I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari!
Well…to the person who asked how sylvari can resist Mordis corruption…its simple really…anet wont turn player characters into the bad guys, they may of course do something where you purify yourself more though…
Salad pls….. You realise we commit mass (cant Say word) on ALL RACES too weak to defend themselves for pretty much a bag of copper?
We dont care! Youre just something else to kill.
" Faithful… enlightened… ambitious… brethren.
In but a single decade, a few mere swipes of the pendulum, we have gathered a sacrifice to Khorne that will be made legend.
Though it was a simpler, weaker voice that illuminated me during my centuries upon the Dream…
…it was Khorne’s messenger who showed me the true path of freedom from our pathetic corpse-Tree.
And what is this path? This meaning, this purpose to which we gather the skulls of our foes?
It is nothing. There is no meaning, no purpose. We murder. We kill. It is mindless savagery, this UNIVERSE IS MINDLESS!
In mere hours, billions will die. Innocent! Guilty! Strong and weak! Honest and deceitful! ALL of them!
They will scream, they will burn, and for no purpose but that mighty Khorne may revel in their bloodshed!
And united in this void of purpose, fear, or duty… we shall at long last be free!
Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! LET THE GALAXY BURN!"
hi. asura here
shut up salad
(shut up meg)
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Do you ever party with an undead? Nope, you kill them.
Just like you never party up with a Crystalize mobs.
So what makes Syvari any difference than an undead?
Undead can’t resist Zhaitan’s command,
how are you Syvari so sure you can resist Mordramoth, the Elder dragon that symbolize “MIND” and PLANT?
So… based on that accord, anyone with a mind, is a Mordremoth minion?… The sylvari may be minions of both body and mind, but the rest of us are certainly corruptible by mind too. why? because the dragon domain is minds, and don’t we all have one of those, you simpleton?
There are documented cases of Zaithan corrupting living beings, there were even a witch, willingly, letting herself corrupt, Asura, as far as i remember, though i may be wrong. A human were slightly corrupted too before he tried to kill his queen. He were corrupted while still being alive. We have also seen living turning on each other unwillingly, due to the influence of Zaithans minions. Even a pact commander killed pact forces due to Zaithans mesmer servant.
The Sylvari cannot however be spiritual servants of Mordremoth like none else is a spiritual servant of Zaithan. Glint was corrupted by Kralkatorrik, and yet, she was able to both break loose from the dragons control and to reproduce afterwards. Given that she protected her offspring, holding the wisdom she had, we must consider the possibility that her offspring were not corrupted, even though it, as she was, would be corruptible. This also means we have recorded cases of Hero’s, i am referring to Destiny’s Edge, have teamed up with a former dragon minion.
I believe that it is by spiritual means that the dragons corruption must be defeated. I will personally set up a crew to study this further, once I have completed my Research on the spiritual magic… I might be convinced to join your crew too Getefix.9150 since you does not sound like a complete dimwit.
We may however have to capture a few night mare subjects for our research. if we can distort the corruption in those, we might stand a chance to purify any Sylvari.
-Aura Fadestrider – Revenant Progeny
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.
I never liked Sylvari even before they were revealed as dragon minions.
Always knew they were evil.
I’m a plant person because it’s the only race that looks like a drow. I couldn’t hope to care less about any story line other than the Forgotten Realms. Sorry. I do like you role players tho. You’re so cuuuuute (not sarcastic truly heart felt).
There’s only one question remaining gentlemen: Ranch, Bleu cheese, or Vinaigrette?
Death to all Sylvari, bring them to concentration camp
Do you ever party with an undead? Nope, you kill them.
Just like you never party up with a Crystalize mobs.
So what makes Syvari any difference than an undead?
Undead can’t resist Zhaitan’s command,
how are you Syvari so sure you can resist Mordramoth, the Elder dragon that symbolize “MIND” and PLANT?Undead are braindead so they’re easiest to control.
The Sylvari situation is actually similar to the Norn. Look at the corruption Jormag does on them, even if they aren’t born somehow from the Dragon many Norn enter a Cult similar to the Nightmare court Except the Norn are now actually aware that they’re following the Dragon’s will and the Nightmare are just following their own beliefs unknowingly doing the Dragon’s evil deeds. They will end up just like the Svanir.
Who knows, maybe Norn are dragon minions too. It would explain their weird shapeshifting and size and the fact that Jormag can turn them into Bears himself. :P
Undeads are actually very intelligent under Zhaitan’s command. They even outsmart many of our tactician and cause us serious trouble. Intelligence has nothing to do with you being manipulated or not. As the strongest mind controlling Elder Dragon, it should have no problem controlling the very beings (Syvari) he created. It’s not even like Zhaitan’s undead, which Zhaitan need to corrupt and raise them. You guys are born from Mordremoth’s daughter.
Added note: I LOVE evil races, so I’m totally ok Syvari being evil. I wish Syvari slaughters Logan and the Queen already. (OH, don’t forget to kill Asura’s council too)
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Marshal T, will set all you sylvari haters free. Marshal T is the one and only real hero, alongside our PC.
You cannot fool us, you lying lettuce.
Kill the weeds! Burn their trees! None shall live!
I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari! I stand with you against the elder Dragons!
- Breanna Banana, Sylvari Ranger
I’m a Charr, whom killed their own gods… SO I’ll stand beside any Sylvari thats feels like doing the same to that Elder flying cabbage.
Sylvari helped us defeating Zaithan and stood beside us in every single battle…. they hmm “bled” with us.
If in any moment I’m forced to choose… I’ll stand beside you,
Timber Warband – Blood Legion
I will not support slaughtering all sylvari because of those who are serving mordremoth.
But also I shall not trust any of your people until the dragon shall be slain.
Keiran Brightblade
Human Ranger
Leader of The Praetorians Guild
Humans killed the Human god Balthazar.
thats a Lie!
Balthazar is still there good and alive.
You may be refering to another event of our past when human heroes of Elona have slain fallen god Abaddon….
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Personally, I like a bit of meat with my salad.
That’s what Asuras are for.
I’m going to have to give two responses, one on behalf of my Charr Warrior and one from my Sylvari Elementalist.
“I don’t buy it. Death to all Sylvari!” -Charr Warrior
“I don’t buy it. Mordremoth is our lord and king, and all Sylvari are his children.” – Sylvari Elementalist
The PC Sylvari are pretty much all but immune to the corruption as long as they stay connected to the dream. The dream teaches us good values and the Pale tree helps us uphold these values while countering Mordremoths attempts to control us. We are not your enemies, Sylvari born from other trees however we don’t know. Think of the Pale tree like Glint, who at one point was a servant of the dragon but turned away.
Aha! So you admit that there IS a problem with the Mac Sylvari!
Pfftt, pathetic Dreamer Sylvari and foolish people! (other races)
Our time has come, Nightmare Court and Mordremoth shall rule the world!
Join us, or you all shall die!!
MUWHAHAHAHAHHHAHA!![PS. Only Sylvaris are allowed to join, rest of you pathetic wurms can die,
You’re a little bit outnumbered. :/
Humans killed the Human god Balthazar.
thats a Lie!
Balthazar is still there good and alive.
You may be refering to another event of our past when human heroes of Elona have slain fallen god Abaddon….
Ahh, yes. Thank you for the correction. It’s been a few years and it was dark in that dungeon! (Not that it bothered our guide, since she was blind anyway).
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Ahh, yes. Thank you for the correction. It’s been a few years and it was dark in that dungeon! (Not that it bothered our guide, since she was blind anyway).
technically it was not dungeon but realm of torment :P
also technically its not been even months down there
unless you meant “it’s been few years since then” – 250 is not a “few” by my standards :P
[and seriously how one can mistake big mask with tentacles(abaddon) with huge dude with flames?(balthazar)]
PS. [have we went OOC or still roleplaying? :P]
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I feel your pain. The recent revelations were both shocking and sad. I have never had reason to mistrust Sylvari, to doubt Caithe but then this all comes out.
Despite this, I will not give into fear. I, a human noble (main) have two great friends – Norn (alt) and Sylvari (alt). We have fought many battles together. I would do everything possible to keep them from being corrupted. I would not abandon them if they did become corrupted. I refuse to believe there is no way to come back from that.
So know that I will stand with my Sylvari sisters and brothers. will be 5-10 feet behind them now but will be standing just the same.
my main (necro) has seen all there is of tyria, thanks to the neckless of orr she has endured un-aging life.
she has seen the pale tree grow from small plant to big tree to what it is now, for what she can tell no dragon has even touched the pale tree until the nightmare came.
and even then, the children of the pale tree were protected from birth by the mother, made immune to any influence from the outside.
she does say that some saplings were flawed, the immunity did not take well, some died while others did not have this immunity like most saplings.
Pfftt, pathetic Dreamer Sylvari and foolish people! (other races)
Our time has come, Nightmare Court and Mordremoth shall rule the world!
Join us, or you all shall die!!
MUWHAHAHAHAHHHAHA!![PS. Only Sylvaris are allowed to join, rest of you pathetic wurms can die,
You’re a little bit outnumbered. :/
AAAHHHHAHAHAHAH!! ’*couugh*’ urgh, phheew, I gotta work more on evil-laughing, huhh..
I’m probably a bit late to this conversation, but there is one fact that most of you seem to be overlooking as far as corruption goes. While it is true Zhaitan was the most visible of the dragons to corrupt beings, it was not the only one. There are branded charr and humans all along the Brand. There are icebrood norn in the Northern Shiverpeaks. Strangely, the asura seem to have avoided all but Zhaitan’s corruption, but then again, he called upon any fleshy corpse he could find, and Primordus made his minions out of claylava.
Now, am I distrustful of all sylvari? No, if they are willing to serve the cause of destroying the dragons, I welcome their help. However, you take the lead. Good. Stay where I can see you…
The Sylvari will make for good kindling as we torch Mordremoth!
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
I am a Zombari.
Human brains, pls.
I am a Zombari.
Human brains, pls.
You mean the asura brains aren’t tastier?
Its wrongly interpreted
I know that wild theories about Sylvari being dragon minions is fun, but my point of view is that the seed the Pale Tree came from the Ventari and Ronan planted most likely came from a dragon. It would make most sense lore wise. Rightly cultivated in good hands, it might not have any connection to the elder dragon, away from that its magic is a dragon magic. Pale Tree may had been likewise raised with a similar principle as our vine backpiece (well probably in a much more large scale:).
Second example maybe that of a Glint and her egg. Once Glint got her free will and consciousness, she was not forced to bear any evil or destructive elements, even though she was a dragon.
Reason why Wynne tried to hide the connection of the Pale Tree to the dragon was that it would not get wrongly interpreted by other races, as Sylvari is a new race on Tyria, and it would mean their end at the start of their existence even before they could have any word. Now the truth is not that much dangerous, as the Sylvari made good relations with other races already. Well I would think, they are part of all Orders of Tyria, armies and such. Hope that helps =)
They aren’t wild theories, devs have directly confirmed in interviews that sylvari are minions and that Mordremoth can co-opt them very easily. However, as you say, a dragon champion can break away as Glint did. And, apparently, as did the Pale Tree, who likely will be shielding PC sylvari and other Dreamers.
I agree with you on the Wynne part.
Oh, had to miss on that one Still I think devs meant Sylvari as a potential dragon minions, as long as they endure the corruption they are good to go right?
Don’t worry, you will see whole Tyria protecting the poor Sylvari from Nightmare court on anabolics. ;]
I’d prefer if all the sylvari just, you know, protected the pale tree until this was all over.
I mean, that’s literally the only thing keeping the lot of them from turning full-on minion, and if something should happen I think it would be in everyone’s best interest if they were all in one place we could carpet bomb as a last resort.
Put your money where your mouth is sylvari. If you want to fight for your independance from Mordremoth so much, go protect the one thing that supplies it rather than endangering people not explicitly bred to serve dragons that are trying to save your ungrateful leafy backsides.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
I am a Zombari.
Human brains, pls.
you do know they are vegies right :P
the problem is, you’re not corruptible, you’re born as a dragon minion. Fully born, easy to influence and if you’re born close enough you’re immediately corrupted.
You don’t know that any more than we knew you weren’t already born pre-corrupted, simply awaiting Zhaitan’s activation command.
I have nothing against Sylvari but I have to point out you are wrong on that part.
First, we do know they are dragon minions. It was clearly stated by Wynne. Merely being susceptible to corruption isn’t such a big deal, the Pale Tree wouldn’t keep that a secret as all races are susceptible to it.
Secondly, several of the Fauna races weren’t even around during the previous rise of the ED’s. Hell, humans aren’t even from this planet. They can’t possibly be born dragon minions.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Not a flame: for joking purposes only
So wait!!!
How dare all of you others races: NORN, HUMAN, ASURA, and CHARR blame us Sylvari when your SHAME is NO better.
Dear Norn:
Now I know you can’t say anything about us Sylvari considering that you Norn have a cave dedicated to serving JORMAG in the very city, YEA I’M TALKING ABOUT HOELBRAK, you reside in that was approved by your own LEADER. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, at-least us Sylvari were made by the flipping dragon ITSELF your SONS OF SVANIR however serve it WILLINGLY after it destroyed your homes in the Farshiverpeaks, chased you out, killed your spirit animals, and take and disappear with the woman from your village.
YOU would have to be DRUNK to make a decision LIKE THAT! But oh WAIT!
Dear Humans:
With your nobles, scandals, and corrupt politics for the crown in your BANDIT infested CITY! HECK can’t even turn my BACK without the risk of being STABBED! But oh WAIT, yea my dear brother CANACH who accepted a job by your COUNTESS ANISE for redemption to atone for his past mistakes, (tear in eye Sniff Sniff) SO NOBLE, only to be LOCKED up again all because he’s a SYLVARI. I mean yea sure his eyes glowed a bit but hey at-least he was fighting the dragon’s CORRUPTION!
Also about COUNTESS ANISE for a woman so young she sure seems to know a lot and may know quite few SECRETS! In MY opinion, she’s the one that needs INVESTIGATING! No wonder The Pale Tree kept all of this Mordem fiasco a SECRET. With your history record of WAR, CHAOS, BETRAYAL, and fighting each other for no apparent reason throughout the first three guildwars! SINKING YOUR OWN city dedicated to your FIVE Gods; that Treherne a Sylvari (cough) had to CLENSE for your sake, releasing PALAWA JOKO from a can, and the list go on. No wonder you guys are almost EXTINCT! Oh wait so that’s why the city is called DIVINITY’S REACH!
Also at least the crime rate in our city is ZERO!! Yea sure we have the nightmare court attacking nearby camps, but once more NOT IN THE CITY!
Dear Asura:
Really YOU’RE NO better than the HUMANS OR THE NORNS!
You’re still associating with the INQUEST!? Wait the INQUEST is still apart of the ARCANE COUNCIL!!?? For a race full of geniuses that sure doesn’t sound so SMART TO ME! Not only do you have an infestation of deranged back stabbing eternal alchemist running around your CITY, BUT their creating out of control experiments like KUDU’s DRAGON MINIONS and SUBJECT ALPHA. I mean at-least Scarlet got corrupted by the Dragon considering that she was already A MINION OF IT! But come on, you have the audacity to TALK ABOUT OUR behavior in being corrupted by the dragon when you have a syndicate that you still allow in YOUR COUNCIL that aids in the experimentation of creating and controlling DRAGON MINIONS? Also don’t I remember hearing something about Scarlet actually helping the INQUEST FIND those said LEY LINES as a special consultant?
Yea sorry but you Asura’s aren’t as SMART as you THINK!
Dear Charr:
After 250 years of war and chaos against the humans you still don’t remember how you were all INFLUENCED by your so called FLAME LEGION shamans who tricked you into serving Titan’s that were actually controlled by ABADDON! I mean seriously, give us a BREAK at-least us SYLVARI were actually minions of the DRAGON that majority of the inhabitants in the Grove DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT. You can’t see the connection HERE?
RYTLOCK you seriously need to take off that BLINDFOLD and see the big picture!
As matter of fact! YEA ALL YOU OTHER RACES just leave magumma we’ll handle this dragon business OURSELVES. AND BY THE WAY we’re TREE’s not SALADS!
With all of that said, TO THE SYLVARI HATER’S… HOPE YOU ALL EAT SPLINTERS, but to everyone supporting and aiding in our little predicament cough MUCH APPRECIATED!
Agile Rogue, A Sylvari Ranger
I really couldn’t come up with anything funny for the Charr but I tried atleast.
(edited by Agile Sound.7516)
I will buy – at any gem costs – Anet’s ‘Ortho weed killer’ back piece. Very useful for eliminating the boring twigs from existence.
first that was quite cruel and also i am a human and by greath teaching of judgment you should only punish someone after they have done anything so i am okey with slyvari until one try to set a dagger in my back then i kill him/her without a second thought and now to the main problem
it is not that slyvari can be corrupt all races can the problem is the time it takes to corrupt when a dragon nomarl corrupt someone it needs to happen some special thing like dieing or some shaman or high officer but for slyvari it took what 15 min and also i dussin and not even close to a lieutenant(what we no) that the problem and the dragon use this to piosining the pact from inside to out so we batteling betwen eachother one side will protect the slyvari the outher side will want to kill them and with side that wins are the dragon gona kill later sorry for bad writing from raze sawr necro lightbringer dervent to greath
ps as one wise human once told It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them and sorry if any slyvari took bad up with this
(edited by umbra lorde.9675)
Not a flame: for joking purposes only
So wait!!!How dare all of you others races: NORN, HUMAN, ASURA, and CHARR blame us Sylvari when your SHAME is NO better.
Dear Norn:REALLY!?
Now I know you can’t say anything about us Sylvari considering that you Norn have a cave dedicated to serving JORMAG in the very city, YEA I’M TALKING ABOUT HOELBRAK, you reside in that was approved by your own LEADER. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, at-least us Sylvari were made by the flipping dragon ITSELF your SONS OF SVANIR however serve it WILLINGLY after it destroyed your homes in the Farshiverpeaks, chased you out, killed your spirit animals, and take and disappear with the woman from your village.
YOU would have to be DRUNK to make a decision LIKE THAT! But oh WAIT!
With your nobles, scandals, and corrupt politics for the crown in your BANDIT infested CITY! HECK can’t even turn my BACK without the risk of being STABBED! But oh WAIT, yea my dear brother CANACH who accepted a job by your COUNTESS ANISE for redemption to atone for his past mistakes, (tear in eye Sniff Sniff) SO NOBLE, only to be LOCKED up again all because he’s a SYLVARI. I mean yea sure his eyes glowed a bit but hey at-least he was fighting the dragon’s CORRUPTION!
Also about COUNTESS ANISE for a woman so young she sure seems to know a lot and may know quite few SECRETS! In MY opinion, she’s the one that needs INVESTIGATING! No wonder The Pale Tree kept all of this Mordem fiasco a SECRET. With your history record of WAR, CHAOS, BETRAYAL, and fighting each other for no apparent reason throughout the first three guildwars! SINKING YOUR OWN city dedicated to your FIVE Gods; that Treherne a Sylvari (cough) had to CLENSE for your sake, releasing PALAWA JOKO from a can, and the list go on. No wonder you guys are almost EXTINCT! Oh wait so that’s why the city is called DIVINITY’S REACH!
Also at least the crime rate in our city is ZERO!! Yea sure we have the nightmare court attacking nearby camps, but once more NOT IN THE CITY!
Dear Charr:
After 250 years of war and chaos against the humans you still don’t remember how you were all INFLUENCED by your so called FLAME LEGION shamans who tricked you into serving Titan’s that were actually controlled by ABADDON! I mean seriously, give us a BREAK at-least us SYLVARI were actually minions of the DRAGON that majority of the inhabitants in the Grove DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT. You can’t see the connection HERE?
RYTLOCK you seriously need to take off that BLINDFOLD and see the big picture!
Agile Rogue, A Sylvari Ranger
I really couldn’t come up with anything funny for the Charr but I tried atleast.
I think you misunderstand one important thing.
Unconsciously serving VS consciously serving the dragon are 2 different things.
The primer is actually MORE dangerous because you can’t tell/ know when they’d stab you in the back because they have no control over it.
For those who consciously serving dragons, such as Son of Syvniar, at least you can tell immediately who they’re with. For Sylvari, there’s no way you can predict when they’ll turn from being your ally to a mindless Mordrem.
For the human politic stuff, it is only harmful to the human society themselves rather than all races, so any race that’re not human doesn’t need to care that much.
For Inquest and corrupted council, just like human, they’re only harmful to Asura themselves. Also inquest is not serving dragon, but instead, using the dragon’s power as an advantage to help them gain power.
As for Charr, it is something in the past, and flame legion is very distinguishable from normal Charr, plus they only harm Charr, so it’s not a universal issue like Mordremoth.
Overall, Sylvaris are still the most dangerous species in the current Tyria while Mordremoth is around.
Meh, the other races had better accept us. For their own good.
I mean, think about it. If they wanna win the fight against the dragons, what better allies than traitorous dragon minions like ourselves?
Don’t succumb to the dragon, fellow kin! That’s worse than the Nightmare court!
I’m a Sylvari Engineer.
I kindof wish the game would recognize that fact a bit in relation to both Scarlet and Aerin being Sylvari Engineers..
As an engineer I am well aware the stone is just a stone.
Game even does have the Pale tree mention that you don’t talk to her much anymore, after you see the vision in the machine. meaning, you as the player are nearly soundless yourself. as really, we don’t go talk to her, or have visions, etc with her in 99% of our play time.
But really, would never betray the Quaggan to Mordremoth.
Being Soundless is far more than just not talking to the Pale Tree. It’s a conscious effort to disassociate yourself from the Dream, so that no saplings nor the Tree herself can absorb the life experiences. It also requires daily meditation to keep this separation up, as it’s not just a one-time act.
As far as Aerin is concerned, I don’t think there is any proof of him being an engineer, either. He does use grenades, but Canach used mines and I’m pretty sure he’s not an engineer. So the profession of the sylvari is unrelated to whether s/he will turn or not.
Every race has been corrupted to some extent by dragon minions. Witness; The Inquest, Sons of Svanir,Nightmare Court,Flame Legion and Minions of Zhaitan.
It will be interesting to learn why Ventari planted and nutured The Pale Tree.
There is anger and distrust amongst the allied races now as Sylvari have shown themselves to be corruptible by Mordremoth’s influence. This is understandable, since the destruction of the Pact fleet resulted from this discovery. But this wasn’t treachery on behalf of the Sylvari race. It was a brilliant strategic move by our common foe, the Elder dragon Mordremoth.
Please don’t forget that all of the fauna-based races were corruptible by Zhaitan, while we remained immune. Those poor lost souls were pitied, not vilified. And we Sylvari still fought by your side and put our trust in you. We simply ask our fellow sentient beings for a little understanding in a time that scares us flora-based races even more than it scares you.
As a show of solidarity, I personally vow to wear only human-style garb outside of the grove. Sylvari cultural clothing only points out our differences in a time when we should be fostering strength through unity. It is my hope that this small gesture might help put you, our allies, at ease.
I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari! I stand with you against the elder Dragons!
- Breanna Banana, Sylvari Ranger
Well said indeed Breanna
-fellow Sylvari
I made two sylvaris after i knew their secret to be allied with Mordremoth. I might be corrupted…
Just going to leave this little link here. Oh, and this one (forgive their typo).
The Tough Love Critic (http://toughlovecritic.wordpress.com)
Tack Scylla, Tack, Morina Duathi
While your race may have done good deeds in the past, your roots are evil, and no good will blossom from a rotten plant!
This war is almost lost, even though it is just begining, all because of your kind, with the pact destroyed, the orders in chaos and most of our forces lost, while we can’t trust a fifth of the survivors.
You want to proove your innocence? Turn yourself in so that you can’t harm those around you, willingly or not.
You want to fight Zhaitan? Dig up ore in the mines and join the supplyproduction in our regulated workcamps.
Once all of this is over, you might be able to live a free life again, but for now, only a supervised sylvari in a controlled environment is a good sylvari.
If we want to win this war, we need a strong army, but who should provide this army? The Asura? They couldn’t even figure out how to protect their Waypoints. The humans? Their race lost more ground to the dragons then any other! The Norn? They don’t have armies! No, there is only one race able to handle this crisis, the Charr!
With Baelfires death, the survivors of the flamelegion are leaderless, now is the time to unite all the Charr beneath a single leader, a great Khan-Ur, and who else but the wielder of the Claw could claim this title, the great Imperator Smodur the Unflinching!!! With our support, even Bangar Ruinbringer would have to bend his knee in front of the iron Imperator, meaning for the first time in 300 years, the 4 legions would stand united, so no foe shall stand against us!
Trust in Charr, not dragonminions. Trust in iron, not false gods!
- Karnar Ironclaw, Centurio of the Iron Legion.
Just going to leave this little link here. Oh, and this one (forgive their typo).
If Mordremoth starts whispering to only Sylvari players, that no one else can hear, Cthun style, that would be amazing.
Allied players, occasionally turn red, allowing friendly fire when playing a Sylvari.
While your race may have done good deeds in the past, your roots are evil, and no good will blossom from a rotten plant!
This war is almost lost, even though it is just begining, all because of your kind, with the pact destroyed, the orders in chaos and most of our forces lost, while we can’t trust a fifth of the survivors.
You want to proove your innocence? Turn yourself in so that you can’t harm those around you, willingly or not.
You want to fight Zhaitan? Dig up ore in the mines and join the supplyproduction in our regulated workcamps.
Once all of this is over, you might be able to live a free life again, but for now, only a supervised sylvari in a controlled environment is a good sylvari.
If we want to win this war, we need a strong army, but who should provide this army? The Asura? They couldn’t even figure out how to protect their Waypoints. The humans? Their race lost more ground to the dragons then any other! The Norn? They don’t have armies! No, there is only one race able to handle this crisis, the Charr!
With Baelfires death, the survivors of the flamelegion are leaderless, now is the time to unite all the Charr beneath a single leader, a great Khan-Ur, and who else but the wielder of the Claw could claim this title, the great Imperator Smodur the Unflinching!!! With our support, even Bangar Ruinbringer would have to bend his knee in front of the iron Imperator, meaning for the first time in 300 years, the 4 legions would stand united, so no foe shall stand against us!
Trust in Charr, not dragonminions. Trust in iron, not false gods!
- Karnar Ironclaw, Centurio of the Iron Legion.
I’m sorry, but did we tell you to not fight Zhaitan because your dead bodies could be fuel for its armies? How would you feel if we locked you in cages when the Pact pressed on Kralkatorrik merely because you can become branded?
You had no trouble trusting us with suicide missions in Orr, yet now we’re the ones that can be corrupted, you want us to ignore our Wyld Hunts?
If we’ve learned anything from fighting Zhaitan, it’s that each of us has strengths, but also weaknesses, and only united can we win, which your kind has a habit of forgetting, or did your plan of ‘isolation until the vines come from the shiverpeaks’ have a part were you swoop in from the flank and save the day that you forgot to mention?
I’m Ambramiel , A SYLVARY RANGER and this is my opinion!
Why should i trust to this selfish, weak and pathetic races. The only thing they know and can do – betrayal. Yesterday we were comrades who just defeated Zhaitan. The next day they are trying to put sword in my back. Without warning and word. Thank you, but i dont wanna die for now. Mordremoth doesnt have power over me and my destiny.
So…Im calling all of you to not be blind. After defeating Mordremoth they will kill all Sylvary. We must strike them first and drown them in theire filthy blood.
My arrows will pierce anyone who will interfere with me.
Have a nice day, my little!
I’m sorry, but did we tell you to not fight Zhaitan because your dead bodies could be fuel for its armies? How would you feel if we locked you in cages when the Pact pressed on Kralkatorrik merely because you can become branded?
You had no trouble trusting us with suicide missions in Orr, yet now we’re the ones that can be corrupted, you want us to ignore our Wyld Hunts?
If we’ve learned anything from fighting Zhaitan, it’s that each of us has strengths, but also weaknesses, and only united can we win, which your kind has a habit of forgetting, or did your plan of ‘isolation until the vines come from the shiverpeaks’ have a part were you swoop in from the flank and save the day that you forgot to mention?
The problem is not that your race can be corrupted by the dragon, alsmost every race can be corrupted in some one, be it by dying, beeing exposed to Krallkatorik or the strange worshippingtransofrmation for jormag.
The problem is that you are born as a dragonminion and only some of you managed to
stay free of your true nature until now. Now, you have already gone back to your roots and it annihalated the packt, simple said, you became corrupted by becoming normal. Would we still allow branded to fight at our side? Take the orrians back home with us? No of course we wouldn’t therefore why should we let you be an exception from these rules, now that we know you belong to the dragon?