How to Evolve Orr

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Saxum.7684


While i was running the karma highway in Orr the other day an idea hit me. Now we all know that Zhaitan was killed around eight months ago or about two years to the world of Tyria. But before Zhaitan was killed Trahearne cleansed Orr of its corruption but the dragon had to be killed before the land could begin healing. Well its been two years and the land is the same. Now you might think that well its the game Orr has to have risen but it doesn’t, Orr essentially is the collection of three end game maps. Now take another aspect of GW2 one time events, combine the two and and a new map can be formed out of Orr. Now I am not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination so i do not know the difficulty that the following idea will have. My idea is to change the look and the mobs on Orr, BUT do it over time. For example look at the risen drakes they have a living counterpart that is already in a part of Orr, south of Fort Trinity, they already have a presence on Orr. Now that Zhaitan is dead the healing of the land has begun right? So over time (like a section every two weeks) Change the topography and the mobs that spawn in that area starting with the land at the edges of Fort Trinity and the Heart of Orr. Now covering the mobs to replace the risen humanoids use the inquest and bandits. The inquest already have a presence in Orr and an interest in the risen. Bandits are opportunistic and are willing to jump on an easy target to make a profit, leading me into the next point. The events in Orr don’t have to change that much also, IE for Plinx he is delivering supplies to Caer Shadowfain, so instead of having risen attack him have bandits ambush him to steal the supplies. Now covering the Abominations and risen Giants, honestly I’m drawing a blank on the Abominations, but as the game stands there are only three Giants that we can meet and interact with. 2 are allies that we help and the third attacks the Charr town of Nageling on a regular basis. So we could have giants take a place and inhabit Orr. Some that we help build villages others we must fight off. As for the aforementioned villages and forts those to could evolve with the land and grow bigger as the cleansing of Orr takes a better hold. At this point your thinking what about the temples or the dungeon of Arah. For the Temples have the inquest be the instigators that have rigged a calling beacon for the last remaining free risen to go to the temples. For Arah and the promenade of the gods the Risen High Wizard has attempted to fill Zhaitan’s spot as the leader of the risen horde and has bound as many risen as it can find to do its will. Keep this area as the risen last stand, this will also keep the events inside Arah possible.

So that is it my idea on how to change the game and make the world seem like it is living. I also think this will get more people to come back when they find out that the map that they grinded on for T6 mats is changing and the game is actually living.

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Saxum.7684


I hadn’t thought about the maps being a slice of time. Thanks for bringing that up and as for the other risen elsewhere my idea was for Orr seeing that as you pointed out the redoing of hearts would take to much time

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yah, Orr was cleansed and Zhaitan defeated for those who have finished the personal story but not for those who haven’t. If the game was instanced they could do it as OP suggested but since each map has a mixture of people who have and have not defeated Zhaitan, there is no way to reconcile that. Therefore the maps can’t change according to your storyline.

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It hasn’t been 2 years of ingame time. Unless you’re counting days as the ingame day being 2 hour cycles, even then it can be explained by having an extended year as their planet doesn’t necessarily have to be Earth.

You can tell that it hasn’t been 2 years because of the amount of annual events that occured since Zhaitan’s defeat. In fact, there have been no confirmations anywhere as to the defeat of Zhaitan, specifically because what it will do to the players who HAVE YET TO DEFEAT ZHAITAN. What, is the game just going to end for them? They have no Risen to fight anymore, even though that’s where the story goes after level 50.

Orr is in the process of being cleansed and will remain that way for a long time to come*.

See: Cantha and the plague. The cause of the plague was stopped, but the infected remained infected because… there is no cure for infection. Yet you didn’t see the entirety of Cantha immediately stop being plagued. Heck, it still has the plague even though it’s been 7 years since Shiro has died, so the plague can’t keep manifesting itself.

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Serval.6458


Bubbles should drag Orr back under the sea, then we can do all our favorite events underwater!

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Curo.2483


I’d love to see a cleansed Orr, I just don’t know how they’d do it without changing the personal story as well.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


I would prefer Orr to stay as it is, at least for now. An eco-system recovering from a century of submersion doesnt happen within a year, not to mention recovery from corruption by a primal dragon or infestation with undead. It would be plausible if GW2 is still running in a decade or two though.

Edit: that also saves them from the problem of redoing the entire personal story.

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


I would prefer Orr to stay as it is, at least for now. An eco-system recovering from a century of submersion doesnt happen within a year, not to mention recovery from corruption by a primal dragon or infestation with undead. It would be plausible if GW2 is still running in a decade or two though.

Edit: that also saves them from the problem of redoing the entire personal story.

how about the pale tree, could extend on that lore and the Sylvari’s lore, they could plant seeds and perform a ritual to make it livable or something never know.

this could make room for new creatures and events while you push back the undead smelly hordes.

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Edge.4180


This request is basically saying “I expect the gameworld to evolve based on my personal progression, and the heck with everyone else”, and without embracing phasing technology or selective instancing that’s just not going to happen in an MMO. This isn’t a single-player game that evolves based on your actions. You can have a small impact on specific areas (e.g. saving a farm, failing to save a farm), but even then your influence is temporary until its time to entertain the next player.

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I would prefer Orr to stay as it is, at least for now. An eco-system recovering from a century of submersion doesnt happen within a year, not to mention recovery from corruption by a primal dragon or infestation with undead. It would be plausible if GW2 is still running in a decade or two though.

Edit: that also saves them from the problem of redoing the entire personal story.

And how about people who have not yet done the personal story? Even 10 years from now there will be new players coming in who haven’t done it. Unless you can reconcile the greening of Orr with people who haven’t killed Zhaitan yet, then it won’t work.

I haven’t done the personal story yet from lack of interest. So for me, Zhaitan has not yet been killed and there is no reason lore wise for the land to change.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

How to Evolve Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Could someone please tell me what the point of karma farming Orr is? Wouldn’t doing the dailies for the jugs be a better alternative? I’m legitimately curious as my character has well over 1mil karma and nothing to spend it on. EDIT: I’ve never done karma farming. Ever. It’s all from jugs and playing the game normally.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

(edited by Draknar.5748)