Awards in the final patch... legendaries?
Karka wasn’t the final patch, lol. We really need good reward for final. As you said a lot of people were not happy because it was randomly :P
Getting a legendary is the hardest thing to do in the game, so no, they won’t give out free ones. If you ask for a chance for ascended you might get somewhere though.
No, it’s the most boring thing. I can farm all days but I don’t want to. Legendaries shouldn’t be for cash. We should get it for really hard challenge. I hope this will be final.
Well doing LS is not a challenge. I did pretty much all of them and have a legendary. I found making a legendary far harder than farming achievements for a few days every few weeks.
It’s only final of season 1.
So you mean a final of all the seasons? That’s likely to happen just before the game shuts down. So in what? 5 years? Maybe more? Maybe less?
You are angry because you spent a lot of money for exotics for precursor huh? ^^ We all know that final must be epic. :P
Not angry, just being realistic. Why would I be angry? If they awarded legendaries based on participation in the living story I would get one too.
Legendaries should stay a legendary. They are supposed to be ‘hard to get’ because:
- they are a long term objective, not something you can buy at the very first convenience store.
- a legendary wouldn’t be a legendary if everyone would have them. ‘Legendary’ can be described as ‘so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend’. The word ‘Legend’ means something like ‘unverified story handed down from earlier times’ . So if everyone would be having one for free then that ‘unverified story’ wouldn’t be unverified and that would make the weapon an everyday weapon, not a legendary.
- You don’t need to buy them because you can also craft them (it takes a lot of work, but it’s possible)
- What after season 2? Give them 2 legendaries? And after season 7? Maybe some custom armor (or finisher). But not a legendary.
Maybe a ‘scarlet’ like outfit for the players would be better, so after each season they could hand out a new outfit/skin. So that players can look like their favorite villain. :p
(edited by NathanH.1465)
Legendaries should be earned, not bought, I’d agree with you OP IF, and only IF getting the Meta achievements for each and every event in the story arc was required AND it was as hard, if not harder, to get the meta done each month as killing Liadri was.
Farming shouldn’t be how you get a legendary, skill should, imo anyway.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I think there should have been an extra reward if someone completed all the LS metas from the first to the last, but giving a legendary away is preposterous. Even as something as simple as a title would have been great, “Scarlet Crusader” or something.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
Anet only needs to make one small change to legendaries: make them account bound. This solves two problems
1. You cannot sell an account bound item, so some rich guy can’t buy a bunch of legendaries without putting in any work
2. If you want to use the legendary with a different character, you can
Maybe a ‘scarlet’ like outfit for the players would be better, so after each season they could hand out a new outfit/skin. So that players can look like their favorite villain. :p