Wizard's Tower in Kessex Hills
I think I know who lives there. It’s our worst enemy.
I’d love to get up there and have a look. Figure out if the elementals are what they’re said to be, and also being up in a tower in the air has got to be epic.
I want to know because I’m going to have to retire in Garrenhoff. It’s just got the look of somewhere I need to live, or that I’d love to design and build.
if you youtube guildwars2 lore wizards tower theres a recent (no older than 2 years) video about “he who shall not be named” might be living there (no not lord voldemort) lol
Since it’s the new trait hunt might bring us there, we also migth see some new info… But it will just be another small teaser because anet knows the players are dying to explore the tower!
After years and years of speculation and wanting, by now, I kinda wish we never find out what’s up there.
Some of the world’s mysteries are better off not solved.
if you youtube guildwars2 lore wizards tower theres a recent (no older than 2 years) video about “he who shall not be named” might be living there (no not lord voldemort) lol
The wooden potato video seems interesting enough, although it’s all still speculation.
If only paragons were present in GW2… they could fly there on their wings!
May we get a new Living Story character in the form of the Wizard’s apprentice, and a new dungeon with some good looking magic gear to be obtained. Actual robes and such.