(edited by geogyf.5087)
Bring back Paul Eiding (Forgal Kernsson)
Forgal was good but I feel Tybalt was far better. I recently replayed the part of the personal story with him in it and I still find it baffling how his part can be so good while just about everything after it was horrible. Better still, where all other charr go on bravadic rants about the glory of war and death, Tybalt was lighthearted and energetic yet still remained focused on the task at hand. His personality also felt realistic. One of the biggest problems for the personal story is how many characters where dynamically descriptive of the situation and the weight of the consequences, should somethign go wrong. Basically they talked as if they were narrating a Broadway play. Tybalt, on the other hand, spoke naturally, like one would if they were speaking to their drinking buddy.
In my opinion, Forgal was better than Tybalt even though Tybalt was fairly entertaining.
Forgal reminded me of the gruff old soldier who finally warms up to you.
It also helps that he was voiced by a man who brought to life various characters I love from television shows.
Though I will admit Tybalt did talk to you like a drinking buddy, Forgal’s dialogue actually had me stop and listen after the initial conversations of a mission were over.
I liked how he went from throwing himself into the Vigil after his family died to seeing your character as the closest to an heir he will have, then ultimately sacrificing himself for you because you are pretty much his legacy now.
Out of the three, Forgal was hands down my favorite, despite his gruffness and the only one who I actually cried over what happened in the PS at Claw Island. ::sigh:: What a voice Paul Eiding has, like a demanding, yet gentle father.
He’ll probably be back when we go after Primordus. He voiced Jalis Ironhammer.
Mr. Googly Eyes? (I swear his eyes crossed every once and awhile during the cinematic dialogues.)
His VA was nice, but if they do bring him back, they would probably tweak his voice a bit. If only to offer up a bit of difference from his previous character. A game can’t have too many named npcs with the same exact VA.
A game can’t have too many named npcs with the same exact VA.
Crispin Freeman’s all over the place in this game. Not that I mind, I just notice it.
A game can’t have too many named npcs with the same exact VA.
Crispin Freeman’s all over the place in this game. Not that I mind, I just notice it.
His IMBb and the wiki list him only voicing three character, and I can’t seem to remember any of the character’s names actually listed, so I’m think they are only minor characters.
When I think of Forgal’s voice, all I hear in my head is…
“This is a glory proving, fought under the watchful eyes of the paragons of orzammar!”
A game can’t have too many named npcs with the same exact VA.
Crispin Freeman’s all over the place in this game. Not that I mind, I just notice it.
His IMBb and the wiki list him only voicing three character, and I can’t seem to remember any of the character’s names actually listed, so I’m think they are only minor characters.
The only information I can find about those characters is he is credited to them. I wonder if the names changed before release? What I have recognized though:
Lionguard Morris
And an unnamed Lionguard at Junction Haven
Back to Paul Eiding, it took me a while to figure out where I recognized the voice from, since it’s been a while since I played any Metal Gear. BTW, has everyone checked out the outtakes on ArenaNet’s Soundcloud?