Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Are there actually players out there, who liked the Arena so much, that they continued playing after they got all achievements?

The Dragon Ball Arena is the minigame of all gw2 minigames I had the least fun playing it.

Yes, there have been some fun games where you have small skirmishes and maybe be able to just win a 1vs2.
But then are this zergy matches, where you just snowball over the map and farm with your zerg everyone respawning.

How many players actually completed Dragon’s Gaze?


  • Lower the amount of Interrupts necessary for ’Dragon’s Gaze’ to 25.
  • Disable to ability to take ability-balls if you have already unlocked that ability.
  • Improve the #1 ability without the orb. F.e. #1 should be at the same level as the current improved #1; improvement orb could add a cleave similar to ’Dragon’s Claw’ from the Ele.
  • Add a comeback mechanic. Maybe some ability-balls spawn in your own base?
EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


I hated this content so much, I actually decided to stop getting the daily since even 2 participations caused me so much anger towards the incompetents who designed it that I was unable to continue playing the game afterwards for at least an hour or so.

This will mark the first time I have ever wanted content removed from a game.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


This is my least favorite mini game. It rewards focus fire and staying together to do so. All you need is someone clueless on the other team to start running around alone and that’s that.

Didn’t they put 30 minutes as the match timer? My gods, knock that sucker down to 10 minutes tops. It’s not like these are going that long. I have had a few close matches, but it’s usually a meatgrinder once one side loses a person or two.

On the plus side, it’s fast paced with the tiny arena. Thankful for that much.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: tfcgeneralkmk.9508


This is my least favorite mini game. It rewards focus fire and staying together to do so. All you need is someone clueless on the other team to start running around alone and that’s that.

Didn’t they put 30 minutes as the match timer? My gods, knock that sucker down to 10 minutes tops. It’s not like these are going that long. I have had a few close matches, but it’s usually a meatgrinder once one side loses a person or two.

On the plus side, it’s fast paced with the tiny arena. Thankful for that much.

i have only played 6 matches or so but i don’t think any 1 indivual round ever lasted more than 10minutes anyways and a couple of em were 500-350+ or so

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


In the future, they should just include at least enough PvE daily achievements so PvE players can complete the event specific daily. I feel this would be a better approach rather than nerf the activity which has similar gameplay to a large percentage of PvP games.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Teutos.8620


In the future, they should just include at least enough PvE daily achievements so PvE players can complete the event specific daily. I feel this would be a better approach rather than nerf the activity which has similar gameplay to a large percentage of PvP games.

I consider myself a PvP player (average casual, still about 90% of my time in gw2 I put into pvp), I just prefer good! PvP gameplay similar to our Conquest Maps. The dragon ball arena does not offer that for me.

Maybe due to the minigame character you get matches with and against every kind of player that it can end up in a zerg vs chaos comb. How many players do you think know about the spawn timer (f.e. 28:20 / 27:20) for the middle orbs?

On the dragon arena I have been on both sides, the zergy and the get-zerged side. I usually end up at the top of the score (does not mean a lot, only that you hit the opponent at least once, but well, what else do we have?).

I still dislike the arena and it is still ONLY minigame in gw2 I have no fun playing it.
I don’t have to like everything on gw2, if there are people out there who actually enjoy playing it, it is fine for me; still, I had a really bad experience with the dragon ball arena I felt the need to put the word out. You know, importance of feedback and so on

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


How I personally see Dragonball is that it’s very similar to other PvP games (not just GW2). I used to play FPS games and the teams that worked together succeeded more than those that had people who go off and do their own thing. The Dragonball game mode is practically a team deathmatch. This is something not a lot of people are used to, or have experienced before, as this has been practically nonexistent in GW2 except for one specific new map which isn’t on public server rotations.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Teutos.8620


This is something not a lot of people are used to, or have experienced before, as this has been practically nonexistent in GW2

You are right, this might be reason of the bad experience I had with the Dragon Ball Arena. The problem still remains and I don’t see it going away anytime soon (well ofc the Arena might go away today). Therefore I still want to refer to my above posted suggestions which might improve the whole experience from feeling like being tortured to actually having fun.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Dragon Ball can be fun but only if you got two teams that are well matched.
The ones that were the most fun ended at 480vs500 or very close to it. Anything less than 4v5(maybe 5v5) just sucks.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


I hope Dragon Ball is done after today.

Mostly, I am tired of playing a game that’s worn out its welcome, but also I’ve been speculating on the food and back items and don want to be undercut. There’s already a massive over glut of backpieces & rice, and the other food items are a week away.

The game could be fun but the achievement, Dragon’s Gaze, ruined it. It just ruins gameplay when one character is an easy kill because he’s playing to get an achievement, not to win.

I know, because I was that guy. I would camp the kick orb spawn and kick at every opportunity I could, passing up kills to do so, getting myself killed doing so. While I was doing this, my team lost 66% of the time. Now that I have stopped, I win 66% of the time.

I also instantly recognize the people not playing to win and try to camp them or quit their team.

Dragon’s Gaze sucks sucks sucks.

The other achievements and rewards were well suited for a two week festival. If the festival drags on past 3 weeks, then they will be a worthless oversupplied glut.

The exotic backpiece doesn’t even look that good, but the 20% boon food is really strong.

It’s a shame about Dragons Gaze. One bad achievement ruins gameplay for everybody.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Sir Black.7423

Sir Black.7423

It has some downsides, but overall I still kinda like this minigame. As others said it can be fun when the teams are evenly matched.

But as with any PvP mode or minigame (although perhaps more so than some) this one sucks when one side is down a player whether due to AFKing or someone simply leaving.

And since there’s no penalty for leaving a match (or conversely no actual reason to stay in a losing match), then frequently as soon as things start to go badly for one team, people start leaving and it just gets worse.

Furthermore, it really sucks that Volunteering to the outmanned team doesn’t give an automatic win credit to the player like it does in normal PvP. I saw games hemorrhage players until it became a 1v1 because the losing team abandoned ship and then the winning players were autobalanced into losers and so they abandoned it as well.

For this event in particular, I also disliked the Dragon’s Gaze achievement. For a skill that’s hard to land and only situationally useful anyway, 100 was far too high. I did the five wins everyday plus some more and still didn’t get even half way to completing this. So basically I was averaging 1 progress per every 2 games. At that rate I would have needed 200ish games, and that’s a bit absurd for just 2 weeks. Or I could have sacrificed effective gameplay and instead tried to always spam that skill. Trying that I probably would have racked up fewer kills and significantly more deaths… and I’m sure the rest of my team would not have appreciated such selfish tactics.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Spook.5847


More well-deserved criticisms.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Drawxne.6079


My problem with Dragon Ball is that the timing on all the skills feels INCREDIBLY disjointed. I will throw a fireball or activate a kick, and it takes a good 2 seconds for everything to register, throwing timing extremely off, and that’s one reason Dragon’s Gaze is as frustrating as kitten to get.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Myralien.6754


My issue with Dragon ball is the “autobalancing” system that rips players off one side and sticks them on the losing side.. because the losing side are leaving…
thus leaving all your hard work ruined as your original side wins and you get nothing.
Only way autobalancing should EVER take players from the opposite side is if the points you score get deducted from the original team and added to your new team.
Not to mention it’s ridiculous due to the fact you get the option to switch voluntarily (who would bother) for no benefit whatsoever.

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Shades.4572


Over the coarse of this Lunar New Year I have been in a few games where a team became ungodly zerg-like. Pretty much everyone dies in a matter of 5 seconds after spawning once that happens. One game in particular I was so frustrated because I spent the whole game just trying to get out of home, no matter which way I went I pretty much died the second I touch the field or less, a few times I died midair. I even just stood there to idle me out a couple times and died instantly. Most frustrating game ever!

Lucky for me though I got Dragon Glaze done in the first 2 days before every game was a zerg. I feel bad for anyone still trying to get that now. As of today finished Dragon Heart so I am done for the year with that mini game.

Overall it was fun the first 2 days after that nope. It’s a hit or miss with minigames and this one just isn’t my cup of tea. I do wish the volunteer would give you the win though…

Feedback: Dragon Ball Arena + Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

My issue with Dragon ball is the “autobalancing” system that rips players off one side and sticks them on the losing side.. because the losing side are leaving…
thus leaving all your hard work ruined as your original side wins and you get nothing.

Let’s face it. In most cases, games quickly turn into a full-on rout. Teams start out unbalanced, and once the weak side starts to lose, they shuffle out of home in single-file to their doom, just like in Courtyard. That’s not hard work. Hard work is recovering from a mess like that.

Only way auto-balancing should EVER take players from the opposite side is if the points you score get deducted from the original team and added to your new team.

I like the idea but I don’t think it will prevent hemorrhaging from the losing team.