New Gem Conversion….
Whoever suggested and green-lighted this change should’ve been fired or kicked to another department out of sheer principle. And I am being serious here. If I had a say, whatever moron(s) behind this would be gone or put somewhere where they can’t frak things up anymore.
Really, ArenaNet…what part of you thought it was a good idea to break yet another good feature of the game?
If this is an attempt to get us to use money more often, then its backfired horribly.
And here I was thinking of breaking my “no more gem cards for now” vow just for that Count outfit…nope, not if you can’t get a working brain behind your patch changes.
is all about money..
just thing about it a bit..what was the bigest incoming for them ..guild transfer to other servers for the tournaments
now the rewords is crap (always was..the spvp have beter with les interest) and ppl deside to stay on the server fo the last tourny
wel ye sure…but not every1 likes them and se how many run with those
the most ppl like the compine armors from the game cosse another smart one have deside to make the new armors outfits so you cant compine the
the list goes on..those was just 2 simply examples
ofc anet dint say the game is total free..from the moment that you need to manay to buy it is for sure p2p and also you cant blame them for trying to make profit from the a buusines and we know
but from bussines to go and find $#
$!@#^%%$^ ways to make profit is a diferent story
etehr way on the net r allready interviues with employers from anet and they all say the same …uper managment dont know what is going on on lower managment of the game…
the “line” is cut betwin those 2 dont expect something smart from them..stuoid no..
P.S counting how long will take to delete my post
I’ll just have Gems left over for next time I want to purchase something. Like if I had done so with cash, which I have. Or let their value appreciate and get my gold back in a month or two.
They just wanted to make it simpler, but the increments they chose are weird. it should have been 100, 400, etc. A slider would have been ideal
They also removed the gem/gold exchange graph, hiding gem prices from the player. Now you must use 3rd party websites to get this information that used to be easily available in game. This hiding and obscuring the price of gems (along with not much in the gemshop) coincides with one of the largest increases in the price of gold->gems we’ve seen in a while.
Anet says that this change was to reduce confusion to players, but it is obvious that they have benefited greatly from in fact ADDING confusion to players. In addition I’ve already heard of people confusing the “buy gems” and “buy gold” options since they’ve been placed on the same page now. It was already transparent that this was not to “reduce confusion”, but it is almost a bit funny (in a sad way) that this in fact has added confusion.
I absolutely agree. It’s abhorrent what they did to it.
Guess the problem was they didn’t want people to see it shift for a couple gems when they were trying to pinpoint to a certain amount if prices changed. However the current setup is kinda botched imo.
A better solution would be to have someone type in the amount of gems they wanna but with gold instead of typing in the amount of gold they wanna convert in to gems.
Aka, old system, instead you type the amount of currency you want to convert TO, instead of the currency you were convering from.
They also removed the gem/gold exchange graph, hiding gem prices from the player. Now you must use 3rd party websites to get this information that used to be easily available in game. This hiding and obscuring the price of gems (along with not much in the gemshop) coincides with one of the largest increases in the price of gold->gems we’ve seen in a while.
Well, that IS annoying.
Don’t suppose you could inform us of some of those 3rd party websites? If we’re limited to buying in 400 gem chunks, that does rather make it more important to buy at a low point if you can.
Also makes small amounts difficult to make use of…
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
(edited by draxynnic.3719)
They already said they are going to put back the custom amount.
If only there were a dedicated thread for this that the devs could respond to.
I find it extremely frustrating and unfair. This is just my opinion.
If only there were a dedicated thread for this that the devs could respond to.
LOL, Sacasm at its’ best! (I hope).
Hi everyone,
We already have a thread about this topic here. Therefore, we’ll now close this one in order to avoid duplicates.
Thank you for your understanding.