Rytlock Brimstone investigating the probes
Prophet Pass – or whatever was the place called in GW1, where one could create a bridge to the Mists and enter Hall of Heroes – It certainly could be a fitting place, except the way I see it, it has Kralkie sitting on top of it. From ones you named, Thalador I would say it’s the best competitor for a major ley line crossing for LA AND it has an Elder Dragon sitting on top of it.
Are you thinking Augury Rock? Or the Tomb of Primeval Kings? I had always thought Augury Rock was supposed to take us into the Mists, but technically speaking it merely took us to the Tomb of Primeval Kings, which is where the entrance was… Hmm…
Artesian Waters – Alright, this might be a good cometitor for LA… Place where gods first stood on Tyria. But does it mean ley lines cross there? Hard to say, plus Zhaitan was residing nearby, quite possible he drained the places magic, and even if not, there is no tales of recurring, cyclical phenomena.
From what I remember from a few dev posts read some long ways ago, there’s nothing explicitly magical about the Artesian Waters. It’s basically just the source of groundwater in Orr. Zhaitan used it to help his corruption more quickly flow throughout the island, and Traherne did the same thing. It’s source of magic came from Zhaitan, not the ley lines, but I suppose it’s always possible there’s a line running near.
I want to say that I heard dialogue somewhere that the Artesian Waters had enough magic to attract the gods to Tyria, from wherever they resided in the Mists. So, the Artesian Waters definitely had magic to them.
Yeah I meant Augury Rock! It’s been ages, I guess it’s time for a trip down the memory lane and playing GW1 again!
But anyway, my point was that arguably Lions Arch with it’s annual phenomena is a more likely spot for a huge ley line intersection. The Dragon lair theory was just a sudden offspring of the idea.
Yeah I meant Augury Rock! It’s been ages, I guess it’s time for a trip down the memory lane and playing GW1 again!
But anyway, my point was that arguably Lions Arch with it’s annual phenomena is a more likely spot for a huge ley line intersection. The Dragon lair theory was just a sudden offspring of the idea
It’s not Augury Rock.
It’s accessible from Glint’s Lair . . . hmm “Tomb of the Primeval Kings”. That’s it.
For instance, the Romulan calender (which gave us September-December)
fvah? :o
Romulus, mythical founder of Rome, is credited – if that’s the right word – with a calender that had ten months in it, implemented circa 750BC. This is the reason why September to December are numbered from seven to ten in Latin. Apparently, the calendar recognised that there was a ‘monthless’ gap after the winter solstice that was missing, but didn’t care to acknowledge it.
This lasted about as long as Romulus’ reign. Pretty much as soon as his reign ended, his successor recognised the ten-month calendar as the insanity it was and added another two months. Somehow, these two months ended up tacked on to the front rather than the end, leading to the modern confusion of why the ninth month is named after seven and so on.
it is not, in any way, related to rogue Vulcans. The Star Trek writers drew a lot from the Romans in creating the Romulans, even though there’s no reason why renegade Vulcans would hold ancient Earth mythology in such high regard.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I know who Romulus is but I’ve never heard that the roman calendar is called romulan.
I want to say that I heard dialogue somewhere that the Artesian Waters had enough magic to attract the gods to Tyria, from wherever they resided in the Mists. So, the Artesian Waters definitely had magic to them.
From what I heard (and given there’s a lot of supposedlys and I heards in this conversation, so take with a grain of salt), it was Zhaitan who attracted the gods to Arah. They didn’t know it was an elder dragon, just that it was a powerful source of magic. The Artesian Waters just happened to be a convenient place to draw that magic from.
Except for LA being a site of annual Underworld (Mad Realm) opening LA is as Thalador say. But the barrier between Tyria and Mists is weakest in LA, not anywhere elsde. Mad King comes to LA, Wintersday thing was happening in LA, and so on.
It makes sense that it’s a central ley line intersection actually, as testified by M.K. Thorn, tons of demons, all wintersdays in GW1 etc.
So yeah, of all of Tyria maybe Deslation, Door of Komalie and maybe Raisu Palace can possibly come close seconds to Lions Arch when it comes to otherwordly incursions and phenomena, I don’t think any place can quite compete though.
Nope. Nope. Aaaand nope.
First things first: where on Tyria are you getting that where there’s significant otherworldly activity there’s a huge ley line squirming below? Really now, this ley lne mania is getting fracking irritating: ghostly phenomena? Ley lines! No beer in Hoelbrak? Ley lines? Imperator Smodur having diarrhea? Ley lines! The reason why Queen Jennah is barefoot and Logan is a loser? Ley lines! The Pale Tree’s deviant attraction to tablets? Ley lines!! No outhouses in LA? Ley lines!!! Gum Drops’ mane (the Mad King’s Noble Steed who’s invisible) is tangled? WHY, LEY LINES, OF COURSE!
My dear friend, LA is not even close to competing for the award of “where the barriers between the Mists and Tyria are the weakest.” Actualy, it has nothing on guys as hardcore as these four. Let me introduce you to them! (I see you’re already acquainted with the Door of Komalie… that’s good). Zwierz, meet
Godlost Swamp, Varajar Fells, Mouth of Torment, Tomb of the Primeval Kings… guys? Meet Zwierz.
I’d say even Grenth’s hidden statue in Lornar’s or the cave where centaurs dump fallen slaves (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speaker_of_the_Dead) have weaker barriers than Lion’s Arch. (Although I haven’t got the slightest idea why you listed Raisu Palace in there…)
Again, what does the Mad King’s annual appearance have to do with ley lines? His return for Halloween affects the entirety of Kryta, even provinces that have been long lost to tides, centaurs, or the risen, not just the former capital where he chooses to make his appearance in order to sow the most chaos and fun as well as to reminisce of his “glorious” living days.
And once more, I’m back to being stunned by the implication that “ghostly incursions and phenomena are indicators of strong ley line presence”… Where do you get this from? Because I see absolutely nothing to imply such. It’s like suggesting that where there are strong ocean currents on Earth, there must be dozens of ghost ships sailing above. Or where there’s strong tectonic interactions, there’s radioactivity… because hey! Ley lines! Back on topic: according to your reasoning, the largest ley line should run beneath Ascalon, the Crystal Desert, and the Desolation.
You can list the filthiest open grave in Cursed Shore, or the most run down shack in Kaineng City, it still doesn’t change on the fact that ghostly phenomena have nothing to do with the ley line network. (Also, I see you later on changed your view and declared that it is tied to the cyclical nature of things… so, by your logic, the largest ley line should swirl around the harpy colonies somewhere east of the Blazeridge or Dzalana…? Badum-tish!).
All in all, it will be amazing to see all the Hollywood-brained folks drool over to nonsensical destruction of Lion’s Arch because the writers tried to salvage the Garbage Story with an epic showdown between players and Villain Sue while a cosmopolitan megalopolis comes crashing down around them. I can’t blame them, though. That’s hipster, that’s trendy! Everybody loves a scenic apocalypse!
Oh and the explanation is ingenious: the strongest (cringe) of magical channels runs deep beneath this overgrown shantytown! Why, you ask? Please, man… y’know it!
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.
(edited by Thalador.4218)
I want to say that I heard dialogue somewhere that the Artesian Waters had enough magic to attract the gods to Tyria, from wherever they resided in the Mists. So, the Artesian Waters definitely had magic to them.
From what I heard (and given there’s a lot of supposedlys and I heards in this conversation, so take with a grain of salt), it was Zhaitan who attracted the gods to Arah. They didn’t know it was an elder dragon, just that it was a powerful source of magic. The Artesian Waters just happened to be a convenient place to draw that magic from.
It was really the Source of Orr that drew the gods to Tyria. Zhaitan was much further south, deep under the place where they’d built their godly palace.
It was the Source that made them investigate Tyria in the first place, and it was a mysterious spot of powerful magical radiation where they decided to set up shop (you can’t really build on a well…). Then they meddled with these raw magical energies when strengthening the Bloodstone.
A fantasy of sci-fi cyborg implants grafted into the desiccated flesh of Guild Wars’ corpse.
First of all, nice temper you have there, friend.
Second of all, as I thought was obviously pointed in post (I do have a tendency to make convoluted sentences though, so maybe I wasn’t clear enough) I am in my idea working with a base foundation of “assuming that lane line crossings coincide with unnatural phenomena”, so if the above statement is not the case, then the idea is false. Duh, as they say.
Third of all, yep, Temple of Ages and such could also be marked as fitting location, regardless of undoubtful Hollywood factor in choosing LA. However neither of the places can match in scale with the LA events in my opinion. You are of course entitled to your own.
Fourth of all, your “being stunned” over an assumption stuns me, really. “I get this” from the “what if…” factor in the hole idea, it’s not based on any in game or out of game existing proof, or I would present it.
Fifth of all “Also, I see you later on changed your view and declared that it is tied to the cyclical nature of things… so, by your logic, the largest ley line should swirl around the harpy colonies somewhere east of the Blazeridge or Dzalana…? Badum-tish!”… Really? I never changed anything, ion my idea, the entirety of my post is “It may be that recurring and powerful unnatural phenomena in Lions Arch suggest that Lions Arch may indeed be founded on a major ley line crossing”.
And in the end, I don’t appreciate your unwarranted hostility towards me, and while I consider your counter arguments valid, the discussion looses a lot due to amount of sarcasm, so I withdraw. I felt like sharing the idea to maybe build it into some constructive theory, but since it cannot be done, I’ll keep my thoughts to myself in the future.
I’m still going with Scarlet’s mapping not ley lines but feeding patterns of the Elder Dragons – the “currents” as they draw magic to themselves to be consumed… and she was specifically looking for green energy as seen in the flashing green report from the lion’s Arch probe.
Green energy, as in Zone Green of the Infinity Coil, as in Mordremoth the Elder Dragon that holds sway over plants.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Except for LA being a site of annual Underworld (Mad Realm) opening LA is as Thalador say. But the barrier between Tyria and Mists is weakest in LA, not anywhere elsde. Mad King comes to LA, Wintersday thing was happening in LA, and so on.
It makes sense that it’s a central ley line intersection actually, as testified by M.K. Thorn, tons of demons, all wintersdays in GW1 etc.
So yeah, of all of Tyria maybe Deslation, Door of Komalie and maybe Raisu Palace can possibly come close seconds to Lions Arch when it comes to otherwordly incursions and phenomena, I don’t think any place can quite compete though.
Nope. Nope. Aaaand nope.
First things first: where on Tyria are you getting that where there’s significant otherworldly activity there’s a huge ley line squirming below? Really now, this ley lne mania is getting fracking irritating: ghostly phenomena? Ley lines! No beer in Hoelbrak? Ley lines? Imperator Smodur having diarrhea? Ley lines! The reason why Queen Jennah is barefoot and Logan is a loser? Ley lines! The Pale Tree’s deviant attraction to tablets? Ley lines!! No outhouses in LA? Ley lines!!! Gum Drops’ mane (the Mad King’s Noble Steed who’s invisible) is tangled? WHY, LEY LINES, OF COURSE!
My dear friend, LA is not even close to competing for the award of “where the barriers between the Mists and Tyria are the weakest.” Actualy, it has nothing on guys as hardcore as these four. Let me introduce you to them! (I see you’re already acquainted with the Door of Komalie… that’s good). Zwierz, meet
Godlost Swamp, Varajar Fells, Mouth of Torment, Tomb of the Primeval Kings… guys? Meet Zwierz.
I’d say even Grenth’s hidden statue in Lornar’s or the cave where centaurs dump fallen slaves (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speaker_of_the_Dead) have weaker barriers than Lion’s Arch. (Although I haven’t got the slightest idea why you listed Raisu Palace in there…)
Again, what does the Mad King’s annual appearance have to do with ley lines? His return for Halloween affects the entirety of Kryta, even provinces that have been long lost to tides, centaurs, or the risen, not just the former capital where he chooses to make his appearance in order to sow the most chaos and fun as well as to reminisce of his “glorious” living days.
And once more, I’m back to being stunned by the implication that “ghostly incursions and phenomena are indicators of strong ley line presence”… Where do you get this from? Because I see absolutely nothing to imply such. It’s like suggesting that where there are strong ocean currents on Earth, there must be dozens of ghost ships sailing above. Or where there’s strong tectonic interactions, there’s radioactivity… because hey! Ley lines! Back on topic: according to your reasoning, the largest ley line should run beneath Ascalon, the Crystal Desert, and the Desolation.
You can list the filthiest open grave in Cursed Shore, or the most run down shack in Kaineng City, it still doesn’t change on the fact that ghostly phenomena have nothing to do with the ley line network. (Also, I see you later on changed your view and declared that it is tied to the cyclical nature of things… so, by your logic, the largest ley line should swirl around the harpy colonies somewhere east of the Blazeridge or Dzalana…? Badum-tish!).
All in all, it will be amazing to see all the Hollywood-brained folks drool over to nonsensical destruction of Lion’s Arch because the writers tried to salvage the Garbage Story with an epic showdown between players and Villain Sue while a cosmopolitan megalopolis comes crashing down around them. I can’t blame them, though. That’s hipster, that’s trendy! Everybody loves a scenic apocalypse!
Oh and the explanation is ingenious: the strongest (cringe) of magical channels runs deep beneath this overgrown shantytown! Why, you ask? Please, man… y’know it!
Had a good laugh out of this post. Sums up why I tend to stay away from forums during rest time before patches.
On an off-topic side-note. Anyone has figured out Rytlock’s busy scedule to examine probes? I still can’t find him.
Had a good laugh out of this post. Sums up why I tend to stay away from forums during rest time before patches.
On an off-topic side-note. Anyone has figured out Rytlock’s busy scedule to examine probes? I still can’t find him.
Looks like he only comes out when the wurm event is successful. Bummer
kitten, and I think I never checked both times I had a successful one.