"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just gonna pop in here real quick.. i remember reading.. or seeing an asuran somewhere talking about how when the dwarfs disappearance was being investigated they found that through the Dwarf archives that the dragons has been undoubtedly defeated before by other past races. That its a natural cycle and that the dragons live in a state of undeath. Meaning each time they are “Killed” They are put into a form of stasis, or non-life. Only to be revitalized at unknown increments of time by nature or some other force.

On a side now.. its frusterates me how many players in the game few teq, kitten, jormag , Megadestroyer, etc. all as the elder dragons when they are in fact champions of the elder dragons. Also Anet should add the other elder dragons champions/ elder dragon fights :c

but to the first bit, I know that it Sounds crazy, so im trying to find where I heard/saw this right now so you can all check it out. Anyone here that knows would be greatly appreciated if you could state where.

Isle Of Janthir

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


I have not heard anything about this asura you are talking about. As far as I know, the only dragon awakening we have on record ended with them going to sleep due to no longer having magic to consume.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I’ve seen someone make mention of this in the LS forum, but I have never seen this in the game.

I’m going to request a source before I believe this claim. Or at least a location so that I can find the source.

As Narcemus said, all other evidence and records state that the Elder Dragons’ last rise – the only one given any details other than “the jotun knew of the rises before the last” – ended with the Seers creating the bloodstone which put the Elder Dragons to sleep via starvation. And this comes from the Priory at the very end of the personal story, so unless this “undoubtedly defeated” bit comes from the living story (which has had nothing to do with ED until Tequatl), then the Priory from Arah explorable are more likely to be trusted.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Donut.6914


I’m not going to go through 4 pages of lore nerdiness so if these pics have been posted already, I apologize.

To anyone who actually thinks Zhaitan is still alive, here’s some pics of his body.


I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Grim Sheep.2346

Grim Sheep.2346

Not sure if this has already been posted but…
you know how Grenth was able to “ascend” to godhood when he defeated Dhuum, and Dhuum’s spot as a death god was vacant?

What if Zhaitan’s title as the “elder dragon of death” is still there, and can be, like, claimed by another dragon? Namely Tequatl? What if Tequatl was like Zhaitan’s legacy?
Unlike the Claw of Jormug or The Shatterer, Tequatl is not a title, but the name of dragon itself.
I’m just posting this because I don’t think the name Zhaitan itself is an actual title, and I believe that Zhaitan is gone for good. I think that what Tequatl may be taking over is the “death dragon elder” esque title, like Grenth did to become a death god. Grenth didn’t change his name to Dhuum, but he did take on the title as god of death.

Why aren’t Skritt a playable race yet.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

I’m not going to go through 4 pages of lore nerdiness so if these pics have been posted already, I apologize.

To anyone who actually thinks Zhaitan is still alive, here’s some pics of his body.

They have been posted. And commented on in this page. Those pictures are obtained via a glitch, so they don’t count as lore.

If you don’t want to go through lore “nerdiness” then don’t come to the lore forums? If ya don’t like something, and don’t have ta, don’t do it.

Not sure if this has already been posted but…
you know how Grenth was able to “ascend” to godhood when he defeated Dhuum, and Dhuum’s spot as a death god was vacant?

What if Zhaitan’s title as the “elder dragon of death” is still there, and can be, like, claimed by another dragon? Namely Tequatl? What if Tequatl was like Zhaitan’s legacy?
Unlike the Claw of Jormug or The Shatterer, Tequatl is not a title, but the name of dragon itself.
I’m just posting this because I don’t think the name Zhaitan itself is an actual title, and I believe that Zhaitan is gone for good. I think that what Tequatl may be taking over is the “death dragon elder” esque title, like Grenth did to become a death god. Grenth didn’t change his name to Dhuum, but he did take on the title as god of death.

Difference is that godhood is determined by the indestructible magic they wield. Upon death, that magic goes rampant and must be immediately absorbed by a new vessel. Dragons function differently.

That said though, their magic doesn’t just up and vanish. So if the dragon minions can absorb Zhaitan’s magic for itself…

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Drakkon.4782


Life is based on particular processes of the universe. Some of those dependent processes include Thermodynamics. One of the LAWS of Thermodynamics is that energy can be neither created, nor destroyed. All that Zhaitan was therefore cannot have vanished or been destroyed with his death. But all of it does not require to have been sent into one vessel.

An amazing property of energy is that it can be diverted, reflected, and split into numerous segments, each of which can be reflected or diverted and split again. Thus Zhaitan’s energy need not have remained intact, or even remained as potent as it once was. Simply stated, the power of the Elder Dragon can be diminished as it is shared across his minions, and they, too, can be vanquished, or have their power reduced to the point of near harmlessness. This process occurs in-game already, in reverse, in the aspect of the Elder Dragons consuming magic, concentrating it within themselves. It only makes sense that they would undergo a reverse process after they died.

So the pattern is set: Kill the Elder Dragon, Kill his empowered Lieutenants, Kill his Sub-Commanders, leave his rank and file be. By the time his power is distributed across all of the mundane undead that could possibly exist, it will be so diluted that they will be barely more potent than they are now, and we will see little difference, save they will be mindless still, and easily corralled. Pen them up, contain them, and cleanse Orr.

Mission Accomplished.

“People don’t hate Scarlet the way Game of Thrones
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


Here’s a few things for you all to ponder;
“How can you kill that which has no life?”

Zhaitan is an Elder undead dragon. Now, take into account that this beast is more than a simple Thrall that WAS alive.
Just because we see Zhaitan’s corpse (canon or not) does not mean he is ‘dead’.
How do you know it’s dead?
It doesn’t move?
It has no heartbeat to check its pulse.
His minions haven’t dropped dead, so its impossible to say whether or not his influence directly controlled them.

A undead dragon hibernating is almost exactly the same as if it were dead. In fact, most of Zhaitan’s body is intact, that and the fact that the weapons that killed him were mostly comprised of Asuran tech. What does that mean? MAGIC.

Tell me, how can something that is magic based, truly kill something that feeds off it? Defeated? Yes. ‘Dead’? I highly doubt it.
He can’t drown if he went into the ocean and I highly doubt a creature that feels no pain would die from a crash landing. Especially since his body still remained in rather good condition (for an undead at least).

This MIGHT have been different if it was any other Elder dragon. But many seem to overlook the undead aspect combined with the magical elements.

Duty is heavier than death.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

By claiming that Zhaitan was undead, then you must also claim that:

Jormag is ice.
Kralkatorrik is crystal.
Primordus is fire.
Mordremoth is a plant.
The deep sea dragon is water.

And this fails because we know for a fact that Kralkatorrik is flesh and blood thanks to Edge of Destiny. Even if his blood crystallizes as it goes through coagulation, and even though his body can turn into a sandstorm, his body itself is still flesh and blood, still scales as skin. Not crystal.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


By claiming that Zhaitan was undead, then you must also claim that:

Jormag is ice.
Kralkatorrik is crystal.
Primordus is fire.
Mordremoth is a plant.
The deep sea dragon is water.

And this fails because we know for a fact that Kralkatorrik is flesh and blood thanks to Edge of Destiny. Even if his blood crystallizes as it goes through coagulation, and even though his body can turn into a sandstorm, his body itself is still flesh and blood, still scales as skin. Not crystal.

However, those are just elements. They are still in fact living even so. I don’t think ‘undeath’ is really considered an element. More of a state of being. Yes, Zhaitan is of flesh and likely blood, but is not what one would call living, outside of being mobile.

Even dismissing that fact, it still doesn’t cover the other flaws that plague the encounter with questionable results.

Duty is heavier than death.

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Zhaitan is also considered the Elder Death Dragon, just as Jormag is also the Elder Snow Dragon. But my point remains unchanged – the Elder Dragons are not of what they corrupt.

Though honestly speaking I would put Zhaitan’s use of undead being a preference, and his element as “Rot” or “Decay” given how everything he corrupts is instantly rotten and the like.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.