Hey Guys,
For those of you not knowing us, we’re the orginal EU Tequatl Killler Alliance that has been founded by KehxD. Our Brothers and Sisters in US (TTS) followed our example with creating an serverwide Alliance for killing Tequatl to success many times now.
We’re still here, and we’re still doing our daily Tequatl kills at around 21:30 gmt+1 (09:30 pm gmt +1). We currently consist of three Guilds TKS, TSS and THS, that ‘s why our Guild Alliance Tag is TxS and we’re currently at around 1.000 active players.
Yes we consist “only” of three Guilds right now, but that ‘s not only due to the limit AreaNet has put out that one Player can only be in 5 Guilds at maximum (and our Hq Intel guys have to manage all those Guilds by MotD and Reddit) but also because we just didn’t want sheer numbers by statistics but real fellow teammates that join us on our ventures and have fun together and not just an anonymous mass of people.
Our awesome French Officer Veteran (Veteran Oakheart.4035, if you want to send him some donations!) made a Video-Series about killing Tequatl to success, for anyone new or anyone that wants to perfect his or her tactics.
Be sure to check it out on YouTube below! It covers the basics, as well as some special insights. If you find a misstake, feel free to post below! We’re thankfully for any help.
Tequatl Tutorial Videos:
How To Tequatl : Right attack group
How To Tequatl : East Defense
How To Tequatl : Using Hylek turrets
More videos might follow …
Do you want to join us?
If you are interessted in joining us on our venture killing Tequatl at least once a day, are an EU based player of any server (we’re mostly guesting right now) be sure to apply in the proper recruitment thread in our subreddit channel:
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
Almost everyone gets an Invite, just be sure to follow the instructions, be friendly, be creative and be ready to wait a few days as we’re just humans that have other stuff to do then just check reddit every second, and will invite people in waves. It can take around 3-7 days especially when we’re managing other things in the meanwhile, like commander training and stuff.
The only thing we don’t tollerate are unsocial players that stand around AFK or lie around when they died (as in completely dead) or don’t listen to their commanders. Yes, we have some guys with a hard shell, and sometimes we sometimes have to pull the trigger but we seriously don’t enjoy that. We don’t have much rules, you don’t even have to represent us aside from when you join us on our runs but be sure to follow those as it enables us to manage all those runs for everyone to success.
We already have a small lovelydovely group that does Fractals and Stuff sometimes after our runs and you are free to join them. We are also planning to do more revamped bosses in the future (everyone is looking forward to see more of em’ AreaNet!).
We’re looking forward to meet more like minded Adventurers!
Klakk Bumm (imaginary.6241)
KehxD, Shehr, Agent, space, Rashka, Klakk
TxS – Hq Intel / Guild Leadership