Guild Wars2: Depths of Abyss
what if, the water dragon starts with a HUGE tsunami that covers a lot of coastal cities under water! that would surely be a cool way to start an expansion and lay grounds for a story!
Lions arch under water, how cool it would look! people in those cities have to adjust life since no one wants to abandon Lion arch and it would look so cool under water! all you can see is the light house barely peeking up, and we finally get to use the Airport that lion arch has! think water world! (or put Lion arch into a bubble area so you can still do jumping puzzles, think BIOSHOCK). also would love to see Vigil Head quarter area turned into a coastal area, and gandaran fields under water, Also love to see some flat areas that look liek they are completely covered in water, but are only so with just two feet of water, would look visually cool! Lion arch doesn’t have to be destroyed, just flooded :P
We need an under water expansion, with masteries that make under water combat more fluid! Maybe under water WvW with water current or water surges, you can use to travel huge armies like flock or shoals of fish! like frost gorge sound has a huge under water area, and huge sky area to glide as well. what if new under water map were completely submerged, think the area of under water frost gorge sound water, land and air all under water!!!!!
you can add Under water MOUNTS! and make a new form of under WATER GLIDING that uses water currents or water jetpacks!
BOSSES/RACES: largos??
New under water bosses, whats scarier than karkas? corupted Cthulu creatures covered in barnacles, great chance to bring love-craftian nerds together! and a chance to make maps that are bigger than both the Path of fire and Heart of thorns combined, as you go deeper light fades “fear not this night” song would fit perfect for a boss, as we trek through the abyss! crossing the Abyss would require a great team effort to venture deeper into the oblivion!
guard and safely move GIANT fortified sea creatures through ruins or the reef while stoping at caves/camps/ stops to gain points! (think over watch?)
or fight to summon GIANT sea creatures on both sides to fight the other team! like massive creatures-HUGE!
NEW PROFESIONS/WEAPONS: (adding “knock up” to the game (think chronomancers gravity thing)
profession for my ranger with a rifle/shotgun! marking targets that pets can shadow step and rifle does bleed? or maybe AOE shotgun?
Dual pistol on Mesmer as a GUNSLINGER profession, mobility, lots of PEW PEW PEW (think Lucian from League of legends?)
Scepter on my Engineer (think DOCTOR-who’
s screw driver), making holographic clones or using deception on targets, lots of utility?
Dual focus on Guardian, MONK with dps and physical skills like thief with daredevil has. Aso every third hit does AOE damage behind the target (think Vi from legue of legends, but has Super-speed)
The DREAM-WALKER/ THE DJINN/rift walker:
Revenant with lots of DPS ! think skinny great sword with ability to telport enemies to you? isntead of teleporting enemies with you with sword dual hand. also ability to SLASH and move through enemies, like how daredevil does. also ability to teleport to marked targets! or go inside them making your self-invulnerable and then coming out after doing slow damage when you are inside of them (also the enemies can hear the legend you are channeling while you do this)
Elementalist with a mace. Slow hitting but tanky! lots of protection buffs and blocks! quick hard hitting AOE damage! symbols?
Necromancer with dps long-bow and movement and able to summon skeletons/ or shadow creatures for dps?
warrior with Staff, lots of disruption and “KNOCKUP”, heavy cc?
Thief, with BRUISER profession A shield or dual wield Sword, think Dante from devil may cry! Has cool knee slide or knee glide ability? Elite lets him Displace to a wall where he charges up his glutes and thighs then land area can be targeted to do Small AOE but hard hiting “KNOCKUP”-cc damage!
GW2 developers and artist have created some of the coolest things, would love to see their interpretation of it! I don’t want any credit, this post is to help inspire brain storming! I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH, love to hear back ideas of brain storming from both players… and possibly developers maybe >_<’ ?