is it okay to ride a centaur?
I imagine a centaur would find it a bit demeaning to be used as a beast of burden.
Little known fact, that was actually the reason for the human-centaur war. The granddaugther of King Doric wanted to ride the “horsie with the funny face”.
@cureforliving but they were mates whats a… horsie ride between mates
@BuddhaKelks lol was her name varuka by any chance
Sure it’s fine, they are just animals after all. Or at least some tribes are.
~Sincerely, Scissors
lol was her name varuka by any chance
Pretty sure it was Varuka-Michelle-Rollgardina-Victualia-Peppermint. At that time people still thought plenty of given names are the way of the future.
For more random trivia: The secret code phrase of the Order of Whispers is: “The Quaggan bacons at midnight.”
how does a quaggan bacon?
i mean it sounds delicious but im not sure i understand
Pshhht no words, only dreams now.
please no anything but the dream, i dont wanna be killed by salad
If Mordy destroys waypoints or something, you know who will dominate lucrative taxi buisness in Kryta.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
100% worth the the destruction of tyria
centaur taxi service needs to be canon
What’s the point of centaur taxi service? All my humans can outrun centaurs!
It’s definitely not ok to ride a centaur if you’re a norn. Unless you jump from a really high roof to get on it’s back.
What’s the point of centaur taxi service? All my humans can outrun centaurs!
you sir win this topic.
What’s the point of centaur taxi service? All my humans can outrun centaurs!
But can they do it while carrying passengers?
~Sincerely, Scissors
What’s the point of centaur taxi service? All my humans can outrun centaurs!
But can they do it while carrying passengers?
Great point there. They can always bring a carriage with them for the hell of it