[Mild Spoilers] What was he doing?
Rytlock gets mail from the Black Citadel and he just tosses them away, without really reading them.
My guess he hasn`t reported back after he disapeared in S2.
He also said that he has to decline something.
Rytlock gets mail from the Black Citadel and he just tosses them away, without really reading them.
My guess he hasn`t reported back after he disapeared in S2.
He also said that he has to decline something.
Ah, I see. I assumed the thing he had to do between chapters and the letter Almorrah gave him were separate things.
Rytlock also said he got two such letters before Almorra handed him one and he crumbled that one.
I think Rytlock must have quit the Blood Legions or something. That’s the feeling I get – and they are not happy about it.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Rytlock also said he got two such letters before Almorra handed him one and he crumbled that one.
I think Rytlock must have quit the Blood Legions or something. That’s the feeling I get – and they are not happy about it.
That’s my thought as well. Rytlock has probably excused himself from proper Charr society for a life on the road with our fantastic new guild. he also makes a crack about our “avoiding paperwork” when we turn down the commission as leader of the pact.
Seems like he doesn’t want to sit at a desk any more than we do.
Also opens up space for interesting flame legion political plotlines since without Rytlock in the Black Citadel its a bit more believable that some sneaky flame legion guys can get all subversive and try to retake the hierarchy.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
Also opens up space for interesting flame legion political plotlines since without Rytlock in the Black Citadel its a bit more believable that some sneaky flame legion guys can get all subversive and try to retake the hierarchy.
Are you implying that Smodur is that reliant on a single Blood Legion tribune?
Plus, it’s Tribune Desertgrave’s job to keep the Flame Legion from getting all subversive.
Rytlock barely handled that side of fighting the Flame Legion. And excluding those two there is one other Blood and one other Ash tribune at the Black Citadel – excluding the Iron tribunes there.
It’s more likely that the letters are from either Imperator Bangar, or are about the ghost situation.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Also opens up space for interesting flame legion political plotlines since without Rytlock in the Black Citadel its a bit more believable that some sneaky flame legion guys can get all subversive and try to retake the hierarchy.
Are you implying that Smodur is that reliant on a single Blood Legion tribune?
I’m implying that Rytlock has plot armor and is thus, through the mysticism of GW2’s lore team, somehow more important than he logically should be.
I’m implying that the vacancy screams “HEY HERE IS A GREAT PLACE TO PUT A FLAME LEGION SPY”
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Wouldn’t be logical, given the Ash Legion’s presence and job at the Black Citadel. Their entire personal story plot is about uncovering Flame Legion spies.
And putting one suddenly in a Tribune position would be stupidly hard to reasonably pull off.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Wouldn’t be logical
Are you insinuating that the GW2 plotline is based upon logic and not the writer’s notions of narrative impact?
Logical causes and outcomes are not the bedrock upon which this story has been laid for quite a while.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I’d had a thought earlier today based off the last thing he was doing before his disappearance. I figure the Black Citadel wants him to finish the ritual to rid Ascalon of the foefire ghosts and with his new revenant knowledge, he knows that’s either a bad idea, or him doing it as a revenant might have bad results for him, who knows?
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass
Wouldn’t be logical
Are you insinuating that the GW2 plotline is based upon logic and not the writer’s notions of narrative impact?
Logical causes and outcomes are not the bedrock upon which this story has been laid for quite a while.
I am insinuating that they have been trying.
Ever since the fiasco with Scarlet, at least.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Wouldn’t be logical
Are you insinuating that the GW2 plotline is based upon logic and not the writer’s notions of narrative impact?
Logical causes and outcomes are not the bedrock upon which this story has been laid for quite a while.
I am insinuating that they have been trying.
Ever since the fiasco with Scarlet, at least.
I still imagine one day we’ll get a book that retells the Scarlet saga, except she’ll be given better characterization and whatnot, and thus Rescued From the Scrappy Heap.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I’d had a thought earlier today based off the last thing he was doing before his disappearance. I figure the Black Citadel wants him to finish the ritual to rid Ascalon of the foefire ghosts and with his new revenant knowledge, he knows that’s either a bad idea, or him doing it as a revenant might have bad results for him, who knows?
This is something I’ve been suspecting myself. He’s either been taught those skills by somebody, or he picked them up himself through getting those voices in his head. Smodur currently believes that Sohothin is the best chance to get rid of the ghosts, so it would make sense that Smodur would order Rytlock back to have another go as soon as word arrived that Rytlock had returned from the Mists.
Now, presume that Rytlock has knowledge that would be a bad idea. Presume, also, that Rytlock believes that for whatever reason Smodur won’t like his explanation – possibly because it’s coming from a voice in Rytlock’s head, he had a meeting with one of the gods or their representatives and was told that certain other conditions had to be fulfilled first, or some other reason that the Iron Legion imperator might not consider credible. Then it would make sense for Rytlock to do his best to stay away from Smodur and Ascalon in general.
The “thing he’s not taking care of” would be a second attempt at dispelling the Foefire.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.