EDIT: this might be a little misplaced in the lore section so move it if necessary, al least im mentioning cantha..
What im gonna do is looking for symmetries and coherences between the classes and from there draw a conclusion what the next class could look like.
We have: 3 Light Armor classes, 3 Medium Armor classes, 2 Heavy Armor classes
We’ll get: A Heavy Armor class
We have: 3 Harpoon Medium classes, 3 Trident Light classes, one of each can use the weapon exclusively, A Harpoon/Spear and a Trident Spear Heavy Class
We’ll get: A heavy class that only uses Spear for complexity reasons or a Trident/Harpoon class (Spear exclusive is much more likely for a heavy class)
We have: A light class that can alter its weapon skills with its class skill bar and a medium class that can alter its skills with its utilities.
We’ll get: One that can alter its weapon skills with… (whats left?) … with its weapon skills.
Weapon skills that alter weapon skills? What? Well, we already have this in our chain abilities. But here it could get more complex. Do you remember the Assassin from GW1? We had lead hand attacks, second hand attacks and dual attacks. Here an example how this could look like:
3 Sword abilities, I choose “hilt strike, which dazes the target for 1 second”
-> the 3 abilities swap for a second set of 3 abilities, the second hand attacks
I choose #2 Faint Attack – Deals X damage and makes vulnerable
-> swap for the final set of 3 abilities
Bam, final thrust – deals damage for each condition on target or whatever
Now concerning the stlyle of that new class, I tried to find another pattern. Players play classes for a certain feel they have. For each of the armor classes we have
1. one “well known fantasy class” (The warrior, the ranger, the Elementalists)
2. one class thats a bit special and off and have a certain philosophy to them (The Guardian, the Thief, the Necromancer)
3. one that that speaks to the “unique” players (The Mesmer, the Engineer… aaand our new class).
If we divide the classes in these groups, there’s one of the “complex”, no-weapon-swap classes in each group
So to put the pieces together – my prognosis for the next class:
A heavy class, that exclusively uses Melee weapons, that uses a combo system in a fancy way that sets him apart from the warrior and the guardian – maybe by using elements or ancestral power to enhance his attacks
We had a few interesting earth aligned NPCs in “Edge of the Mists” lately using Totems. Another direction this class could go would be aligned with the GW1 assassin who came up when we went to cantha. With the dominion of winds so close to the destroyed lions arch, maybe will get the new class when the dominion becomes accessible.
Did I miss something? What class would you like to see?
(edited by Miroe.2054)