look very much like they’re getting MH sword but if this ideology holds true they could potentially be getting MH axe and people might be surprised. Currently only 3 classes can use axe, while 5 already use sword.

Druid and Necro are both getting weapons that already have widespread usage but someone had to get them. Warrior is the only one people aren’t almost certain on what they’re getting. Currently only 3 classes can use both torch and pistol, so most people are assuming it will be one of those two.

(edited by sevenDEADLY.5281)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arrow.4619


@ Rich Fuel and DresdenAllblack

I’m willing to bet you are W.R.O.N.G. As a PVE thief main I would love it. Its unlikely though for the same reason we’re limited to 900 range now unless with trait for it (then we get to the big 1050 range with ricocheting, not piercing, bullets): PvP balance. I sincerely doubt the they want a 1200 range combatant that can disengage and reset fights with excellent movement capabilities in their esports. With the high crit chance manyt thieves run as a matter of course, even a low damage attack with poor coefficients could be a real problem. Unless of course the limit the rifle to 900 range. At which point most of the thief community will be like “Jezzus Anet why are you trolling like this.” And those would be the polite responses.

No, we probably will get one of these: axe or mace (main hand – maybe main and off), focus or torch (off hand). Probably getting torch since its an obvious explorer/tomb raider type weapon.

Nerf Shadow Arts condition cleanse. Gut the
Acrobatics trait line. Then sell it back
to them for $50. Brilliant! – ghost of P.T. Barnum

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


you guyz are getting a Rifle, deal with it

R . I . F . L . E .

No. Please no!!

No rifles. Thief has enough ranged weapon skills as it is. Probably already more than melee if you include skills like Dancing Dagger on off-hand dagger, and Shadow Shot. To have 5 more ranged skills will not be very rogue like. There are a lot of potential great melee skills the thief could be given, than pointing a long stick at enemies and firing once every few seconds.

I’m sorry to sound a bit dramatic, but people calling out for Rifle Thief are starting to sound like people asking for that M-Word in the forums!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


you guyz are getting a Rifle, deal with it

R . I . F . L . E .

I’m sorry to sound a bit dramatic, but people calling out for Rifle Thief are starting to sound like people asking for that M-Word in the forums!


Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sagat.3285


you guyz are getting a Rifle, deal with it

R . I . F . L . E .

No. Please no!!

No rifles. Thief has enough ranged weapon skills as it is. Probably already more than melee if you include skills like Dancing Dagger on off-hand dagger, and Shadow Shot. To have 5 more ranged skills will not be very rogue like. There are a lot of potential great melee skills the thief could be given, than pointing a long stick at enemies and firing once every few seconds.

I’m sorry to sound a bit dramatic, but people calling out for Rifle Thief are starting to sound like people asking for that M-Word in the forums!

You need versatility when you are limited to mostly 1 set and have no CD on weapons skills you cannot have an all successful melee set with this design.


“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dietzero.3514


Sword / Dagger is way more fencer-y than Sword / Sword, off-hand sword is very unwieldy. It’s the reason why a main-gauche existed and why the daisho combat style usually used a wakizashi quite a bit smaller than the katana.

I was going to say that I couldn’t imagine the thief’s F1 changing that much because all existing traits have to work with it, no matter what specialization a thief uses. However, looking at the traits the thief will have after the specialization update, I don’t see that big of a problem.

This. A fencer would be sword dagger, or just a single sword. Dual swords is not a fencer at all.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ryu.8673


I’m really liking the pirate theme, instead of the fencer theme, it’s just a small name change, but opens up a much more diverse fighting style, and the physical utility skills would fit much better with an ‘in your face’ slippery pirate.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


Im fairly sure thief gets a rifle, the only one im interested in now is warrior.

Theres alot of possibliites for that one, main/offhand dagger, staff, shortbow…

Heck even mainhand shield.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


I’m not calling out for it. Could care less about what weapon they give any class.
I’ll simply play what they give us, but Anet is not going to give sword because they gave it to Ele. They will not give the same weapon twice.
So this rules out Longbow as well. Shield went to mes
This leaves us with RIFLE, or possibly…something off-hand like torch.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


I thought someone said they data mined War getting main hand pistol. That could be here say though.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zdaive.9302


Did you say Pirate ?

Look at the dude who fight the Nuhoch!
Don’t you recognize the ‘Final Thrust’ animation ?
Might it be the elite spec of a warrior ?? Pirate ??!
Yarrrr !!

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


The only thing with this whole Pirate idea is, two swords does not sound all that …‘piratey(?)’ or at least from what I know. To me Sword/Pistol is as close as it gets. But then again, if not elite spec for a class, could we all just hope for sailing ships? (Im joking but would not turn it down if Anet did this xD)

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

The specializations are already far into development. Asking for a weapon won’t get it to ya this late in the game.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Infenso.6329


The specializations are already far into development. Asking for a weapon won’t get it to ya this late in the game.

You do know that they stated there was going to be multiple Elite Spec’s per class? They said it in one of the PoI Videos. I’m not saying its going to come right along with HoT or the patch before, But whos not to say they are not browsing the Forums for future ideas.

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ephemiel.5694


Someone has no idea what a Fencer is.

“Would you kindly?”

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: azizul.8469


nope , you guys are getting staff. deal with it.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

No, its not a problem. Just look at Ele. It wont happen cause dagger/sword would be silly.

Thief 1: I admit it, you are better than I am.

Thief 2: Then why are you smiling?

Thief 1: Because I know something you don’t know.

Thief 2: And what is that?

Thief 1: I… am not left-handed.

[Swaps weapons from D/S to S/D]

Thief 2: You are amazing.

Thief 1: I ought to be, after 20 years.

Thief 2: Oh, there’s something I ought to tell you.

Thief 1: Tell me.

Thief 2: I’m not left-handed either.

[Swaps weapons from D/S to S/D]

Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Fencing was never a sport that used off hand sword so why would this even be a thing.

As is you already have a fencing spec, S/D the only difference here is you dont use the OH dagger for parrying and poisoning.