Perhaps I wasn’t clear, but that’s exactly my point. There are always “good” and “evil” factions within a civilization. No matter how kind, respectful, honourable and high moral we are, these evil factions will always exist.
So basically the Dark Knights failed before they even flayed their first innocent… because no matter what they do, they will always be opposed. There will always be “good” and “evil” factions within a civilization, after all.
Then we look at history. All these ancient races always end up fighting against each other, or within themselves, and so the Elder Dragons wins at the end.
Last I checked, Zhaitan took a giant 2 up the kitten and hasn’t gotten up since.
So once again here is my question: If we allow all these enemy factions to stabs us in the back while we deal with the Elder Dragons, how certain are we that we will win?
Ignoring the fact that the Dark Knights would be that very backstabbing enemy faction in the given scenario.
Once again look at history. This has never happened. And so the Elder Dragons always wins.
To beat the Elder Dragons, we must form the largest united front the world has ever seen. That is the only way we can achieve the impossible. To do this, we need absolutely everyone to obey us.
The Pact is already the largest united front the world has ever seen. As for getting everyone to obey you, ask any “evil” faction how their attempts at making that happen for themselves have been going.
There is pretty much only two ways to make people obey you: They either love you. Or they fear you.
As I said in my first paragraph, these enemy factions does not love us. In fact they probably will never love us. You can talk your brains out with your nice, respectful, honourable and high moral, it won’t matter. They don’t care. You cannot melt their hearts. This is not a child’s story.
So the only way left is to fear them. And so like I said:
“We cannot have our version of the “Stone Summits” stabbing our backs. This is unacceptable. That’s why the existing “Stone Summits” must be ruthlessly and mercilessly crushed, and future “Stone Summits” be so scared of us that they never even appear.”
So what happens when you’re faced with a faction, “good” or “evil”, whom you can’t threaten/torture/murder enough to fear you (perhaps because they’re equally if not more ruthless), and whom perceive you to be the “Stone Summit”? What happens if, say, Palawa Joko decided he would very much like the EDs to succeed for whatever reason (e.g. kittens and giggles), and felt that the Dark Knights were getting in the way of that?
As for Ascalon vs Charr:
1) Skinning dead is very different from skinning alive. But either way Charrs literally eats Ascalonians. Can’t top that now can’t we?
2) Ascalon have tons of spies and scouts deep into Charr territory. Never did we see them attack harmless Charr villagers. Not once did they even mention killing Charr civilians.
Charrs have no problem killing every human woman and children they find. Ask Gwen if you don’t believe me.
3) Charr males already outnumbers, by a lot, the whole Ascalon army. This much is obvious. The point is Ascalon should have used conscription.
4) Without the Searing (illegal nuclear weapons, in GW standards), the Charrs won’t have beaten Ascalon this “easily”, if at all. Ruthlessness, merciless, immoral and illegal clearly gave the Charrs an advantage here.
1) Ascalonian pelts probably never caught on in Charr fashion circles. As for eating them, who’s to say the starving Ascalonians post-Searing didn’t chow down on the perfectly good Charr meat left over after they skinned them?
2) Gwen sure survived a long time in the hands of Charr that have no problem killing every human woman and child they found.
3) Whom would have still been effectively nuked.
4) And they STILL didn’t win, even after taking the nuclear option.
(edited by achensherd.2735)