Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
Rytlock's sword spoilers?
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
Maybe it is divine fire, which we now know is extraordinarily effective against Mordrem. Assuming that, it’s pretty obvious that that’s why Rytlock went into the Mists, to have his sword imbued with this power. Which raises the question, how did he know about it? Did he visit the Priory himself earlier on to consult with Ogden?
The question mark is because I’m not sure if this is or isn’t a spoiler, but it seems to be worth discussing/theorizing. During the trailer for HoT, Rytlock is swinging a fiery sword and Mordrem melt away.. much like the divine fire effect. Human gods’ power being channeled perhaps? A conduit to the Six gods?
This thread will likely get merged with my own, I discussed the idea of Rytlock’s sword being composed of Divine Fire already, on a side note, I agree that it is possibly the case, however we’ve never seen it used vs Mordrem and it probably isn’t a conduit to commune with the gods.
(edited by Mushroomz.4280)
Watch the trailer again – he’s definitely using it against mordrem.. I saw your post also and agree with you. Neat possibilities!
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
Sohothin (along with Magdaer, King Adelbern’s sword) are ancient magical weapons from Orr, and I believe they were constructed during a time when the Six Gods still physically lived in Arah. If that’s true, then it stands to reason that Sohothin is powered by divine magic, which seems to be especially potent against dragon minions.
You’re right, it is used in the trailer, I’m not sure why, I guess I assumed it was for effect, and it could be. It doesn’t really answer if it’s divine fire.
Maybe it is divine fire, which we now know is extraordinarily effective against Mordrem. Assuming that, it’s pretty obvious that that’s why Rytlock went into the Mists, to have his sword imbued with this power. Which raises the question, how did he know about it? Did he visit the Priory himself earlier on to consult with Ogden?
He didn’t know – he didn’t expect to have to go into the Mists after his sword. Whatever happened with him in the Mists was not according to his own plan.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
i believe it has to have something to do with the imbuing of souls into blades that we have been hearing so much about
and i think that perhaps the sword has the “soul” of a elder dragon or lieutenant or perhaps a portion of there power (hence the dragon design maybe)
will be cool if the soul imbuing thing is tied in
but yea for sure it sohothin or magdar
Ghosts affected by the Foefire were untouched by Kralkatorrik’s corruption.
Just saying.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Anyone else see shades of the conversion of Saul in what people are predicting for Rytlock’s story? An enemy (kinda) of a certain group ends up face to face with that group’s god(s), goes blind, and then ends up becoming a champion of those gods (ok, probably grudgingly and without considering them more than superpowered aliens with honorable intentions).
It’s interesting too that these swords are named, perhaps these names are significant, of course we don’t know anyone why… but it could be something to do with Orr. In any case, I really hope Rytlock adopts the line: “Kill it with fire!”
Ghosts affected by the Foefire were untouched by Kralkatorrik’s corruption.
Just saying.
Which raises another interesting question…
Is there any connection between divine fire and the Ascalonian ghostfire we used to purge Risen in Orr?
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Ghosts affected by the Foefire were untouched by Kralkatorrik’s corruption.
Just saying.
Which raises another interesting question…
Is there any connection between divine fire and the Ascalonian ghostfire we used to purge Risen in Orr?
Unlikely. Divine fire was something used in Ascension and not known to charr. Ascalonian ghostfire is from what I understand a charr invention.
I assume myself it’s like “greek fire” or napalm.
Ghosts affected by the Foefire were untouched by Kralkatorrik’s corruption.
Just saying.
Which raises another interesting question…
Is there any connection between divine fire and the Ascalonian ghostfire we used to purge Risen in Orr?
It depends on if Foefire is/related to Divine Fire, because the ghostfire used in that mission seems to have been derived from the Foefire and it’s ghosts.
Pact Researcher Maeva: I’m ready. I have plenty of Ascalonian ghostfire. It’ll spark a conflagration to consume the ark and everything in it.
Pact Researcher Maeva: Remarkable stuff, ghostfire. It’s unrelenting, and it burns underwater. When we’re done, there won’t be any bodies left for Zhaitan to reanimate.
Pact Researcher Maeva: Hats off to the charr: they took their most implacable enemy’s most dangerous weapon and made it their own…and then they gave it to us.
It is kinda funny. Rytlock and others spent so much time trying to get rid of the ghosts, but at the end of the day, the Foefire (or at least the ghostfire that could be derived from it) could possibly turn out to be one of the strongest weapons to use again the Elder Dragons. The flammable ones anyway…
Adelbern might have done Tyria a solid by sacrificing Ascalon in his final “screw you” to the Charr and his soldiers deserting.
(edited by Erukk.1408)
Ghosts affected by the Foefire were untouched by Kralkatorrik’s corruption.
Just saying.
Which raises another interesting question…
Is there any connection between divine fire and the Ascalonian ghostfire we used to purge Risen in Orr?
Unlikely. Divine fire was something used in Ascension and not known to charr. Ascalonian ghostfire is from what I understand a charr invention.
I assume myself it’s like “greek fire” or napalm.
Ghostfire is used by the Foefire ghosts, which were created by the Foefire, which was caused by Magdear, which was a gift from the gods. So there’s the possible connection.
The charr found some way to contain it and make use of it themselves (not clearly explained, but probably related to all those ghost containment and control devices we see in events in Ascalonian territory). It’s the same blue fire as some of the Ascalonian ghosts throw at you. One of the Personal Story steps in which it gets used in Orr, a charr even makes a comment about using an enemy’s weapon for their own benefit.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I’m slightly aware of that, but I also am uncertain it’s true “ghostly fire”. At least as of yet.
I think one series of assumptions might be whether IF it arises from a ritual employing a divine artifact (the sword) it is by definition divine in origin itself? If so, weaponize mayhap? Deities seem to have some intriguing preventative force so far:
Krait orb = Risen ward
Human divine magic = Mordrem ward.
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
Do you think the appearance of the Mursaat has to do with Divine Fire? You could only see them if you had ascended, and Turia’s ritual lead to that eventuality.
Sohothin is a Sword of the God’s and from what I can gather, it is infused with Divine Fire which we now know is an anathema to Mordremoth.
When Rytlock kills an Ascalonian ghost with Sohothin(Duke Barradin), aka Divine Fire it doesn’t return…What if Rytlock went to the Fissure of Woe (by accident or fate w/e) to collect more Divine Fire to cleanse Ascalon, and picked up Obsidian Armour. ….Oh and just so you know…there is a Balthazar Temple hidden in The Falls, a fitting place to return to Tyria from.
Sohothin (along with Magdaer, King Adelbern’s sword) are ancient magical weapons from Orr, and I believe they were constructed during a time when the Six Gods still physically lived in Arah. If that’s true, then it stands to reason that Sohothin is powered by divine magic, which seems to be especially potent against dragon minions.
Except that Arah wasn’t technically part of Orr, it was its own divine city inside it. The Orrians didn’t live there until year 0. Everyone seems to think the two are the same. Orr, like Ascalon, was a nation, not the land itself.
If the Orrians didn’t take stewardship of Arah until after the Exodus, and the swords predate the Exodus, then why are they imbued with divine power?
I troll because I care
Since people don’t seem to remember… On ghostfire:
Mangonel Gearstrip: I have just what you need. Ghostfire shells: highly experimental, highly combustible.
Mangonel Gearstrip: Something we picked up from the Ascalonians. Someone simply needs to mark the target and signal me, and it’ll burn.
Mangonel Gearstrip: Make sure you woody types get clear, though. This stuff devours everything in its path until nothing’s left.
Personal Story Armor Guard
On the sword origins:
Rytlock: I’ve researched the ritual, and I learned a lot about Ascalonian history. This story began a thousand years ago, when this ritual was first formulated by the humans’ gods—the Six.
-> Please, go on.
The Six gave them magic. At the same time, they also gave one of them a magical crown and two magical swords to protect the kingdom.
Season 2 Foefire Cleansing
Ghostfire burns risen (and sylvari?) faster than anything else seen. Divine Fire can kill a supposedly immortal Dragon champion. Ghostfire comes from Foefire ghosts. Foefire ghosts unaffected by Kralkatorrik’s corruption. Foefire comes from swords. Swords come from gods. Divine Fire comes from gods.
I check to see if folks responded to me, and I see people wandering in circles as if in complete darkness.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
On the sword origins:
Rytlock: I’ve researched the ritual, and I learned a lot about Ascalonian history. This story began a thousand years ago, when this ritual was first formulated by the humans’ gods—the Six.
<char>; Please, go on.
Rytlock: The Six gave them magic. At the same time, they also gave one of them a magical crown and two magical swords to protect the kingdom.
So…let me get this straight.
I assume Rytlock means 1326 years ago when he says “a thousand”, referring to 1 BE. Since according to GW1 the swords predate the Exodus, and according to Rytlock they were given at the same time magic was given. That leaves a single possible year in which they were wrought and given to “one of them” to protect the kingdom…which at the time Tyrian humanity was one nation(Orr independence in 2 AE, Kryta in 358 AE).
Who is “one of them”? If it is Doric(who was king of human Tyria at that time), then it could only have been given to him right before he died with the bloodstones splitting. In which case the 3 items became hereditary for Ascalon monarchs after that?? And if they were given by the gods to Doric’s line, then the gods specifically imbued them with the Foefire spell so that sometime in the distant future a king could use it “protect the kingdom” by creating a perpetually re-spawning ghost army??? It doesn’t make any sense. Besides, the swords are said to be from Orr, not Arah. The crown is a new thing.
I troll because I care
(edited by Obsidian.1328)
Hi, everyone. Just wanted to pass on some comments from Angel herself:
Angel McCoy, Narrative Designer-snip-
> The Seers created the first Bloodstone to set some magic aside during the last rise of the Elder Dragons. They didn’t want to see it all consumed.
> Magic existed long before the first Bloodstone. It has always been a force in the Eternal Alchemy. It was not created by the humans’ gods, no matter what priest or priestess preaches that it was. How you choose to roleplay your character’s beliefs is entirely up to you.![]()
> Humans (including Canthan humans) were brought to Tyria (from…no spoilers!). They are not native to Tyria and did not come with much magic of their own. From a human perspective and oral tradition (that can get warped over time), they say the gods were giving them magic, but the reality was that the dragons had gone back to sleep, and the gods felt it was safe to begin returning magic stored in the Bloodstone to Tyria. The gods (not only Abaddon) “unsealed” the Bloodstone and magic flowed back into the world. Humans and other sentient races of the time began using it.
> Over the course of hundreds of years, wars broke out. King Doric begged the gods to slow the flow of magic back into Tyria and the gods granted his wish by shattering the Bloodstone into pieces and limiting their use. Abaddon was annoyed by this.
That and the full dialogue would probably clear stuff up for you Obsidian. Magic existed prior to 1 BE in actuality, just in a lot smaller amount than the major gift of magic in 1 BE (which has been retconned down to just Abaddon passing the Bloodstone around and the wars down to wanting control of it – aka exact same thing as the later Guild Wars).
To “who” is the king – likely Doric.
As to the purpose of the spell, who knows. That’s as of yet unrevealed.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Still hopping Primordus enters the fight and somehow the fires of Sohothin stir him out of his hidey-hole. Primordus’ thirst for destruction is only quenched by the over abundance of corrupted life that is Mordremoth. The enemy of my enemy is not quite my friend but he works parallel.
Then of course Mord withers away and goes off to hibernate and now we have Destroyers all over the place which is a perfect segway into the Dominion Of The Winds.
ronin, if you want to make both elder dragons weaker (primordius will consume mordremoth and become even stronger) let primordius fight jormag, interesting battle between unmeltable ice and all consuming flames – then we just have to use those big laser cannnons to finish off the heavily weakened winner
Kiel Replacement Movement
Yeah, I’m aware of the pre-existing “magic” of Tyria, any Ritualist will tell you that.
I’m more concerned with the swords origins. Are they supposed to be from Arah, and not Orr then? And I assume they are supposed to have divine origins now, and not human?
I troll because I care
Nothing ever claimed they had human origins. Simply Orrian origins.
Arah was part of Orr even before the Exodus. It was just a Forbidden City-esque situation (per an old interview).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I think the trailer was meant to have us abuzz. I believe you are all correct.
Nothing ever claimed they had human origins. Simply Orrian origins.
Arah was part of Orr even before the Exodus. It was just a Forbidden City-esque situation (per an old interview).
Again, Orr was a nation, not a landmass. You wouldn’t call a Deldrimor Dwarf a “Shiverpeakean”… If someone in GW2 said they had a Krytan bow, you wouldn’t assume it was Lionguard or Whispers…even though they are technically located inside Kryta.
Arah was not part of the Orrian nation, and the gods were not Orrian. Arah was its own city inhabited by the gods until the Exodus…at which point Orrians took up stewardship of it. The swords were specifically Orrian in nature. If someone simply thinks that means divine by proximity, they are making one helluva assumption.
As it stands, there’s nothing in GW1 to mark them as wrought by the gods. And simply dating to “before the exodus” does not imply anything.
I troll because I care
Orr is both the nation and the landmass, just like Australia is both the nation and the continent.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Every human nation in Tyria is both a nation and the landmass.
Arah was part of the kingdom of Orr, either way, even before the Exodus. I don’t know where you’re getting this claim that it wasn’t. Because every source I’ve ever read states otherwise, even an interview which compared it to the Forbidden City – it had its human-allowed portion, but the rest was forbidden to humans. So part of Arah was accessible to humans prior to the Exodus – but not all of it.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Arah was only part of the kingdom of Orr post Exodus. That it was inside the Orrian nation is irrelevant. Kingdom’s are mortal affairs, the Six had no need of them…they have their own realms.
Arah was where the gods set up shop to populate Tyria(the continent) with humans, it makes sense that the first area is around there. But you still haven’t answered the question of why the swords are now “divine” in nature, when there’s no mention of that in GW1?
I troll because I care
(edited by Obsidian.1328)
Orr is both the nation and the landmass, just like Australia is both the nation and the continent.
Australia is called such because the land was named that(mix between australis and Austria) by Western explorers. When they colonized it, they took the name of the land.
GW Proph nations aren’t like that. They are named after the people, not the the land they are on. They are socio-political names, not geographic.
For instance, this line from the Forgotten wiki: “At an unknown time before 100 BE, the Forgotten were at war with the Charr on the border of what would become Ascalon” It wasn’t called Ascalon before the humans got there and named it.
Or this from the Orr wiki: “Situated on a peninsula south of Ascalon and west of the Crystal Desert…” If it was always called Orr, it would have said “Orrian peninsula” or Peninsula of Orr" or some such.
I mean, Riverside Province was Kryta “land” in GW1, now it’s technically part of Sylvari or Asuran lands…and in Magumma. That’s because Kryta isn’t in charge of it anymore. Orr had lands on the Tarnished Coast back then that were considered a part of Orr itself. At no point when you look up information about Orr, Kryta, or Ascalon in GW1 does it talk about them as merely pieces of land. They are called such because that is the area in which that particular kingdom inhabits.
People tend to think the land and the kingdom(read modern “state” here) are freely interchangeable, because that is where it was birthed I suppose. For instance, Russia isn’t called such because that’s what the land was called. The Rus lived there for so long as a dominant ethnic group that the land inherited their name.
Israel didn’t exist for almost 2 millenia, but there were still Israelites around. Not to mention that highly contested sliver of land has other names for other groups.
I troll because I care
(edited by Obsidian.1328)
Except that the Iron Legion still calls the land “Ascalon”, even though for all intents and purposes the kingdom of Ascalon no longer exists (the last remnant, Ebonhawke, is usually referred to by that name rather than being the rump state of Ascalon). The Kryta region, at least still covers zones such as Bloodtide Coast that are no longer part of the nation of Kryta.
Historically, a land mass generally gets named in one of two ways. Either the people who are credited with discovering it call it whatever they think seems like a good name (such as Australia) or it gets named after the tribal name of the inhabitants (Russia).
However, the humans that displaced the prior occupants of the lands in question largely didn’t care about the prior occupancy, which is why we have ‘Ascalon’ and ‘Kryta’ instead of ‘Charrland’ and ‘Harathia’. What probably happened there is that the humans named the land at about the same time they conquered it, and when they founded a nation there, they naturally named the nation after the land.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Except that the Iron Legion still calls the land “Ascalon”, even though for all intents and purposes the kingdom of Ascalon no longer exists…
…which is wrong in so many ways. The Charr are supposed to be the “tough-guy” race of Tyria, using the human name for their own homeland does not fit that at all. If ANet was more serious about creating a historical precedent for the Charr in Ascalon, and less serious about simply trying to displace the humans, they would have had their own name for it(and the history for it as well). No matter, I’m sure they will come up with somesuch reason why they use the human name.
What probably happened there is that the humans named the land at about the same time they conquered it, and when they founded a nation there, they naturally named the nation after the land.
Why did that probably happen?
I troll because I care
Well, other than the sword history, my theory on whats going to happen.
There was already two hints at the new class, one in game, one out. Rytlock disappearing, and having a new look is one, and Majory starting to use a greatsword is another. Why does Marjoy use a greatsword? Because it has her sister’s soul. How does she start fighting from now on after that? using the sword.
Could be wrong and necros (and other professions) may be able to use different weapons, but I think Marjory is going to swap to the new class soon. As for Rytlock, well, the sword did belong to Rurik, it went back to the mists with Rytlock behind. Chances are he caught up to it, found Rurik, and Rurik embedded himself in the sword, hence the power up (or allowing Rytlock to access its full power).
Why would the Charr rename the land that they conquered? I’d think they’d take pride in what they’ve done.
Could be wrong and necros (and other professions) may be able to use different weapons, but I think Marjory is going to swap to the new class soon. As for Rytlock, well, the sword did belong to Rurik, it went back to the mists with Rytlock behind. Chances are he caught up to it, found Rurik, and Rurik embedded himself in the sword, hence the power up (or allowing Rytlock to access its full power).
Based off what has been said in previous interviews and such, the likeliest new class will be a heavy armor wearer (to even out the numbers), and it’s been said that they eventually want to make all weapons available for all classes. So could go either way.
On the Rurik thing… I would find it hilarious if you happened to be right about that, and that’s what allows Rytlock to lift the curse of the Foefire (I believe what’s said is “in the hands of the rightful heir of Ascalon” but hey, what if being IN the weapon works too?). /crackpottheory
The Archivist’s Sanctum [Lore] – Just Us Grown-Ups [JUGS]
Why would the Charr rename the land that they conquered? I’d think they’d take pride in what they’ve done.
Surely, if it is Iron Legion Homelands, they would have their own name for it before humans arrived.
Which is odd now that I think about it…the Legions didn’t form until after Ascalon was established. Wierdsies.
Anyway, so why are the swords divine again?
I troll because I care
Except that the Iron Legion still calls the land “Ascalon”, even though for all intents and purposes the kingdom of Ascalon no longer exists…
…which is wrong in so many ways. The Charr are supposed to be the “tough-guy” race of Tyria, using the human name for their own homeland does not fit that at all. If ANet was more serious about creating a historical precedent for the Charr in Ascalon, and less serious about simply trying to displace the humans, they would have had their own name for it(and the history for it as well). No matter, I’m sure they will come up with somesuch reason why they use the human name.
What probably happened there is that the humans named the land at about the same time they conquered it, and when they founded a nation there, they naturally named the nation after the land.
Why did that probably happen?
The charr seem like they either don’t bother to name their lands (simply referring to them as “Iron Legion lands”, “Blood Legion lands” and so on) or what names they have they don’t share with others. Different culture.
As for the human names – because there is no evidence of “Ascalonians” and “Krytans” having been seperate tribes within Orr before the conquest of those lands. It’s telling that in every case, the name of the people is the name of the land with a suffix, rather than the name of the land being the name of the people with a suffix (such as Scotland, being the land of the Scots, and Russia being the land of the Rus). Now, language drift being as it is, it’s possible that there were initially tribes such as the Kryts and Ascai that predominantly migrated to those lands, then the lands were named after them, and then they started being named after the nation, similar to how the “Rus” became “Russians”. However, there’s little evidence that Ascalon and Kryta were initially settled by distinct tribes in this way.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Could be wrong and necros (and other professions) may be able to use different weapons, but I think Marjory is going to swap to the new class soon. As for Rytlock, well, the sword did belong to Rurik, it went back to the mists with Rytlock behind. Chances are he caught up to it, found Rurik, and Rurik embedded himself in the sword, hence the power up (or allowing Rytlock to access its full power).
Based off what has been said in previous interviews and such, the likeliest new class will be a heavy armor wearer (to even out the numbers), and it’s been said that they eventually want to make all weapons available for all classes. So could go either way.
On the Rurik thing… I would find it hilarious if you happened to be right about that, and that’s what allows Rytlock to lift the curse of the Foefire (I believe what’s said is “in the hands of the rightful heir of Ascalon” but hey, what if being IN the weapon works too?). /crackpottheory
Really, we wouldnt know HOW the magic works exactly, or if that would work. But if it DOES and DOES lift the curse, it’d probably be like with zhaitan dead. The ghosts will slowly disappear, but we have to clean up, they just wont come back. Or it would take awhile for the magic to dissipate
Surely, if it is Iron Legion Homelands, they would have their own name for it before humans arrived.
Initially the land was owned by the Grawl (or evidence seems to suggest) before being conquered by the Charr, later with the help of the Human Gods it was conquered by the humans. I’m not sure about when the Legions were established but I imagine Ascalon was Charr lands before the Iron Legion existed as it does today.
Why would the Charr rename the land that they conquered? I’d think they’d take pride in what they’ve done.
It’s something I’ve seen alot of in South Africa. After the fall of apartheid and a new predominately black party (ANC) became in charge, they started essentially renaming everything even remotely European sounding. I still remember all the controversy when they tried to rename Pretoria to Tshwane (or did they actually manage to do so?).
Basically renaming something is something beyond simply staking a claim, by naming it something else you essentially make it your own. So to say.
But I imagine for GW1 purposes they kept the name Ascalon.
Anyway, so why are the swords divine again?
They come from Orr, and everything from Orr is magic for some reason.
Except that the Iron Legion still calls the land “Ascalon”, even though for all intents and purposes the kingdom of Ascalon no longer exists…
…which is wrong in so many ways. The Charr are supposed to be the “tough-guy” race of Tyria, using the human name for their own homeland does not fit that at all. If ANet was more serious about creating a historical precedent for the Charr in Ascalon, and less serious about simply trying to displace the humans, they would have had their own name for it(and the history for it as well). No matter, I’m sure they will come up with somesuch reason why they use the human name.
What probably happened there is that the humans named the land at about the same time they conquered it, and when they founded a nation there, they naturally named the nation after the land.
Why did that probably happen?
The charr seem like they either don’t bother to name their lands (simply referring to them as “Iron Legion lands”, “Blood Legion lands” and so on) or what names they have they don’t share with others. Different culture.
As for the human names – because there is no evidence of “Ascalonians” and “Krytans” having been seperate tribes within Orr before the conquest of those lands. It’s telling that in every case, the name of the people is the name of the land with a suffix, rather than the name of the land being the name of the people with a suffix (such as Scotland, being the land of the Scots, and Russia being the land of the Rus). Now, language drift being as it is, it’s possible that there were initially tribes such as the Kryts and Ascai that predominantly migrated to those lands, then the lands were named after them, and then they started being named after the nation, similar to how the “Rus” became “Russians”. However, there’s little evidence that Ascalon and Kryta were initially settled by distinct tribes in this way.
True, but almost every RL kingdom was either named after a people or a land. GW is not Earth, but given that there were no humans around before the Orrians, Krytans, and Ascalons got there, it’s fairly academic that they didn’t have any proper names for where they set up their respective kingdoms.
I troll because I care
Anyway, so why are the swords divine again?
They come from Orr, and everything from Orr is magic for some reason.
But I meant not just magical, but divine. GW2 is the first time we hear that the swords were created by the gods.
I troll because I care
I didn’t mean to imply that the swords were created BY the Gods, but the swords might have been created by Orrian mages who used divine magic in their creation, rather than the stock standard magic that most other spellcasters use. It might explain why Magdaer and Sohothin are so incredibly powerful as compared to most other magical items, along with other extremely powerful artifacts from Orr such as the Scepter of Orr.
Anyway, so why are the swords divine again?
They come from Orr, and everything from Orr is magic for some reason.
But I meant not just magical, but divine. GW2 is the first time we hear that the swords were created by the gods.
Magical? Divine? It’s all in the eye of the beholder :P
I’m pretty sure that Rytlock mastered the sword’s power in the mists.
Anyway, so why are the swords divine again?
They come from Orr, and everything from Orr is magic for some reason.
But I meant not just magical, but divine. GW2 is the first time we hear that the swords were created by the gods.
Magical? Divine? It’s all in the eye of the beholder :P
By definition, divine means godly in nature. Magic could come from anywhere.
Granted, in GW1 almost all magic was indirectly divine. But that’s certainly not how it is in GW2…or ever was really. ;-)
I’m just wondering how something described simply as “magical Orrian weapon” back then is now suddenly on par with one of the most powerful weapons on the face of the planet: the Scepter of Orr. Is it only sharing the same place name??
I troll because I care
The name landing discussion is making me wonder what standard we are holding Anet to. To me, Anet named the land and that’s just what the land is called.
Anyway, so why are the swords divine again?
They come from Orr, and everything from Orr is magic for some reason.
But I meant not just magical, but divine. GW2 is the first time we hear that the swords were created by the gods.
Magical? Divine? It’s all in the eye of the beholder :P
By definition, divine means godly in nature. Magic could come from anywhere.
But your god is my extremely-magical-but-not-godly-entity.