Had a bit of a chat with some other players about the mastery system and how much I personally hated it. Now, i thought this was due to the slow exp grind required to get the mastery system going smoothly, but as the comments and replies flowed in I realised I have no problem with grinding as a whole, I’ll happily spend hours repeating events for map currency , my love of JRPG’s can attest to the fact I love powerleveling and I have no issues with the new mastery track or bloodstone fen compared to verdant brink at the start of HoT.
So what was it about the mastery system that had my finger literally hovering over the uninstall button like the sword of Damocles?
Look at vanilla Gw2 for the answer. Even though the maps are old hat for most of us now (open beta player here so yeah) You start off any new alt with a choice of five different levellling zones as well as Cities to explore. You always have a choice on what to do to level those characters. A new zone, a lower level zone, dungeons, wvw, exploring , crafting or whatever else you fancy doing, you can do when you want.
Heck i’m sure people have taken level 1 alts down to orr for giggles since the game would let you if you can make it.
Then HoT came along and Gw2 went from being an awesome list of fun things I could do as and when I please to an awesome list of fun things I can’t possibly do at all unless I follow the mastery system tour guide.
HoT was a linear, on rails path that demanded I do masteries, areas , heck even certain events at certain times because everything else was gated off. Completing a mastery and opening the next gate just led to another gate that would take longer to open. The freedom that vanilla Gw2 had always had was gone and I hated it.
What was worse, that feeling of exploration and wonder was not only gone, trying to free oneself from the HoT straightjacked was discouraged by the game simply stating there are no rewards or fun here because you haven’t ground out mastery x , or in many cases, outright killing you for daring to step away from the established, on rails path.
Even worse than that, by the time I had opened up sufficient masteries to go wherever I chose, I’d been spoon fed so many small , inconsequential morsels of ‘fun’ that I’d eaten practically the whole cake without knowing it. There wasn’t anywhere left that was interesting, nowhere I could go that the game hadn’t already shoved in my face as the next stop on the HoT tour. I completely lost interest in everything the expansion had to offer.
Enter bloodstone fen in season three and I’m having more fun with that one small map than the entirety of season 2 HoT. The reason is simple, I have my freedom back and am currently happily farming bloodstone rubies for the ascended backpiece there.
Well there you go. That explains it as best I can and I sincerely hope Gw2 never has to go that route again.