Sure, except that every MMO I’ve played has ceased to satisfy me because of their focus. I believe that GW 2 has evolved to provide what the other MMOs don’t focus on. And sure it would be nice if Anet could provide everything, but I wouldn’t want to take away work from one thing to bring in something other games are doing fine.
I’m thinking Anet is trying to strengthen what makes this game different.
Ehh, EQ would (and still does I believe) put out about 12 open world zones with each expansion, this is where most people spend most of their time. In those they’ll have 1-3 group instances which only a handful get their own art, most are simply cutouts of the open world areas. Then on top they’ll have 1 raid per zone and a final raid zone only for raids, again most raids are done in instanced versions of the open world.
They put out a lot more content than GW2 (old graphics I’m sure are much cheaper/easier), but the point is they give a little bit of everything, and cut corners by doubling up on art.
Imagine if they took the Glint’s Lair zone and reworked it into a fractal/dungeon, no need for art time, big dip in resource costs. They could do the same with a cutout of the Maze portion of SW. I imagine they could have reworked all of Silverwastes into a Borderlands option for WvW as well, and maybe even found a portion to make a new PVP map out of.
This is the type of stuff I’d like to see. And GW2 is not the only game to have a focus on open world
It may not be the ONLY game to focus on the open world, but it’s surely the only themepark MMO that’s not centered on open world PvP combat that I’ve played. See I’m a PvE’er. I want a PvE MMO that focuses on the open world. I haven’t found many.
EQ isn’t focused on the open world. You can’t get max anything from the open world. The best gear isn’t from the open world. Eventually most people are funneled into dungeons and raiding. At least that’s how it was when I looked at it.
But who cares about best gear when the gear you can get accomplishes the goal just fine. In fact one of my big issues with the game was that getting raid geared trivialized the open world (which even as a raider was where I spent most of my time). Raid geared groups would pull half a zone and slaughter it just to keep entertained
. And, it wasn’t “ohh they can get so many more rewards” it was more “man this is lame.”
I will say that the general player who were in open world hated my groups because as a raider we did lockdown half the open world. If we had multiple groups in the zone we basically locked it all down and they had no room to play. Again one of those issues with open world, but the stigma wasn’t as much about “kitten those raiders getting everything” as much as “this is pretty stupid that raiders don’t have their own zone to play in that’s fit for them.” Which they actually did for a few expansions until it became too much of a burden on the development.
I don’t meant to paint EQ as perfection, but Open World was where pretty much everyone spent most of their play time. Though as I said before, it wasn’t everyone’s focus, everybody loved different play types and kept playing for their particular preferences. That game also killed PVP by about 4 years in through poor choices and the refusal to split PVP and PVE skills/effects, a mistake I think this game is making as well but in reverse.
No one cares about the best gear if there are other ways to progression. Now I didn’t play EQ when it first came out, because I knew myself. I was working, had a family and couldn’t afford to addict myself to a game like that. So I passed it by.
By the time I started playing MMOs, WoW was the one people were playing but I’ve since tried many others.
In most games stats on gear IS progression. In most games that’s how you move your character forward. Most games didn’t downlevel you. Most games didn’t encourage you to go back to old zones. Most games didn’t give you a progression path that didn’t force you into instances. That’s just the way it is.
By the time I looked at EQ it was too dated to interest me, but EQ 2 was horrid. Guild Wars 2 is the first game to check most (but not all) of my boxes.
If I game were to come along to check more of my boxes, I’d be happy to play it…but I don’t see anything coming down the pike that particularly interests me.