What in the World Are Signets? (In lore)
They´re artifact from gw1 developement, when skills were equippable rings. (8 skills also comes from that background)
Signet rings make a lot more sense, eh?
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Ah’! That does make some sense, thanks for the answer. Anyone else with an answer is welcome to add their input.
Yes, just remember that this was the past, and things are obviously much different now with skills being based on your weapon sets and such. Signets may still be that way, but there is no posted evidence of this.
well given the name and since they are mentioned by NPCs I would think it’s safe to say that it is a seal you have somewhere on your person, how you “activate” it may take some explaining, however magic is a wonderfully ambiguous thing.
I believe I recall mention that said signets are of Orrian origins – they are effectively the same as your standard fantasy signets – rings and other stones that were imbued with limited-use magical spells.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I think this [http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Skill_Gem] gives a bit of insight as to what Anet thought signets were initially, if you’re wondering
“Skills were initially conceived as being rings, explaining why a player could only bring eight skills as well as the concept of the Signet skill type (Signets are engravings on rings).”
just a bit of info, i guess.