What's your biggest worry...
Well, why worry? Worrying isn’t going to make anything happen. How about we wait until they announce everything.
I’m concerned with the overall size of the expansion in terms of added territory. If we go this rate that means we get an expansion every 2-3 years, that probably will cost $20-30, and only add a few maps (no matter how large or impressive they may be) then I’m seriously wondering when we will explore all of Tyria and get to move on to Cantha/Elona/Utopia. I would rather they hire a bunch more people, make much larger expansions, and charge us more for the expansions. I want to see Cantha and Elona in thenext decade please!
That HoT is little more than Silverwaste 2.0, the remnants of LS Season 2, and a feature patch all packaged together and sold as an expansion.
1. That “Challenging content” is implemented poorly. While I’ll reserve final judgement for release, challenging to me is not racing against people for a higher leader-board score while everyone can do the adventure (as seen the the POI). to me it is a clear cut thing, you were skilled enough to complete this adventure, here is your unique reward well done/ you failed as a result you died and you also get nothing because failure should not be rewarded. Challenging is <90% of the player-base being physically unable to complete the piece of content with that % getting even higher the more challenging content faced.
2. That masteries are just an exp grind. I thought masteries would be a nice progression system that to reach the top of it you had to complete nearly every piece of content in every game mode. Instead it looks like you just level up as usual with the only advantage being high end people can have more mastery tracks active, while a lower end player can still match them in any individual track.
3. Story pacing, I feel currently the story is progressing very slowly, if we don’t kill mordy and setup for the 3rd dragon in this expansion I worry we’ll never move on to additional story lines.
4. That all the new zones are farm happy face-rolls like drytop and the silver wastes. They shower the player with lots of loot for doing practically nothing making other areas of the game look less rewarding and also not placing enough emphasis on individual player skill and the idea of highly skilled play being uniquely rewarded or that you the player should be constantly improving.
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
1. That “Challenging content” is implemented poorly. While I’ll reserve final judgement for release, challenging to me is not racing against people for a higher leader-board score while everyone can do the adventure (as seen the the POI). to me it is a clear cut thing, you were skilled enough to complete this adventure, here is your unique reward well done/ you failed as a result you died and you also get nothing because failure should not be rewarded. Challenging is <90% of the player-base being physically unable to complete the piece of content with that % getting even higher the more challenging content faced.
its really funny how many pve elitists are afraid of to compete with the real deal, another human and not a stupid scripted AI.
My only worry is that the expaion will be so awesome that peoples computer will explode
1. That “Challenging content” is implemented poorly. While I’ll reserve final judgement for release, challenging to me is not racing against people for a higher leader-board score while everyone can do the adventure (as seen the the POI). to me it is a clear cut thing, you were skilled enough to complete this adventure, here is your unique reward well done/ you failed as a result you died and you also get nothing because failure should not be rewarded. Challenging is <90% of the player-base being physically unable to complete the piece of content with that % getting even higher the more challenging content faced.
its really funny how many pve elitists are afraid of to compete with the real deal, another human and not a stupid scripted AI.
I’ve no problem competing against players the zypheryte races were great fun, what I care about is the rewards and using an ever changing leader-board system how exactly are they going to distribute and lock-down rewards? If someone is knocked out of the leaderboards is their reward taken away? Either answer to that question creates a whole slew of problems.
From a rewards perspective a clear yes/no condition is far better and easier to implement. Yes you did the thing we designed 95% of the player-base to be unable to do you get the reward, No you failed you get nothing.
Also from experience most PvE leaderboards end up with an upper limit I.E only 99 vines spawn/it’s physically impossible to kill more than that and eventually more and more people end up with the max score resulting in a pretty poor leader-board.
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
My biggest issue is the vertical integration. I loth and despise being able to fall off things while I’m trying to concentrate on a fight.
I worry about the cost. I have four games to pay for after all.
I don’t have much to comment on, because I tend to take things like this in stride, but I do have one comment about the whole trying to get away from quest things. No, that’s not what we’re trying to do. What we’re trying to do is get away from traditional quests.
That is go to a guy, read a wall of text run around and do something, then run back and talk to the guy again to get a reward.
This isn’t feel or sound like at all.
Dynamic events are just organic quests. You’re protecting someone, gathering something, killing a bunch of things. They’re different from quests really only in their organic nature.
These adventures are organic as well. They spawn out of the outposts. It doesn’t seem like anything different to me than quest chains we’ve had since launch.
More to the point, in the Silverwastes, there’s a breech event that only occurs after the bar progresses. If adventures are basically like that, how is it different than what we already have?
I’m worried about the level number going away now. There is no way to see if anyone is 80 or lower for core content. This will really divide players more and make new players feel left out of old and new content.
Instead of looking at my party area, I will have to ask what their level is… of course 80 is required for southsun, orr, frostgorge and wastes areas and the new HoT maps, but dungeons? I should only have to look at my HUD!
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
I’m worried about the forums becoming overrun in complaints and flames on release day.
I’m worried that ArenaNet considers the Living World and World Bosses to be “Challenging Group Content.”
I am not worried about anything. Pointless to worry about an expansion that hasn’t even been released, yet. It is just a game, and I have enough stress in my real life without adding needless worry over a part of a computer game that isn’t even here yet.
Sheesh. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
I’m concerned about Guild housing being an extremely big let-down. So… instead of being able to put down buildings/furniture, all we’ll get is a “Build Tavern for 15K influence!” and it just erects as some static model that has four tables, one bar top, three patrons, a barkeep merchant, and ten stools.
I find the spec kinda troubling. I love the idea and want it so bad. But people seem to be getting strange impressions about it. I was thinking it’d be the same as in every other mmo with multiple specs to choose from, with semi-permanent consequences. But now they’re saying that not only can we change between them super easily like we change our traits, but people seem to be under the impression that it’s one per class, which doesn’t make much sense to me. All of this really seems like specs aren’t going to be a big deal, which totally sucks since that’s what i was looking forward to the most.
well my worry is that a-net will continune the trend of really REALLY kittenty charr and asura armor and so barely any rewards to look forward to like i did now since almost 2 years. Why do i worry about it besides the given record and the available evidence in the wardrobe? Well…remember the trailer for HoT and the hammer engi? Remember his helmet?
This seems to be the charr version of it…i think my worries are justified.
I’m worried about the pace, before and after the release.
They announced it so early I’m worried they will wait too long before releasing it, especially since there won’t be substantial updates as far as we know.
I’m also worried that, after release, we will have to way years before having, for example, new specializations etc.
But as some said, worrying won’t change anything, so I’m just trying to be thrilled as much as possible waiting for the release (please may it be soon!)
Son of Elonia.
The only thing I worry about is that they don’t fix the hobosacks on the engineers.
The only thing I worry about is that they don’t fix the hobosacks on the engineers.
oh yea add that to my list too
only thing I’m a bit worried about right now is that specializations wont be distinctive enough to make different specializations for different profession really different from their base profession… but I’m still waiting for some more detailed info about at least one specialization to judge the feature itself
I’m more worried about the whole “map full of events leading to other events” stuff.
It’s not the idea that’s getting me worried, I actually think it’s a cool thing… it’s the players :
I love to explore at my pace, try to do some map climbing at random places that aren’t Jumping Puzzles, take my time to do some screenshots/videos, or even roleplay with friends from time to time. But lately, there’s more and more people just getting angry and insulting me if I’m not doing the events.
So, yeah, I get it, you’d rather have kitteneful player on the map you could taxi and stuff, and having a few people not doing an event while staying close upscales it for other players.
I do a lot of PvE and I also farm like most players too, so, yeah, I know. But the fact is, I like to be able to do something other than bashing monsters or doing events sometimes, and the hate I’m getting from other players when that happens really kittenes me. I’m afraid it’s going to be worst and worst with the new maps. :/ Can’t I just play how I want and where I want without being seen as a troll ?
That we dont get a release date and ppl will lose interest for hot.Market is competitive and some other mmos wil get major updates with new content before gw2 even announce beta.
Biggest worries:
1.‘bigger’ PvE fights will still be designed kitten: no need for defensive stats or really anything beyond fullzerk, boons and the occasinal reflection skill.
2.no new dungeons
3.fight mordrem all day erryday and barely anything else.
4.barely any new armor sets and some of the ones we might get will be kittenty retextures of existing ones (like luminescent set) and/or require a ridiculous amount of grind. and of course there will be skirts and trenchcoats and it will look awful on charr because they cant be kitten d not to cut the horns of or make special boots.
5.that the specialisations are either buggy, not worth it or make the default class completely obsolete. also, that anet just brings out this one package of specialisations and then forgets about it in the future, similar to how they gave each class one new healing skill and then dropped that.
6.no/not enough balance changes
edit: oh, and 7.: that we get more kitten currencies for new stuff that will be forgotten about after a short time with no consistency whatsoever. like karma, fractal relics, pristine fractal relics and all that stuff.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by RashanDale.3609)
My main worry is that the difficulty of the new stuff is too high for random teaming to work along with being required to actually get anywhere with traits and such.
I also hope that the specilizations wont be required to get for your char to stay competetive and instead them just being an option to the normal classes.
My only fear is that everyone will think my sylvari is evil and try to set me on fire or put me in a stew as the only vegetable :c
Biggest worry? That the Mastery portion of the Trait system isn’t going to fix the Trait problem.
Secondary? Stupid vertical maps. I hated Dry Top for it, and I’ll likely loathe a fair portion of HoT’s new maps. :\
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Not really a worry, but an expectation: that HoT will be a glorified Living Story chapter combining the most player-unfriendly and mind-numbingly repetitive aspects of Dry Top and the Silverwastes with system updates that will make the trait system redesign and NPE look like fun-filled frolics in wonderland.
Ironic, I suppose, that the less I knew about HoT, the more enthusiastic I was for it.
It’s like the John Carter movie. I wanted so very much for it to be good, to be at least reasonably true to the source material, and even though the trailers revealed enough to show that it wouldn’t be, I still couldn’t help hoping…
Not really a worry, but an expectation: that HoT will be a glorified Living Story chapter combining the most player-unfriendly and mind-numbingly repetitive aspects of Dry Top and the Silverwastes with system updates that will make the trait system redesign and NPE look like fun-filled frolics in wonderland.
Haha .. yeah .. exactly this ^^
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
My only fear is that everyone will think my sylvari is evil and try to set me on fire or put me in a stew as the only vegetable :c
That’ll be me, tasty silvari soup.
My only fear is that everyone will think my sylvari is evil and try to set me on fire or put me in a stew as the only vegetable :c
That’ll be me
, tasty silvari soup.
:o I’m more bite than bark ;3 if you spare me I will Appreciate it Sylvari much xD
My only fear is that everyone will think my sylvari is evil and try to set me on fire or put me in a stew as the only vegetable :c
That’ll be me
, tasty silvari soup.
:o I’m more bite than bark ;3 if you spare me I will like you Sylvari much xD
Great one!
I’m worried about the forums becoming overrun in complaints and flames on release day.
I’m also worried that I’ll get eye cancer or want to gouge my own eyes out from merely seeing all those threads.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
My only fear is that everyone will think my sylvari is evil and try to set me on fire or put me in a stew as the only vegetable :c
That’ll be me
, tasty silvari soup.
:o I’m more bite than bark ;3 if you spare me I will Appreciate it Sylvari much xD
Am I barking up the wrong tree, or are you Chlorafilling
(edited by Moo.3408)
I’m worried about the level number going away now. There is no way to see if anyone is 80 or lower for core content. This will really divide players more and make new players feel left out of old and new content.
Instead of looking at my party area, I will have to ask what their level is… of course 80 is required for southsun, orr, frostgorge and wastes areas and the new HoT maps, but dungeons? I should only have to look at my HUD!
You’ve done it. You’ve won the award for ‘Most Vacuous Complaint.’ Please come to the front to receive your trophy.
Unless of course you’re trolling, if so, then good job! :P I’m very poor at detecting that sort of thing.
My worries are:
- That the content between now and release will be too light.
- That there is no “Personal Story” content at launch and that we have to wait a long time for the Living World story to restart.
- That the maps will be too few and too similar.
- That there won’t be many new skins added to the game as part of basic HoT.
- That condition stacks won’t be “fixed” for large scale PvE.
- That the new systems they introduce will be abandoned in the future rather than expanded on (like guild missions).
Edit (and yes, these are the two sides of the same worry coin):
- That the new maps will require large numbers of players to progress through their stages so you’ll never be able to see the “final stages” of the map if you’re playing in the off hours.
- That large numbers of players playing will mean that the maps stay in their “final stage” and so you never see the start stage unless you get a new megaserver instance.
(edited by Pifil.5193)
My biggest fear is definetely that the HoT maps are too similar to Dry Top and the Silverwastes. In my opinion Dry Top and the Silverwastes are way too focused on zerging and farming. They are also lacking in the variety of their events.
I understand that they try to have this map-wide event that they want to tie everything to but I enjoy the way it is done in Orr (specifically Straits of Devastation but also the other two zones) way more than the way it is done in Dry Top and the Silverwastes. It feels much more organic and there is much more variety in the look and feel of the events and of the areas in which they take place.
I’m worried about the level number going away now. There is no way to see if anyone is 80 or lower for core content. This will really divide players more and make new players feel left out of old and new content.
Instead of looking at my party area, I will have to ask what their level is… of course 80 is required for southsun, orr, frostgorge and wastes areas and the new HoT maps, but dungeons? I should only have to look at my HUD!
Since masteries are only unlocked when a character is level 80, you do not have to worry about this. When you see a character’s mastery points you automatically know the character is level 80.
(edited by Diovid.9506)
My biggest fear is definetely that the HoT maps are too similar to Dry Top and the Silverwastes. In my opinion Dry Top and the Silverwastes are way too focused on zerging and farming. They are also lacking in the variety of their events.
I understand that they try to have this map-wide event that they want to tie everything to but I enjoy the way it is done in Orr (specifically Straits of Devastation but also the other two zones) way more than the way it is done in Dry Top and the Silverwastes. It feels much more organic and there is much more variety in the look and feel of the events and of the areas in which they take place.
I’m worried about the level number going away now. There is no way to see if anyone is 80 or lower for core content. This will really divide players more and make new players feel left out of old and new content.
Instead of looking at my party area, I will have to ask what their level is… of course 80 is required for southsun, orr, frostgorge and wastes areas and the new HoT maps, but dungeons? I should only have to look at my HUD!
Since masteries are only unlocked when a character is level 80, you do not have to worry about this. When you see a character’s mastery points you automatically know the character is level 80.
This is my exact worry as well. Dry Top and Silverwastes are fine for people who enjoy farming and grinding, but that goes against the spirit of the game. I find the rest of the open world to be much more enjoyable (even with less ‘rewards’), than those two zones.
my biggest worry is simple, not being able to at least try the expansion without buying it.
and i am not talking about PAX, not everyone is able to get to PAX, i am talking about a beta that anyone can try.
They won’t touch dungeons and just leave them as they are. Honestly most encounters in this game need to be completely reworked. Many are very dull and need to be reworked completely. The AI is incredibly stupid and the mechanics behind bosses don’t really do anything, or the bosses have no mechanics. They may do something like “knocks down” or “enrages” but they arn’t mechanics you need to worry about.
I think that a rework of most of the dungeon paths in this game to create truly interesting encounters would go way beyond just adding a new dungeon or two. Also theyd have to make them more rewarding if they made them have some sort of difficulty to them.
I’m a little concerned that the challenging content might go overboard in a misguided attempt to appeal to a vocal minority, but overall the new features sound great to me. My biggest worry is that quality of life won’t get much attention.
Guild Wars 2 is a great game that’s had some really brilliant iteration over the years, but that iteration hasn’t always been thorough. There are a ton of inconsistencies and leftover confusions that may not seem like much on their own, but really add up, and it really hurts the appeal of the game to new players. A lot of ones I was even taking for granted are being brought to my attention now that I got a couple of new people into the game.
Honestly, I think I would be happy with an expansion that did nothing but clean those things up (I mentioned several on a separate thread I posted not long ago, but that was before I started playing with new people). Few things bother me about a game as it ages than all the little loose ends, and they really are a detriment to bringing new players in, which is necessary for a healthy, long-lasting game.
(edited by Jokubas.4265)
My biggest fear is definetely that the HoT maps are too similar to Dry Top and the Silverwastes. In my opinion Dry Top and the Silverwastes are way too focused on zerging and farming. They are also lacking in the variety of their events.
I understand that they try to have this map-wide event that they want to tie everything to but I enjoy the way it is done in Orr (specifically Straits of Devastation but also the other two zones) way more than the way it is done in Dry Top and the Silverwastes. It feels much more organic and there is much more variety in the look and feel of the events and of the areas in which they take place.
I’m worried about the level number going away now. There is no way to see if anyone is 80 or lower for core content. This will really divide players more and make new players feel left out of old and new content.
Instead of looking at my party area, I will have to ask what their level is… of course 80 is required for southsun, orr, frostgorge and wastes areas and the new HoT maps, but dungeons? I should only have to look at my HUD!
Since masteries are only unlocked when a character is level 80, you do not have to worry about this. When you see a character’s mastery points you automatically know the character is level 80.
This is my exact worry as well. Dry Top and Silverwastes are fine for people who enjoy farming and grinding, but that goes against the spirit of the game. I find the rest of the open world to be much more enjoyable (even with less ‘rewards’), than those two zones.
I also agree. I feel like those zones have nothing to do in them besides complete the mapwide meta. I can only do that so many times, otherwise it just becomes grindy. Also, they are meta events that arn’t really hard to do. If vinewrath was considered to be on par with the “challenging” content in this expansion, id be rather upset.
What's your biggest worry...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
Atm my biggest worry is the new trait system somehow being worse than the current one. Anet probably tries to invent another ‘innovative and edgy’ system while the first system (the trait books) were just fine.
~Sincerely, Scissors
My only worry is that there will not be enough time in the day for me to enjoy HoT! But seriously, they havent announced hardly anything yet, its all just been teaser stuff. Until we see some actual new content I’m not worried. There’s no sense in worrying about something that may never be worth worrying over.
adding more dead end-concepts
WWW exp – we reach the cap and it is useles
MG find we reach the cap and essences of luck are useless
EXP we train masterys and when we get them all xp gets useless
and more to come looking forward to them :/
I’m a little concerned that the challenging content might go overboard in a misguided attempt to appeal to a vocal minority, but overall the new features sound great to me. My biggest worry is that quality of life won’t get much attention.
Guild Wars 2 is a great game that’s had some really brilliant iteration over the years, but that iteration hasn’t always been thorough. There are a ton of inconsistencies and leftover confusions that may not seem like much on their own, but really add up, and it really hurts the appeal of the game to new players. A lot of ones I was even taking for granted are being brought to my attention now that I got a couple of new people into the game.
Honestly, I think I would be happy with an expansion that did nothing but clean those things up (I mentioned several on a separate thread I posted not long ago, but that was before I started playing with new people). Few things bother me about a game as it ages than all the little loose ends, and they really are a detriment to bringing new players in, which is necessary for a healthy, long-lasting game.
I think the community that wants challenging content or would be okay with it is actually much much bigger than most people think. Ive met more people in pve who could do challenging content or would prefer something more challenging, than actual people who just want soft kitty content to farm.
I mean look at the amount of people doing teq and the wurm when they came out. Loads and loads of people and servers were doing them. I think those bosses and the marionette showed a great desire for more challenging content in this game.
First world problem. Worrying about a product for a company you own no part of.
Why are you worried about the expansion not being X. You act like worrying about it is going to have an impact on X happening or not.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
First world problem. Worrying about a product for a company you own no part of.
Why are you worried about the expansion not being X. You act like worrying about it is going to have an impact on X happening or not.
When I’ve bought the game, spend my spare time for 3 years playing it, bought prepaid cards and bothered to follow it’s lore, then I made some sort of investment on it.
It’s not as much about money, as it is about time. More like the investment you make when building something as a hobby and then fear that it might start coughing oil and die.
Arena-net are experts when it comes to making poorly thought decisions and abandoning promising ideas, so a thread like this might help pinpoint their weaker aspects before a Beta has even started!
What's your biggest worry...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
First world problem. Worrying about a product for a company you own no part of.
Why are you worried about the expansion not being X. You act like worrying about it is going to have an impact on X happening or not.
Yeah how dare people discuss things on a forum.
~Sincerely, Scissors