Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert
I know there’s a lot of love for the blubber balls, but I can’t stand them. I know I’m not the only one. Gimme some validation please.
The key to liking quaggan is to dip them in butter.
The key to liking quaggan is to dip them in butter.
I like where you’re going. Maybe a nice Chardonnay too? Some candles would be nice. Mah lady frand would love all of that. Thanks for the tip.
The key to liking quaggan is to dip them in butter.
Perhaps a little lemon and garlic as well.
I don’t know what you have against Quaggan.
They are kind, cute, round, humble and delicious. How could you hate them?
For every race there are probably groups of people that like them and groups of people that dislike them.
I guess this isn’t the time to tell you that after you die you’ll be reincarnated as a Quaggan.
I’ll come back later and give you the details.
I hate anything cute in a world like this. It’s extremely stupid to be fighting hordes of dragon minions and have a charr run past you wearing a stuffed quaggan on his back while beeping out Nintendo 64 sounds. But whatever, I rarely pay attention to anything other than combat or story anyway.
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
i hear they make good sushi to
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
What’s not to like? They’re horrifying murder machines constantly on the verge of going balls to the walls, lost in rage, and slaughtering everything around them, and eating it. They have to actively choose to not be that, all the time. They want to be better than all the bad things happening around them, and so that’s why they are like they are.
I liked them in the main story campaign, an interesting new peaceful race that abhors anger and battles with it as a “dark” side, then being caught in the developments in the world and forced to take action, getting out of their shelter cocoons.
I then enjoyed how they were developed in HoT (you see a Quaggan leading a strike force during an event chain who has learnt to say “I” instead of “quaggan”).
However, Season 3 has reduced them to an annoyingly brainless “cutsie” race. Their comments make me want to bash my head against the wall and their balloon-like bodies make me want to grab a needle and make them pop. Quaggan very unhappy.
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
Ah, real world science. I like that!
And I don’t like Quaggans.
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Is evolution established as actually existing in this setting? The gods (deities often being represented as creators of life in mythology) are confirmed to exist (or have existed) in this setting.
Quaggan is for lunch and little else (their pelts are neither soft or absorbent enough to be used for rags).
The key to liking quaggan is to dip them in butter.
As to Quaggan
In one event in FGS, the Icebrood attack a Quaggan village. The Quaggans hide. Players defeat the Icebrood. After, Quaggan emerges and shrieks, “Quaggan did it! Quaggan defeated the Icebrood!” Ingrates. Only the Asura are worse.
So no, Quaggan and I are not friends.
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Okay, I’ll concede that opposable thumbs and the knowledge to wield weapons compensate for their biological failures.
As for the biological failures:
1) Their physical form is not made for swimming, despite being an aquatic species. In their forms they would requrie tremendous amounts of energy to stay afloat, and not sink to the bottom oor float helplessly, depending on their body density. (a quick look at their limbs also tell you they’re not made for swimming)
2) Society: they have a useless means of survival, HOWEVER the use of this means is considered taboo, and they lose all hope of ever procreating. They live in a society where the survivors aren’t allowed to breed. Thats like a kick in Darwin’s skritt-bags.
How could you hate them?
They talk, that’s how.
Quaggan are to feed the krait
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Okay, I’ll concede that opposable thumbs and the knowledge to wield weapons compensate for their biological failures.
As for the biological failures:
1) Their physical form is not made for swimming, despite being an aquatic species. In their forms they would requrie tremendous amounts of energy to stay afloat, and not sink to the bottom oor float helplessly, depending on their body density. (a quick look at their limbs also tell you they’re not made for swimming)2) Society: they have a useless means of survival, HOWEVER the use of this means is considered taboo, and they lose all hope of ever procreating. They live in a society where the survivors aren’t allowed to breed. Thats like a kick in Darwin’s skritt-bags.
They sound awfully similar to humans and their “very fast and efficient” walking method, and all their control taboos around sex and reproduction.
Imo Quaggan are the Jar-Jar Binks of the GW universe.
The key to liking quaggan is to dip them in butter.
Yeah this is about the only way I would like a quaggan. I just never got into the love for this race, they are downright annoying, horrible little pimples waddling around the world. I like quaggans about as much as I like those little rat weasels called Skritt and I’m seeing way too much of them in the LS too.
Imo Quaggan are the Jar-Jar Binks of the GW universe.
Cmon. Quaggans don’t destroy the whole game just by being there.
In fact, they are much more interesting than most other races in Tyria. I’ll put them in the same level as humans: Annoying, funny, a little unnecessary, but overall good to have.
Imo Quaggan are the Jar-Jar Binks of the GW universe.
Cmon. Quaggans don’t destroy the whole game just by being there.
In fact, they are much more interesting than most other races in Tyria. I’ll put them in the same level as humans: Annoying, funny, a little unnecessary, but overall good to have.
Actually they do. They ruined the personal story if you got involved with them during the rise of Orr, and now they’re polluting the Arctic..
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Okay, I’ll concede that opposable thumbs and the knowledge to wield weapons compensate for their biological failures.
As for the biological failures:
1) Their physical form is not made for swimming, despite being an aquatic species. In their forms they would requrie tremendous amounts of energy to stay afloat, and not sink to the bottom oor float helplessly, depending on their body density. (a quick look at their limbs also tell you they’re not made for swimming)2) Society: they have a useless means of survival, HOWEVER the use of this means is considered taboo, and they lose all hope of ever procreating. They live in a society where the survivors aren’t allowed to breed. Thats like a kick in Darwin’s skritt-bags.
They move through the water with seeming ease despite your listed shortcomings. Perhaps they possess a currently unknown capability that overcomes purely physical limitations. The fact that they perform on a par with species that are not hindered by the same handicaps seems to indicate some degree of superiority (at least in these limited areas).
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Okay, I’ll concede that opposable thumbs and the knowledge to wield weapons compensate for their biological failures.
As for the biological failures:
1) Their physical form is not made for swimming, despite being an aquatic species. In their forms they would requrie tremendous amounts of energy to stay afloat, and not sink to the bottom oor float helplessly, depending on their body density. (a quick look at their limbs also tell you they’re not made for swimming)2) Society: they have a useless means of survival, HOWEVER the use of this means is considered taboo, and they lose all hope of ever procreating. They live in a society where the survivors aren’t allowed to breed. Thats like a kick in Darwin’s skritt-bags.
Their cutesy form is basically an anthropomorphic manatee. Manatees seem to survive just fine on their own, when people aren’t murdering them with motor boats.
I don’t know what you’re talking about with the procreation though. There are plenty of instances of Quaggan children, so obviously breeding is occurring.
Their cutesy form is basically an anthropomorphic manatee. Manatees seem to survive just fine on their own, when people aren’t murdering them with motor boats.
Speaking of their form and looks: Why did the devs decide not to stick with this (pic #1), but instead with this (pic #2)?
The former (dolphin/wale-headed quaggans with sharp teeth and fish-like bodies) I loved, the latter (cutesy balloon-like quaggans) I truly despise.
Their cutesy form is basically an anthropomorphic manatee. Manatees seem to survive just fine on their own, when people aren’t murdering them with motor boats.
Speaking of their form and looks: Why did the devs decide not to stick with this (pic #1), but instead with this (pic #2)?
The former (dolphin/wale-headed quaggans with sharp teeth and fish-like bodies) I loved, the latter (cutesy balloon-like quaggans) I truly despise.
Maybe it’s because humans have a drive to prefer small creatures with rounded features (babies) and this creeps into art (intentionally or unintentionally) when the artists want to make a creature more sympathetic to a large group.
Far example, the evolution of Mickey Mouse over the decades from sharp rodent features to rounded babyish features.
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Okay, I’ll concede that opposable thumbs and the knowledge to wield weapons compensate for their biological failures.
As for the biological failures:
1) Their physical form is not made for swimming, despite being an aquatic species. In their forms they would requrie tremendous amounts of energy to stay afloat, and not sink to the bottom oor float helplessly, depending on their body density. (a quick look at their limbs also tell you they’re not made for swimming)2) Society: they have a useless means of survival, HOWEVER the use of this means is considered taboo, and they lose all hope of ever procreating. They live in a society where the survivors aren’t allowed to breed. Thats like a kick in Darwin’s skritt-bags.
Their cutesy form is basically an anthropomorphic manatee. Manatees seem to survive just fine on their own, when people aren’t murdering them with motor boats.
I don’t know what you’re talking about with the procreation though. There are plenty of instances of Quaggan children, so obviously breeding is occurring.
An orca can swim just fine. A quaggan lacks all of that design, it’s literally a ball with an orca or manatee skin pattern. When was the last time you saw a ball gliding through water without resistance?
As for the children: those are the children of the quaggans who don’t use their power-mode. If a quaggan uses his power-mode, the others will view him as corrupt or inferior, and wont breed with him anymore.
“Not like” is a complete understatement. Quaggans are the worst things designs since the berlin wall. I hoped and prayed to the six gods they would never be incorporated in the story. Looks like ill have to start praying to rodgort if i want some results.
What a bizarre comparison. Quaggans are a cutesy race in a fantasy game; the Berlin wall was a tool used by a RL repressive regime to keep people from escaping to a less hostile environment.
Quaggans are from a biological, evolutionary and design point of view complete random mishaps that shouldnt be able to survive in any world. Theyre ugly, theyre annoying, and as a biologist i. An say theres nothing about their survival skills thats slightly optimal. Clearly magic has kept them alive because the chaina of evolution wouldve eradicated them by now
I’m curious, oh great biologist, what about them would impair their survival? Their ability to swim well and breath underwater as well as on land, survive in arctic temperatures, opposable thumbs, ability to construct and use weapons and buildings? An ability to actually alter their physical shape, reducing their size rather significantly. These seem like useful evolutionary qualities.
Okay, I’ll concede that opposable thumbs and the knowledge to wield weapons compensate for their biological failures.
As for the biological failures:
1) Their physical form is not made for swimming, despite being an aquatic species. In their forms they would requrie tremendous amounts of energy to stay afloat, and not sink to the bottom oor float helplessly, depending on their body density. (a quick look at their limbs also tell you they’re not made for swimming)2) Society: they have a useless means of survival, HOWEVER the use of this means is considered taboo, and they lose all hope of ever procreating. They live in a society where the survivors aren’t allowed to breed. Thats like a kick in Darwin’s skritt-bags.
Their cutesy form is basically an anthropomorphic manatee. Manatees seem to survive just fine on their own, when people aren’t murdering them with motor boats.
I don’t know what you’re talking about with the procreation though. There are plenty of instances of Quaggan children, so obviously breeding is occurring.
An orca can swim just fine. A quaggan lacks all of that design, it’s literally a ball with an orca or manatee skin pattern. When was the last time you saw a ball gliding through water without resistance?
As for the children: those are the children of the quaggans who don’t use their power-mode. If a quaggan uses his power-mode, the others will view him as corrupt or inferior, and wont breed with him anymore.
I accept your ideas surrounding the Orca quaggan. That’s not what quaggan look like. They look like the things that exist in every quaggan village in Tyria, until this one was made. Those things really shouldn’t be able to swim well, hunt or even move easily.
As for culture, it isn’t a matter of “power” it’s a matter of giving in to their base aggression. It is literally a race of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hydes. You don’t admire Dr Jekyll for giving in and becoming Mr Hyde, you recognize that Mr Hyde is a monster, and therefore so is Dr Jekyll for actively allowing himself to become that.
Quaggan are so irritating; weak and obnoxious sea slugs. Even if the writers sacrificed them all as dragon-chow in the plot, I don’t think many tears would be shed.
Poor quaggan they gonna be sad to read this
I don’t like them either. There’s not enough garlic in the world to make them likeable
Poor quaggan
they gonna be sad to read this
If possible id print this and read it out loud to each and every quaggan.
Lets make the seas salty again!
Imo Quaggan are the Jar-Jar Binks of the GW universe.
Cmon. Quaggans don’t destroy the whole game just by being there.
In fact, they are much more interesting than most other races in Tyria. I’ll put them in the same level as humans: Annoying, funny, a little unnecessary, but overall good to have.
They do. The moment I heard those dopey voices and saw those beach balls in LS was the moment I noped out. I haven’t even bothered with the map since. It breaks the game for me (and others that I know).
Sometimes, I start quaggan escort events and hang back to let them die to the Krait. It’s my only consolation.
Quaggans are pretty much like panda’s. They are big, fat and cuddly, but are also the dumbest being ever. These meatballs can’t do anything on their own (much like Trahearne) without getting killed, trapped or enslaved (again, much like Trahearne) and I am really wondering why they aren’t extinct yet.
Kraitkin > Slushydoo
Imo Quaggan are the Jar-Jar Binks of the GW universe.
Cmon. Quaggans don’t destroy the whole game just by being there.
In fact, they are much more interesting than most other races in Tyria. I’ll put them in the same level as humans: Annoying, funny, a little unnecessary, but overall good to have.They do. The moment I heard those dopey voices and saw those beach balls in LS was the moment I noped out. I haven’t even bothered with the map since. It breaks the game for me (and others that I know).
Sometimes, I start quaggan escort events and hang back to let them die to the Krait. It’s my only consolation.
Agreed. Its impossible to take any story serious if it involves quaggans. Feels almost like a fun side event that has no bearing on any serious story. Just like adventure box, its a gimmick extra, not to interfere with the real story. But they sometimes for e quaggans in when they have no purpose being there. I just cant get myself to think of vhapters involving quaggan as ‘real’ or ‘canon’
I actually like the quaggan in this patch. The thing I really love in the new map is having the kodan sanctuary anchored on top of the quaggan village so they effectively form one village. It looks awesome in my opinion. The times they came into the story were good too. I actually think it would be a good idea to have a couple more quaggan villages as we explore more of the shiverpeaks, I actually like the look of their villages.
I thought I liked quaggan until I got to bitterfrost frontier. I realized that I really dislike them lol.
All of the “lesser races” are annoying in their individual ways. But they try to help the best they can with the fight against the dragons.
I honestly like the quaggans as much as I like the skritt… and bouncing on mushrooms to get to the top of a cliff. I’m saying I don’t like them.
All of the “lesser races” are annoying in their individual ways. But they try to help the best they can with the fight against the dragons.
I can tolerate Skritt, i love the tengu, the kodan are cool, the hylek.. well.. theyre hylek, im fine with them.
The quaggans are like..
Dev: “who threw this perfectly good design in the trashcan.. it got a little mold on it, but im sure we can still use it”
Speaking of their form and looks: Why did the devs decide not to stick with this (pic #1), but instead with this (pic #2)?
The former (dolphin/wale-headed quaggans with sharp teeth and fish-like bodies) I loved, the latter (cutesy balloon-like quaggans) I truly despise.
Maybe it’s because humans have a drive to prefer small creatures with rounded features (babies) and this creeps into art (intentionally or unintentionally) when the artists want to make a creature more sympathetic to a large group.
Far example, the evolution of Mickey Mouse over the decades from sharp rodent features to rounded babyish features.
Terrible in the case of quaggans. I really loved them at the start, but the current version is quite disgusting, not cute. At least IMO.
I just watched this, and it made me laugh so hard but also lose what little respect I had left for the species (those baby voices they use for the quaggans are annoying as well and anything but “cute”):
It’s from the latest GW2 Guild Chat. I loved the part about the charr.
Summary: the current version of quaggans are a bad running gag in GW2.
I will gladly avenge the proud Quaggan race when Steve/Krait/Whatever has eaten every last one of them..poor Quaggans, poor delicious Quaggans…
Was a bit too much to sit through, having both slow speaking races in the most recent LS…
…and yes…the Quaggan are the Gungans of GW.
I can’t say that I hate them but I don’t care toooo much for them either. I think people over-hype them toooo much. Some of the ones in bitterfrost don’t sound like Quaggan should either. They have the deepness in the voice but some, such as farmer Simooba in Whorl Lagoon, just sound like they’ve been hit in the head by toooo many outboard motor propeller blades. As if they should wear a helmet and a drooool bib.
Anyone notice how quaggans are the real humans of this genre, while we, the ACTUAL humans, are the equivalent of uppity high elves looking down on races?
Quaggans have proven to be highly resistant to adverse environments (jungle/ice), ferocious fighters, capable of understanding language, group tactics and technology… please remind me what exactly makes them any weaker than the other minor races of Tyria? Their only annoying trait is their pacifism and manner of speaking – both of which can be changed with effort.
If anything, I think the Norn deserve a little more of Darwin’s love over quaggan.
I don’t like them. They talk like mentally deficient on acid.
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