Hope Living Story team makes more stuff

Hope Living Story team makes more stuff

in Living World

Posted by: Shoujo.4395


Just logged in to say I really like what the Living Story team has done.

The first 2-3(?) arcs were a bit slow pacingwise, but once Rox and Brahm entered the picture things got a whole lot more interesting. I found myself caring more about Rox and her pet devourer than I ever did any of the Destiny Edge members and their petty squabbles.

Even the NPCs that you deliver relics and stuff to seemed to have more interesting things to say than Personal Story NPCs. I actually wanted to learn more as opposed to just hit skip.

Was kinda disappointed there wasn’t more story when I delivered the letter I found in the dungeon lol After the Personal Story’s order arc kicked in, I figured I would just ignore GW2 story, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by what the Living Story team has done

Really enjoyed the cutscene approach that was taken instead of the Personal Story method.

Love how the traps you dodge initially are tied into the mob attacks you encounter later. Trash mob fights were fun and refreshing too.

The dialog was pretty funny and I absolutely loved the final boss fight. It was fun without being gimmicky and it was a lot more interesting than the standard 5 on 1 or zerg on 1 formula that gets used elsewhere. Brought back memories of Transformers or some cheesy villain dialog (which is good!).

I hope the Living Story team is in charge of any expansion related stories and future dungeons. Thanks for making this stuff

Hope Living Story team makes more stuff

in Living World

Posted by: raptor.1064


I love how we get a decent boss fight for the temp dungeon while the others remain boring forever.

Hope Living Story team makes more stuff

in Living World

Posted by: Vulpis.8063


I love how we get a decent boss fight for the temp dungeon while the others remain boring forever.

I love how I get shafted out of any chance of a reward because I can’t stand WoW boss-raid forced-grouping, which I bought GW2 for because it didn’t make that mandatory (or so I thought when I paid for it).

…Well, actually, no, I don’t love it at all. If this is the kind of dog excrement they’re going to finish Living Story portions with every time, I’d just as soon they not make any more.

Hope Living Story team makes more stuff

in Living World

Posted by: JohnLShannonhouse.1820


I enjoyed Flame and Frost. The dungeon is really fun.