Beetles as ranger pets?

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: The Human Panadeine.2561

The Human Panadeine.2561

Is having the new beetles in Dry Top as ranger pets something that Arenanet would consider? They’re so cool, I want one to follow me around and fight with me forever. Obviously they probably wouldn’t only be able to be hurt from the front, though.

What does everyone else think about this?

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Lodius.5392


I still want a Dolyak…

Beetles would be cool (but I HATE insects… soo… yeah)

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: The Human Panadeine.2561

The Human Panadeine.2561

Even the guy who hates insects thinks beetles would be cool!

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


They dont care about anger pets, dont get your hopes up. There are tons of creatures that would make good pets but we got zero in almost 2 years

Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: SmudgerUK.4715


Still waiting for a Raptor to appear as a pet.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Solus.3926


Pets? … I’m still waiting for a viable Ranger.

I am the menace. The one whose will is done. The haunting chill upon your neck. I am the Conundrum.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


I would love a Beetle pet.

Sadly, I don’t think its going to happen. Quite frankly, we were probably lucky to get the Reef Drake, and probably only got it because it was an easy copy-paste of another pet.

Seems they don’t care to dedicate any time to additional Ranger pets, and TBH I can kind of see why. Ranger pets are kind of in a weird position considering it would be a single facet for a single class, and they tend to try to upgrade skills and such in a way that every class benefits. Traits get added in bundles with a new trait for every class, utilities get added in bundles in the same way. Additional Ranger pets don’t have any equivalent for any other class in the game, not even anything they could bundle up with to make it “fair”.

That doesn’t stop me from wishing for new pets, mind. I’m just not very optimistic about the chances of getting them except MAYBE for an expansion where all the other classes have plenty of new stuff to the point where a little extra for Ranger in the form of a few new pets wouldn’t really be a big deal.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Blair.3796


Juvenile Dust Mite Twister when, Anet.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I’m still hoping for a llama pet. Go go angry Charr ranger in bright pink flame armor with raging llama pet!

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I really liked those beetles. Reminded me of dung beetles. Definitely would be a good pet.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: hotcatz.6834


Plus 1 for the llama!

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Would be nice if anet gave rangers a pet from this zone…

I think Llama with its f2 being Spit that causes torment would be bad kitten

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: flipyap.5789


still waiting for Griffins, and beetles sound cool!

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Waiting on…

- Skelk: there’s a heart quest in Diessa Plateau involving charr training skelk.

-Skale: there’s a dynamic event in Plains of Ashford where you tame skale for an Ash Legion officer to use against Separatists.

- Siege Devourers : At least two or three dynamic events in Ascalon involve taming or utilizing them against enemies, and they are encountered as enemies too.

- Griffons : They’re everywhere…in the Shiverpeaks and Ascalon, anyway. There’s even a champion one kept as a pet by a giant in Lornar’s Pass.

- Karka : Because why not?

Those are just the examples that come to mind right now. I’m sure there’s more.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Not a ranger, but if I was, I would want a beetle.

Beetles as ranger pets?

in Living World

Posted by: deSade.9437


Is having the new beetles in Dry Top as ranger pets something that Arenanet would consider?

Nop, no. They don’t understand rangers. Just think of all the bosses or adds that can’t be properly damaged by them.
I’d kill to have any kind of new pet now, really. Basilisk and plated behemoth would be on top of the list.
… but this is all just a dream.