Could some bad guys die for a change?

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: tekfan.3179


First off: Spoilers!!!
Episode 2 improved on a lot of things, in my opinion.

Still one thing is running straight through:
Why are only the good guys being killed off? Zephyrites, Seraph, Vigil, Priory, Belinda.
Shouldn’t an elder dragon be more careless what it kills?
Of course, dragon-servants like the Flame Legion and the Sons of Svanir are off the hook, but Dredge are no servants so far.

Mordremoth is digging through the earth with his vines, attracted to powerful magic.
Dredge are also digging their tunnels and are always in search for some dwarven artefacts to destroy.

I’d vote for the dredge getting some of Anets redshirt-love next.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Avascar.9237




Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


There are almost no named villains in the living story, so no.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


i think he means, why didn’t a dredge or bandit outpost get attacked.. or something
they probably did but how would we hear about it

edit, i think drooburt qualifies as a ‘bad guy’ soo there ya go

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

(edited by cheshirefox.7026)

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Soinetwa.5193


well we could see bandits and plants being aggressive to each other

like wolves and … pretty much everything

or a lot of things attack critters (white onehit things)
dead skritt dredge bandits flame legions here and there wouldnt be too bad

but on the other hand i think ive seen some dragon minions fighting somewhere against other npcs i dont know which one actually but yeah..

overall i do like your idea
and anet could “improve” that relatively easy

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: IrishPotato.6327


First off: Spoilers!!!
Episode 2 improved on a lot of things, in my opinion.

Still one thing is running straight through:
Why are only the good guys being killed off? Zephyrites, Seraph, Vigil, Priory, Belinda.
Shouldn’t an elder dragon be more careless what it kills?
Of course, dragon-servants like the Flame Legion and the Sons of Svanir are off the hook, but Dredge are no servants so far.

Mordremoth is digging through the earth with his vines, attracted to powerful magic.
Dredge are also digging their tunnels and are always in search for some dwarven artefacts to destroy.

I’d vote for the dredge getting some of Anets redshirt-love next.

Well flame legion aren’t “dragon-servants” so….. :/ And considering that our storyline is nothing like Game of Thrones villains and black races and groups won’t get killed off randomly without it being part of the main storyline. The best you’ll get is plants being attacked while we progress into Maguuma.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: tekfan.3179


First off: Spoilers!!!
Episode 2 improved on a lot of things, in my opinion.

Still one thing is running straight through:
Why are only the good guys being killed off? Zephyrites, Seraph, Vigil, Priory, Belinda.
Shouldn’t an elder dragon be more careless what it kills?
Of course, dragon-servants like the Flame Legion and the Sons of Svanir are off the hook, but Dredge are no servants so far.

Mordremoth is digging through the earth with his vines, attracted to powerful magic.
Dredge are also digging their tunnels and are always in search for some dwarven artefacts to destroy.

I’d vote for the dredge getting some of Anets redshirt-love next.

Well flame legion aren’t “dragon-servants” so….. :/ And considering that our storyline is nothing like Game of Thrones villains and black races and groups won’t get killed off randomly without it being part of the main storyline. The best you’ll get is plants being attacked while we progress into Maguuma.

The Flame Legion follows the destroyers, which are in turn the minions of Primordus. The Searing was brought upon Ascalon with destroyer magic. In Guild Wars Eye of the North you see a lot of it.

I don’t see why a Dredge outpost can’t get the same treatment as Concordia or Fort Salma. Just replace the krytan trinket/krait obelisk shards with a mighty dwarven artefact and the dredge become a target for the dragon.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


First off: Spoilers!!!
Episode 2 improved on a lot of things, in my opinion.

Still one thing is running straight through:
Why are only the good guys being killed off? Zephyrites, Seraph, Vigil, Priory, Belinda.
Shouldn’t an elder dragon be more careless what it kills?
Of course, dragon-servants like the Flame Legion and the Sons of Svanir are off the hook, but Dredge are no servants so far.

Mordremoth is digging through the earth with his vines, attracted to powerful magic.
Dredge are also digging their tunnels and are always in search for some dwarven artefacts to destroy.

I’d vote for the dredge getting some of Anets redshirt-love next.

Have you been playing the game?
We kill the bad guys ALLLLLLLLLLLLL THE TIIIIIIIIIIME. All day long. They’re ALL redshirts.

Also… didn’t Aerin die?

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


The enemy of my enemy is…well, not friend in the case of an Elder Dragon, but a useful tool. And only an irrational individual would knowingly destroy a tool from which he can benefit.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


There are Inquest strangled by vines in the Cavern of Lights. Request fulfilled?

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


1) Lack of WPs near such targets.
2) Nobody would care about those things dying since we already kill massive amounts of them. A story that people don’t care about? Tried that last year, didn’t work out very well.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


The Flame Legion follows the destroyers, which are in turn the minions of Primordus. The Searing was brought upon Ascalon with destroyer magic. In Guild Wars Eye of the North you see a lot of it.

I don’t see why a Dredge outpost can’t get the same treatment as Concordia or Fort Salma. Just replace the krytan trinket/krait obelisk shards with a mighty dwarven artefact and the dredge become a target for the dragon.

Nope. The Searing was TITAN magic.

They tried worshipping destroyers in EOTN as a means of securing shaman control over everybody again as the lack of ‘gods’ was weakening their throne.

Well, you see, how many dredge outposts have waypoints directly inside of them? I think the artifacts helped the decision, but note he ONLY attacked the forts (and propersity which is right next to his original vine area :P)

It was a planned attack.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

In the Crucible of Eternity, you have a chance to save the Inquest (rather than let them be gobbled up by their escaped experiment).

Thus, it might be interesting to add that sort of choice to the LS, e.g. what if you could increase favor of the Zephyrites for either shutting down the Light Bridge or rescuing some inquest from quicksand (but not both).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


In the Crucible of Eternity, you have a chance to save the Inquest (rather than let them be gobbled up by their escaped experiment).

Thus, it might be interesting to add that sort of choice to the LS, e.g. what if you could increase favor of the Zephyrites for either shutting down the Light Bridge or rescuing some inquest from quicksand (but not both).

Of course, NOBODY does the “rescue the inquest” because it causes more elites to fight where dooming him kills them all. :/

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Rym.1469


it’s been only 1 familiar story NPC death so far and you freak out.

Stay away from Game of Thrones.

And Witcher.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: Palador.2170


it’s been only 1 familiar story NPC death so far and you freak out.

In this story. If you look back at the Personal Story, you’ll see that it’s a regular pattern with them.

As to the suggestion of having some bad guys die, I could see ANet working with that idea. Imagine this: You’re somewhere in Kessix when a bandit comes running up to you, calling for help. Vines have sealed off the caves they’ve been hiding in, and now plant creatures are rounding up everyone inside for some unknown reason. This guy just barely made it out alive, and now he needs help to rescue the others. Do you just ignore him and let them all die (or worse), or do you go running in to rescue them?

You could even have some Seraph show up at the end if the event succeeds, and lead away any injured/rescued bandits. It would be a nice change of pace from “See bandit. Kill bandit. Win event.” It could make the world feel a bit more real, and the bandits more like people than targets.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.