Veteran entitlement mentality.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


oh no, this feels like verizons forced triple play….I don’t want a phone or tv, i can get that for free on the internet, I just want the internet, everything else in your ‘bundle’ deal is too expensive!!

-shudders- don’t you hate when they do that ?

but yeah, where can I get the version without heart of thorns, my neighbor just wants to make videos of me scared to put on youtube, please help.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

The only reason this has escalated is the preponderance of posters who think they can argue with opinion and are doing so in the same or worse tone than the people posting critically.

That’s exactly his point. They are not posting critically. They are posting like whiny children who get upset tummies because they’re not getting what they want. This is not a bazaar. You can’t haggle for the price. If you want HoT you need to shelf out 50$ no matter if you’re a veteran or a new player.

There’s nothing wrong with posting like a whiny child, and posting like that doesn’t make it not critical. If you have a problem with the way people post on this forum, report them, or don’t read what they have to say. The worst thing you can do when confronted with people who post like whiny children is to go full force against them or criticize them. If you don’t, the storm blows over, if you do, expect 1000+ post threads of pointless reiteration that make the company look bad.

And of course you can try to haggle for the price. The fact that people are doing it proves that. It’s probably pointless, sure, but so is pointing out that it is pointless. It all just perpetuates the pointlessness and it makes the community look bad.

In short, if you support ANet, the worst thing you can do is argue with disappointed people, because you can’t win and you actively contribute to making magnificent mountains out of insignificant molehills.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Straylight.7529


but yeah, where can I get the version without heart of thorns, my neighbor just wants to make videos of me scared to put on youtube, please help.

You can’t. You simply pay 50$ and get everything GW2 has to offer including new content. It’s up to you how much of that content you want to explore. They already give you the core game for free and it can’t go cheaper than that.

(edited by Straylight.7529)

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


so then you mean this bundle deal is no deal at all because there is no other choice ? wow. ok. thank you.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Yes it can be. I just did it. It’s a silly argument to say “they owe us a character slot because of new profession”. They don’t. For reasons that were stated numerous times.

The “we only had 5 slots at launch” is not a good argument, nor will it ever be.

At launch, you weren’t locked out of any profession individually, you were just locked out of picking them all. In hoT, you may be locked out of revenant without further investment.

Different situations. It’s the difference between being able to pick and not being able to pick. It’s the difference between having one or more slots, and zero slots. One or more slots means you can pick something. Zero slots means you can’t pick anything at all, unless you’re willing to pay even more.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


The only reason this has escalated is the preponderance of posters who think they can argue with opinion and are doing so in the same or worse tone than the people posting critically.

That’s… lol no. There’s a huge difference of attitude here.

Maybe it’s not hugely productive to respond in annoyance, but the false equivalence is in fact false.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

While I don’t feel entitled to anything. I feel a kitteneated with them being so stingy to the point that they would not include an extra character slot with the standard versions, at least for veteran players. This isn’t me feeling entitled. It’s me holding them to their own standard. They’ve always included an extra character slotin their expansions, which by the way had much more content and were priced the same or cheaper. I’m not angry about them including the base game. That’s a great deal for new players and is a great way to bring in new players. I would love to see this game expand. But come on. At least show you’re thinking of veterans. I honestly think something as small as the extra slot in the standard would have helped avoid all of this.

There you go. He feels entitled to an extra character slot.

I still don’t see it. I see someone criticizing ANet’s current policies as opposed to their past policies.

But thank you, I’ve come to an important understanding. Apparently, when people say “I feel that A”, some people read “A! A, you kitten! I demand A!”

I’m not sure how to go on participating on these forums if that’s a widespread affliction.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


to make your argument stand, you have to show me an un-expanded version of guildwars 2 on their site that i can purchase.

It doesn’t exist, just like your ‘entitlement’ argument.

I’ll prove it my way you will or you won’t understand the explanation that’s your issue, not mine.

I own the core GW2 Game, we all do, we’re playing it now. Once HoT goes live and I don’t buy it, I’m still playing the core GW2 Game. Easy to understand, right?

My core GW2 Game has a shiny metal box and Rytlock statue. It’s a real thing, I have the receipt, and I’m not going to buy it again.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: selan.8354


why people attacking vets that are upset? so u say we should keep quiet and just blindly accept the deal anet provides us with? so we arent allowed to voice our concerns and opinion? i have not only bought the game. I have brought in friends and also bought gems. i played over 4k hours and now i just feel like anet doesnt care and prefers new players. this deal makes me as a vet feel like that. little white knight cant change the way I feel because he doesnt want to understand how i feel. so instead of attacking, and keep being insulting to vets. how about accepting that they are unhappy and they have a right to voice that! every single one of them!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


It’s because they are paying for a game they already own, nothing to do with entitlement. These are 2 completely different things.

An example of entitlement would be: I’ve been here since beta, why should a newbie get 4000 gems with their ultimate package considering I’ve bought over 4000 gems myself. Anet, you owe me 8000.

That’s entitlement, what your describing OP is not.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


@aiden nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Straylight.7529


There’s nothing wrong with posting like a whiny child, and posting like that doesn’t make it not critical. If you have a problem with the way people post on this forum, report them, or don’t read what they have to say. The worst thing you can do when confronted with people who post like whiny children is to go full force against them or criticize them. If you don’t, the storm blows over, if you do, expect 1000+ post threads of pointless reiteration that make the company look bad.

And of course you can try to haggle for the price. The fact that people are doing it proves that. It’s probably pointless, sure, but so is pointing out that it is pointless. It all just perpetuates the pointlessness and it makes the community look bad.

In short, if you support ANet, the worst thing you can do is argue with disappointed people, because you can’t win and you actively contribute to making magnificent mountains out of insignificant molehills.

I’m not going “full force” against them. It’s actually rather the other way around. Also I’m not trying to “win”. I just try to camly explain to them that their whiny complaints are motivated by petty envy and a wrong sense of entitlement. It’s a good excercise on my way of becoming a Jedi Master.

Just like this Ricky fellow. I’m using him as practice right now.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

The only reason this has escalated is the preponderance of posters who think they can argue with opinion and are doing so in the same or worse tone than the people posting critically.

That’s… lol no. There’s a huge difference of attitude here.

Maybe it’s not hugely productive to respond in annoyance, but the false equivalence is in fact false.

There is no false equivalence. Both “sides” have a more than significant amount of bad eggs posting absolutely rotten rhetoric. The fact that there are sides at all is bad enough, because there shouldn’t be sides in an exchange of opinions, just opinions.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Straylight.7529


nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

Why would you choose the core game without expansion if you get the core game for free by buying the expansion? If the expansion content bothers you , just don’t venture into the new zones.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

Why would you choose the core game without expansion if you get the core game for free by buying the expansion? If the expansion content bothers you , just don’t venture into the new zones.

my friend is scared of heights :/

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


2 people walk into a bar.
Customer A bought a beer earlier, he’s bringing his friend customer B to try it out.
They only offer 1 package, it’s worth 50$, for a beer and a whisky.
Both customers pay their 50$, Customer A only gets the whisky because he bought the beer b4 and Customer B gets a beer and a whisky.
Customer A complains.
Tell me now, is Customer A entitled?
No, and that bar would be closed soon.

Guess what? Your argument just did the opposite of what your intentions are… Customer A bought a beer for $50 a while back. Now there’s whiskey that became available for sale but it includes beer. Customer B bought the whiskey and beer for $50. Customer A wants the whiskey so Customer A bought that same whiskey that Customer B just bought. Are you saying that Customer A isn’t entitled to another beer because he bought one for $50 before? You’re saying that Customer A should spend $110 to enjoy his whiskey only? Most of you would understand where I got $110 since Customer A now needs to spend $60 for part of the order that Customer B gets in full.

Now a business like that would definitely draw a lot of attention… consumer advocates, lawmakers, etc would definitely jump all over this as Customer A is deprived of what he/she paid for. I’m sure that bar would have customers fighting and it’ll be shutdown in no time.

-S o S-

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Straylight.7529


nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

Why would you choose the core game without expansion if you get the core game for free by buying the expansion? If the expansion content bothers you , just don’t venture into the new zones.

my friend is scared of heights :/

Don’t venture into the new zones then.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


i just want the core game, i’m the customer. why can’t I buy the core game alone ?

the current deal is I can get the expansion AND the core game free, so this is a claim that there are 2 products ….

I just want the main product. where can I get it on the official site ?

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

There’s nothing wrong with posting like a whiny child, and posting like that doesn’t make it not critical. If you have a problem with the way people post on this forum, report them, or don’t read what they have to say. The worst thing you can do when confronted with people who post like whiny children is to go full force against them or criticize them. If you don’t, the storm blows over, if you do, expect 1000+ post threads of pointless reiteration that make the company look bad.

And of course you can try to haggle for the price. The fact that people are doing it proves that. It’s probably pointless, sure, but so is pointing out that it is pointless. It all just perpetuates the pointlessness and it makes the community look bad.

In short, if you support ANet, the worst thing you can do is argue with disappointed people, because you can’t win and you actively contribute to making magnificent mountains out of insignificant molehills.

I’m not going “full force” against them. It’s actually rather the other way around. Also I’m not trying to “win”. I just try to camly explain to them that their whiny complaints are motivated by petty envy and a wrong sense of entitlement. It’s a good excercise on my way of becoming a Jedi Master.

Just like this Ricky fellow. I’m using him as practice right now.

Sad. The fact that you keep using terms like “whiny”, “petty”, “envy” and “entitlement” proves you are going full force. Terms like that never produce useful counterarguments, they only indicate a condescending lack of respect for another person’s opinion.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Reminder: Factions and NF came with TWO slots and it just so happens those games also added two classes.

But now? 2015 ANet? They make one class and give 0 slots. This just perfectly frames ANet in my eyes as having lost any heart and integrity they once had.

Do we get tired of going in circles with this? They were stand alone games that were compatible with Prophecies. If they had come with no character slots they’d be unplayable.

I do wonder at the time if the question was, “Prophecies came with 4 slots, but factions only comes with 2!”

Every account has 2 complimentary character slots. Each of the three campaigns adds 2 slots to the account.

failing to do simple research when you haven’t played the previous game makes it trolly.

Ironically those expansions were stand alone expansions at a value of a stand alone game, here we have a few maps plus rebuying the core at a standalone price.

You missed the point entirely in your desire for pedantry.

Nightfall and Factions had to come with character slots because they were standalone products. It’s an invalid comparison based on an essential lack of understanding of the GW1 business model.

Not to mention not understanding that the GW1 business model and the GW2 business model are massively different, so that’s at least 2 reasons it’s an invalid comparison.

Nightfall and Factions are not standalone products. You need the original Guild Wars Prophecy to play them. Have you even played the original Guild Wars to be saying misleading things like that?

Wow you are a big deceptive liar…

Those were standalones. I never owned GW1P…. I had both Factions and Nightfall as well as EoTN,,,,

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Reminder: Factions and NF came with TWO slots and it just so happens those games also added two classes.

But now? 2015 ANet? They make one class and give 0 slots. This just perfectly frames ANet in my eyes as having lost any heart and integrity they once had.

Do we get tired of going in circles with this? They were stand alone games that were compatible with Prophecies. If they had come with no character slots they’d be unplayable.

I do wonder at the time if the question was, “Prophecies came with 4 slots, but factions only comes with 2!”

Every account has 2 complimentary character slots. Each of the three campaigns adds 2 slots to the account.

failing to do simple research when you haven’t played the previous game makes it trolly.

Ironically those expansions were stand alone expansions at a value of a stand alone game, here we have a few maps plus rebuying the core at a standalone price.

You missed the point entirely in your desire for pedantry.

Nightfall and Factions had to come with character slots because they were standalone products. It’s an invalid comparison based on an essential lack of understanding of the GW1 business model.

Not to mention not understanding that the GW1 business model and the GW2 business model are massively different, so that’s at least 2 reasons it’s an invalid comparison.

Nightfall and Factions are not standalone products. You need the original Guild Wars Prophecy to play them. Have you even played the original Guild Wars to be saying misleading things like that?

Apparently you haven’t lol… awkward…

on topic… I am absolutely entitled to spend my $50 how I please. I earned it and have no requirement to give it to Anet. They have only shown $15-20 of content so I will give them no more than $15-20. No matter how much anyone kicks and screams and calls me names you can’t make me spent my money on HoT. Well at least not until the liberals get involved and make it illegal not to purchase HoT.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


well don’t give anyone ideas, they might just make armor a new feature in Heart of thorns and leave everyone in the un-expanded versions naked for not ‘obeying’ lol

Hey look what they did with the trait points ….years of playing normal and boom suddenly one day someone decided it was a treat to level

and lets not call making a grand master crafter grind, oh no, that’s just playing with axes picks trees, plants, and rocks ….a whoooooole lot, so much that that axes and picks break …alot and you have to buy more…….but it’s not grind!! yay!

yes, let’s call a spade a diamond!

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


Reminder: Factions and NF came with TWO slots and it just so happens those games also added two classes.

But now? 2015 ANet? They make one class and give 0 slots. This just perfectly frames ANet in my eyes as having lost any heart and integrity they once had.

Do we get tired of going in circles with this? They were stand alone games that were compatible with Prophecies. If they had come with no character slots they’d be unplayable.

I do wonder at the time if the question was, “Prophecies came with 4 slots, but factions only comes with 2!”

Every account has 2 complimentary character slots. Each of the three campaigns adds 2 slots to the account.

failing to do simple research when you haven’t played the previous game makes it trolly.

Ironically those expansions were stand alone expansions at a value of a stand alone game, here we have a few maps plus rebuying the core at a standalone price.

You missed the point entirely in your desire for pedantry.

Nightfall and Factions had to come with character slots because they were standalone products. It’s an invalid comparison based on an essential lack of understanding of the GW1 business model.

Not to mention not understanding that the GW1 business model and the GW2 business model are massively different, so that’s at least 2 reasons it’s an invalid comparison.

Nightfall and Factions are not standalone products. You need the original Guild Wars Prophecy to play them. Have you even played the original Guild Wars to be saying misleading things like that?

Wow you are a big deceptive liar…

Those were standalones. I never owned GW1P…. I had both Factions and Nightfall as well as EoTN,,,,

Sorry, my bad… I always had Prophecies so I didn’t ever just installed just 1 without already having Prophecies. However, they all had character slots added to what you already have.

-S o S-

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


@aiden nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

I have a choice… I don’t need to buy the core game again I already have it.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Reminder: Factions and NF came with TWO slots and it just so happens those games also added two classes.

But now? 2015 ANet? They make one class and give 0 slots. This just perfectly frames ANet in my eyes as having lost any heart and integrity they once had.

Do we get tired of going in circles with this? They were stand alone games that were compatible with Prophecies. If they had come with no character slots they’d be unplayable.

I do wonder at the time if the question was, “Prophecies came with 4 slots, but factions only comes with 2!”

Every account has 2 complimentary character slots. Each of the three campaigns adds 2 slots to the account.

failing to do simple research when you haven’t played the previous game makes it trolly.

Ironically those expansions were stand alone expansions at a value of a stand alone game, here we have a few maps plus rebuying the core at a standalone price.

You missed the point entirely in your desire for pedantry.

Nightfall and Factions had to come with character slots because they were standalone products. It’s an invalid comparison based on an essential lack of understanding of the GW1 business model.

Not to mention not understanding that the GW1 business model and the GW2 business model are massively different, so that’s at least 2 reasons it’s an invalid comparison.

Nightfall and Factions are not standalone products. You need the original Guild Wars Prophecy to play them. Have you even played the original Guild Wars to be saying misleading things like that?

Wow you are a big deceptive liar…

Those were standalones. I never owned GW1P…. I had both Factions and Nightfall as well as EoTN,,,,

That’s a bit far maybe he doesn’t know

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Reminder: Factions and NF came with TWO slots and it just so happens those games also added two classes.

But now? 2015 ANet? They make one class and give 0 slots. This just perfectly frames ANet in my eyes as having lost any heart and integrity they once had.

Do we get tired of going in circles with this? They were stand alone games that were compatible with Prophecies. If they had come with no character slots they’d be unplayable.

I do wonder at the time if the question was, “Prophecies came with 4 slots, but factions only comes with 2!”

Every account has 2 complimentary character slots. Each of the three campaigns adds 2 slots to the account.

failing to do simple research when you haven’t played the previous game makes it trolly.

Ironically those expansions were stand alone expansions at a value of a stand alone game, here we have a few maps plus rebuying the core at a standalone price.

You missed the point entirely in your desire for pedantry.

Nightfall and Factions had to come with character slots because they were standalone products. It’s an invalid comparison based on an essential lack of understanding of the GW1 business model.

Not to mention not understanding that the GW1 business model and the GW2 business model are massively different, so that’s at least 2 reasons it’s an invalid comparison.

Nightfall and Factions are not standalone products. You need the original Guild Wars Prophecy to play them. Have you even played the original Guild Wars to be saying misleading things like that?

Apparently you haven’t lol… awkward…

on topic… I am absolutely entitled to spend my $50 how I please. I earned it and have no requirement to give it to Anet. They have only shown $15-20 of content so I will give them no more than $15-20. No matter how much anyone kicks and screams and calls me names you can’t make me spent my money on HoT. Well at least not until the liberals get involved and make it illegal not to purchase HoT.

I was with you until the liberal comment, I’m a liberal and I disaprove of HoT

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sollith.3502


I’m entitled to exactly what I paid for.
I’m entitled to equal value for my money.

By the way some veteran players like myself paid $150 for GW2 so we didn’t get anything for free.

This sums up my thoughts.

It also doesn’t help that many games have released “expansions” which are really dlc in disguise, charging for 40-80% of what the original game cost, only for players to find they get 10% of what they received when they bought the game when it originally.

They need to just do something to alleviate player anxiety over the purchase; start showing more teasers of the xpac and show just how big it is (if it really is that big of an xpac at all). If it isn’t as big of a content expansion as it should be for the amount being paid, then they really need to think about adding some value for the existing players.

The reason I say for the existing players is because they are only getting maybe 50% of the value out of the purchase that newer players would be getting.

It’s like buying a console and then the only way to purchase a game you want is to buy the console that is bundled with the game…

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Then don’t pay.

The trick is, if you say “It’s not fair!” or “Arenanet owes us this!” or any of the other

I think a lot of the inter-player conflict in this goes along this.

1) A few really loud voices go crazy and throw out this over-the-top spoiled language.
2) Lots of people who don’t like the cost, are annoyed by needing to clear or buy a slot, etc. get onboard digging that sweet outrage high.
3) Another group reacts to that first group the way you feel when you see a particularly spoiled child nagging their mother at the grocery store.
4) The people who aren’t so strident (or didn’t start that way) are both insulted by the implication they’re being bratty children and double down due to the opposition effect, coming closer to the actual bratty children squalling up in point 1.

I like how you managed to label anyone having issues with the pricing in one way or another as irrational. That takes some doing. Masterful ad hominem.

Slow clap

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


@aiden nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

I have a choice… I don’t need to buy the core game again I already have it.

Me 2. I don’t need the core game already. Can we buy something that we don’t already own? I only had the game for a couple of months.

The BG Super Munster!

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


@aiden nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

I have a choice… I don’t need to buy the core game again I already have it.

what core game, can you show me a link to buy this core game without the expansion ?

there is no 2nd program, there is no buy 1 get one free deal, because there is only one game. Hot. guildwars 2 has been replaced by hot.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: littlebabyprincess.9786


@aiden nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

I have a choice… I don’t need to buy the core game again I already have it.

what core game, can you show me a link to buy this core game without the expansion ?

there is no 2nd program, there is no buy 1 get one free deal, because there is only one game. Hot. guildwars 2 has been replaced by hot.

You can’t get 1 free if there is only 1 game. My mom and dad says no. They told me that the greedy companies we cannot support.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ephemiel.5694


I like pumpkin pie.

“Would you kindly?”

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MMOGamer.6175


lol, there IS no core game, show me where I can purchase a Core game..

HOT is the core game, there is no value of 2 products being purchased as one.

This is an upgrade, not an expansion. Else there would be an independent product that can be purchased with which we can expand upon.

No such product exists. Let’s try to fix this mess by shattering this obfuscating marketing illusion. Guildwars 2 version 1 has been replaced by Heart of Thorns. Heart of Thorns is the New and improved core version, it is guildwars 2 version 2.0 or guildwars 3 if that makes it more appealing. call it the life and times of wesley quaggan for all i care …but don’t call it a 2 product value because there are not 2 products versions available to be purchased on the guildwars 2 site Just heart of thorns.

Ok I’ll bite………….

Q. What happens to accounts that don’t upgrade to HoT?

OK, I’ll answer that too.
They stay as a core game, thus the core game STILL exists.

Glad ArenaNet isn’t a car dealership.
You would have to rebuy your old car packaged with your new car.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


@aiden nah, we are beyond that. There IS no choice to get the core game alone.

There is no fantastic deal when you have no choice. that’s pretty simple to understand.

I have a choice… I don’t need to buy the core game again I already have it.

what core game, can you show me a link to buy this core game without the expansion ?

there is no 2nd program, there is no buy 1 get one free deal, because there is only one game. Hot. guildwars 2 has been replaced by hot.

You can’t get 1 free if there is only 1 game. My mom and dad says no. They told me that the greedy companies we cannot support.

I like you baby princess, but good luck with that not supporting any companies ever ><

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


lol, and that’s why i said from the official site…..

posting “OLD” versions of an upgraded software on amazon is normal.
this is not an expansion, this is an upgrade.
it’s such a simple concept that will solve much confusion.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kill.3458


Click the link below the comment box that says “Buy GW2 today”, where does it send you. Using other retailers to try to strengthen your argument actually does the opposite. ANet has since said there are NO plans to sell the core game and expansion separately. So what does this mean for other retailers?

As time goes on they’ll all be selling GW2 HoT and its separate editions as the new base game….

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


So many people in this thread actually anger me.

Its gamers who roll over and take whatever a company gives them while also berating and insulting gamers who do not that ruin things and make it tougher for every gamer.

You’re part of the problem if you blindly look to defend a company for its business practices despite it actually harming loyal players. It angers me because you’re also the ones responsible for rewarding so many gaming companies for releasing unfinished games and squeezing every gamer of as much money as they can get.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


lol, and that’s why i said from the official site…..

posting “OLD” versions of an upgraded software on amazon is normal.
this is not an expansion, this is an upgrade.
it’s such a simple concept that will solve much confusion.

That’s what you asked for. You don’t get to tell me you want a link from the official site. If you’re incapable of comprehending the answer don’t ask the question.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Click the link below the comment box that says “Buy GW2 today”, where does it send you. Using other retailers to try to strengthen your argument actually does the opposite. ANet has since said there are NO plans to sell the core game and expansion separately. So what does this mean for other retailers?

As time goes on they’ll all be selling GW2 HoT and its separate editions as the new base game….

This is true. It is also true that I will not buy a bundle which includes software I already own.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kill.3458


Click the link below the comment box that says “Buy GW2 today”, where does it send you. Using other retailers to try to strengthen your argument actually does the opposite. ANet has since said there are NO plans to sell the core game and expansion separately. So what does this mean for other retailers?

As time goes on they’ll all be selling GW2 HoT and its separate editions as the new base game….

This is true. It is also true that I will not buy a bundle which includes software I already own.

I wholeheartedly and with you on this one, I merely stated the obvious to the ignorant people trying to use outside retailers as justification for ANets actions.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


TO the op why does such an intelligent person as you seem so ignorant towards peoples rights to speak for themselves when they see something is poor value and poor treatment.

There is no such thing as loyalty from any company no matter what they say but there is good customer care. We owe GW 2 nothing and they owe us nothing but there are expectations.

First we were told when we bought the game we would be getting frequent free updates regards the Living Story. We did. Some people paid £49.00 for the original game but including LS it was fantastic value for money but that’s what we were paying for.

Many of us hoped for a big expansion pack and we don’t mind paying for it. When HoT was detailed at first some of us felt it wasn’t that much and it certainly wouldn’t have the same playtime for many of us as the base game. We have not had the LS story for a long time so we obviously know this is to replace the free LS updates this year most probably or at least for 6 months.

We expected reasonable value for it. £20.99 to £24.99 is acceptable for me with a free character slot. Well what Aney offered is much costlier and certainly not value for money for many of us because the current new content we know about now has absolutely no way near the life the original game has.

Anet obviously know a lot of people have invested a lot of time on this game and money in the gem store and they are betting on people, happily or angrily, buying the expansion because the only other options is their characters will stop progressing through the game as a whole. They are treating us like a captured audience they can manipulate.

We are not though. It’s not like we are stuck in a music festival having to buy drinks at extortionate prices as we were not allowed to bring our own. We can walk away to other games. I’m sure most if not many of us have done this before. I already moved on but would have come back for a fairly priced HoT even if for a short time. It won’t happen at this price.

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ricky.4706


lol, and that’s why i said from the official site…..

posting “OLD” versions of an upgraded software on amazon is normal.
this is not an expansion, this is an upgrade.
it’s such a simple concept that will solve much confusion.

That’s what you asked for. You don’t get to tell me you want a link from the official site. If you’re incapable of comprehending the answer don’t ask the question.

all you are establishing is that the new player is getting a 39.99 value with 5 slots and ultimately getting the expansion for 10 dollars, an established player has to pay 74,99 dollars to get 1 slot and 1 expansion.

If you are incapable of understanding that, enjoy the beta – you paid for that right to be a bug hunter for free. cheap labor at it’s finest, beyond cheap you are paying for it. PT Barnum would love this. I’ll wait till you sort out the bugs and they have a more reasonable sale. No rush, so much to do in the main game still. I still need to let a skritt turn me into a jackalope or something like that, plenty to keep me busy for a few years actually.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MMOGamer.6175


Hey guys, I have this reserve Windows 10 popup on my bottom right taskbar, so I click it and I have to purchase Windows 7 Home Premium again to get my Windows 10.

Glad ArenaNet isn’t a car dealership.
You would have to rebuy your old car packaged with your new car.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ODB.6891


I paid $150 for GW2. I paid $100 for HoT. All because I feel like I get more than my money’s worth. I’ve never looked at what the player next to me payed or what they recieved. But it looks like I am in the minority.

What would you like Anet to include in the veteran version?

Character slots. It wouldn’t be exactly equivalent to getting two games for the price of one, but it would be an acceptable compromise to me at least. I’m not just talking about 1 character slot either…I think it should be approximately 2-3 character slots included. When I purchased the original game…for this same price, I got 5 character slots, tons of new maps, all of the current professions, etc. With this purchase, I stand to get 1 new profession (without even an available slot to create it), 1 acknowledged new map, some wvw/pvp stuff (less than from the original purchase), and an additional trait line/options for characters (i got 5 trait lines for each character with my original purchase). The rest of the new stuff is going to be released to everyone without any purchase…so not considered in the $50.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Hey guys, I have this reserve Windows 10 popup on my bottom right taskbar, so I click it and I have to purchase Windows 7 Home Premium again to get my Windows 10.

“Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users”


" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ODB.6891


Theres a third option too, dont buy it. See how simple it is?

1. I would say a significant percentage of vets have already decided not to buy it.
2. Regardless of whether they are going to buy it or not…they have every right to voice their opinion on these forums about it.
3. Its funny how every white knight about this falls back to the “don’t buy it statement”…after all of their intended points have been countered into nothingness.
4. Loop back to #1

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Click the link below the comment box that says “Buy GW2 today”, where does it send you. Using other retailers to try to strengthen your argument actually does the opposite. ANet has since said there are NO plans to sell the core game and expansion separately. So what does this mean for other retailers?

As time goes on they’ll all be selling GW2 HoT and its separate editions as the new base game….

This is true. It is also true that I will not buy a bundle which includes software I already own.

Then don’t buy it. Simple enough. But when you consider almost every other MMO, including ones that charged and are now free, you’d have paid for those games at launch and people were getting them free. There’s really no difference, except in your head.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


lol, and that’s why i said from the official site…..

posting “OLD” versions of an upgraded software on amazon is normal.
this is not an expansion, this is an upgrade.
it’s such a simple concept that will solve much confusion.

That’s what you asked for. You don’t get to tell me you want a link from the official site. If you’re incapable of comprehending the answer don’t ask the question.

all you are establishing is that the new player is getting a 39.99 value with 5 slots and ultimately getting the expansion for 10 dollars, an established player has to pay 74,99 dollars to get 1 slot and 1 expansion.

If you are incapable of understanding that, enjoy the beta – you paid for that right to be a bug hunter for free. cheap labor at it’s finest, beyond cheap you are paying for it. PT Barnum would love this. I’ll wait till you sort out the bugs and they have a more reasonable sale. No rush, so much to do in the main game still. I still need to let a skritt turn me into a jackalope or something like that, plenty to keep me busy for a few years actually.

You’re hilarious. Seriously you actually think I’m not comprending this? I’m not buying the expansion read my tag and then ask yourself why you would assume I did.

I provided a link proving that New players are getting a better value for their purchase than vets. I don’t expect you to admit you misunderstood and I don’t need you to but next time try to keep up.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

(edited by Aidenwolf.5964)

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daddar.5971


It’s really simple for me. HoT might be worth $50 if included a character slot, if the best-case scenario about what might be included pans out. I know for sure I’m not going to spend $50 for what’s been shown + $10 more for a slot so I can roll a Revenant. SIMPLY. NOT. HAPPENING. No entitlement here, just an unwillingness to be fleeced.

However, if I were a new customer, heck YES I’d take the deal A-net is offering them! But, I’m not a new customer…

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


It’s really simple for me. HoT might be worth $50 if included a character slot, if the best-case scenario about what might be included pans out. I know for sure I’m not going to spend $50 for what’s been shown + $10 more for a slot so I can roll a Revenant. SIMPLY. NOT. HAPPENING. No entitlement here, just an unwillingness to be fleeced.

However, if I were a new customer, heck YES I’d take the deal A-net is offering them! But, I’m not a new customer…

New customers are certainly getting a great deal. The problem is if any new players wanted to play GW2 they’d already be playing. Anet might be in for an exciting time.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ