I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I have a problem with this whole “Scarlet wants to intrrupt the leylines to wake up Modremoth”-theory.
It’s that in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal she says:

At least they helped identify the network of magical channels that crisscross the globe. That was a breakthrough. Now we know how NOT to do this kind of research right on an intersection of those channels.

This is something I never really understood. Scarlett basically knew that there was an intersection of ley lines beneath thaumanova reactor. If she wanted to simply disrupt them, why not just drill there? Especially since they seem to be fairly close to Modremoth’s estimated location. From the schemematic on the wall inside of the breachmaker it seems, however, that her intention was to find the “center” of the ley lines. (which could either be where they all meet or where they all originate.) I’m not an expert on dragon magic but wouldn’t that mean that all of the elder dragons get affected by her drilling there?

She was looking for a big intersection of ley lines, so she could redirect a lot of magic. Thaumanova wasn’t apparently big enough.

And ley lines don’t originate from anywhere. It’d be like saying wind currents start at on place. It’s a continuous line across the globe – or rather, a continuous series of lines across the globe.

And thus far, Mordremoth is the only Elder Dragon known to consume magic directly from the ley lines – they may all do so while hibernating though, and Primordus may do so due to his depth, but this is all conjecture.

Which is exactly my point.
There were six elder dragons. Wit Zhaitan being dead, we now have five of them left. , Kralkatorik is somewhere between Elona and the Crysal Desert. Jormag is in the Far Shiverpeaks, Primordus is still somewhere underground and we don’t exactly know where and “Bubbles” is said to be somewhere in the unending ocean. If there are intersecting leylines somewhere in the Maguma Jungle region, they’re most certainly leading to Mordremoth. If Scarlet just wanted to disrupt the ley lines leading to Mordremoth, she could have done it right there.
However, for whatever reason, she had to disrupt the ley lines right where they converge. No matter if she intends to simply disrupt or recalibrate the flow of magic from there, it’s got to have an impact on all the remaining elder dragons, not just one.

Ley lines don’t lead to the Elder Dragons.

They’re just channels of least resistence for magic to flow across the entire globe. Some may pass by an Elder Dragon, like the case was for Mordremoth, but they don’t flow to the Elder Dragons.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Shiren.9532


…Why do people keep trying to make Scarlet sound like a good guy?

Because Anti-Heros are cool, and Canach isn’t scratching that itch any more.

Yeah, I’m not trying to argue Scarlet is some kind of hero, but I was really disappointed with Canach’s recent appearance. It’s like the stripped away everything that made him cool from the assassin killing bad kitten , the intimidating presence from the short story, the Molten Facility soloing commando and the complex morality of the Southsun avenger and now he’s just a redeemed puppy spouting flowers, love and justice. They turned him into politician Kiel.

Ley lines don’t lead to the Elder Dragons.

They’re just channels of least resistence for magic to flow across the entire globe. Some may pass by an Elder Dragon, like the case was for Mordremoth, but they don’t flow to the Elder Dragons.

If you think of Elder Dragons and a hurricane of magic and ley lines are like water catchments – they collect the magic and channel it through Tyria, wouldn’t it make sense for ley lines to be leading too and from the dragons? Magic is suppose to adsorbed and release by dragons, shouldn’t that mean the ley lines would naturally form too and from the dragons?

(edited by Shiren.9532)

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


If you tried to apply physics and fluid dynamics to magical energy flows (ho ho) then it is perfectly reasonable for a dragon to passively disrupt the flows and become an energy sink. Ley lines would flow to a dragons slumbering location.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Shiren.9532


That doesn’t explain why Lion’s Arch the location of several intersecting ley lines.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

If you think of Elder Dragons and a hurricane of magic and ley lines are like water catchments – they collect the magic and channel it through Tyria, wouldn’t it make sense for ley lines to be leading too and from the dragons? Magic is suppose to adsorbed and release by dragons, shouldn’t that mean the ley lines would naturally form too and from the dragons?

Does water, food, or air flow into our mouths naturally? No. We have to actively take it in.

Elder Dragons may “regulate” magic, but they’re doing so by eating and kittenting it – comparatively speaking. They consume magic, not just absorb it. And then they “sweat” it out over time. The Zephyrites short story journal compared dragons to sponges – place a sponge in water and it will absorb the water, and over time it will leak out. Similarly, place a dragon near magic and it will consume it, and slowly leak it out.

So there’s no reason to believe that magic across the world would become redirected. Otherwise there’d be no need for Jormag to push south (as he himself was present as the norn fled south, when he woke up to the north of them), or for Zhaitan to have the Mouths consume magical artifacts. They would just have to sit and wait.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I would personally think it more likely for the opposite effect to be occurring. As Konig said, the ED’s are “sweating” out magic and thus they are more likely to be giant reservoirs that the magic is flowing away from not necessarily flowing to. It is like air currents, air always wants to move from an area of high pressure (dragon) to low pressure (rest of tyria). The ley lines are just the path of least resistance (electrical term) to get out and away from the dragons. I would assume once a dragon is starting to awaken, they likely have a method of stopping or slowing the “sweating” process, which would make it possible for Scarlet to re-route the magic right back into Mordremoth’s mouth.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Considering it takes 10,000+ years for magic to leave their body and raise high enough in the world for them to stir, I don’t think the “sweating” process is very high to really bother them even unchanged while awake.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


The sweat was enough to power an entire gate network system. Perhaps they do not have to turn it off, but still, it is not an insignificant amount of magic radiating from them.

I poked around after the end...*Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Depends on the total amount of magic in the world. After all, with five dragons awake over the course of 200 years, it’s only just now noticed that there’s some effect to the amount of magic in the world.

Which means that the total amount of magic is so high that even 1 dragon awake for 200 years, 1 awake for 150 years, 1 for 100 years, 1 for 50 years, and 1 for 5 years is only touching the surface of how much magic there is in the world. With magic that high, it wouldn’t be surprising one would radiate enough magic to power the first asura gate network for a long time and give that same amount of magic off while awake – it just means that they consume even more magic while awake than they do while asleep.

Though it’s possible that the asura were forcibly taking magic from Primordus while it slept too. Similar to the gods taking magic from Zhaitan to empower the Bloodstones.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.