Next Living Story(August 20th)

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


‘Que Sera’


Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: kristof.7182


Queen sacrifice



Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: OtakuDFifty.2965


Quack Shooter.

The next LS is a Duck Hunt-style SAB update!

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: wingofbenu.4316


Quack Shooter.

The next LS is a Duck Hunt-style SAB update!

with the dog as the final boss.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Malevo.1806


I’m personally gonna go for Queen’s Sorrow or Queen’s Surrender. I think there is going to be an attack on the Crown Pavilion by a combined group of forces. Before the Pavilion was created there was a gossiping man and woman talking about how they hear something beneath the ground take that area before the great collapse, something that didn’t sound like it was natural.

Maybe the dredge had their hand in causing that collapse. Also, take note how the the top of the Pavilion is open to air. That area may get attacked from above and below simultaneously with only the previously manipulated Watchknights to protect them.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Gibson.4036


How about Queen’s Son.
Jennah was pregnant with Logan when he heard the news he ran to his loved one from Desliny’;s Edge

Too simple. Needs more conflict.

During the Queen’s Son chapter of the Living Story, we discover that the Queen does not actually reciprocate Logan’s feelings for her. She has just been using him to cover up her real love affair, which would cause revolt in the streets of Divinity’s Reach were it to be discovered.

Navigating the webs of intrigue in the Queen’s court, the players are secretly approached by the Queen’s personal physician, an Asura doctor, who has discovered a bizarre side effect from the potion regimen he has been dosing her with to keep her from aging.

Shockingly, they find that the Queen is carrying the child of…

Rytlock Brimstone!

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: kristof.7182


Oh lol, half human, half cat? lol

It could be Queen’s Safety too.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’m going to submit “Queen’s Soiree” as my prediction. The Jubilee finishes off with a grand dance and ball (which is, of course, gatecrashed by the Aetherblades and Scarlet). At the same time, the GW2 anniversary celebrations take part, so we’ll be getting birthday presents.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Necros Stalker.2713

Necros Stalker.2713

I hope this update is good. I’m loving the current update, I think its the best since flame and frost. Everything from the guanlet to the Quality of life improvements have been great despite my initial expectations. However I want some story to bite into and I really hope this is the beginning of something great.

As for the Meaning. Im gonna guess Queens Survival or something like that

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: DONO.8760


Could it be Quaggan Soup?

How about, “Quit Sarcasm…”

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: smeen.4237


Queen’s Songfestival.

A bit like the Eurovision Songfestival, but with more salads.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


“Quell Surmising”

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: aspirine.6852


The collapse was not because of the sewer, but digging. They wanted to find something there, something powerfull. Maybe they found it and others will try to get it..

Queensdale Siege…..

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Oh lol, half human, half cat? lol

It could be Queen’s Safety too.


Crazy Asura Tech™ can make anything possible.

We need a twisted love triangle to make the Logan/Queen thing more interesting.

Add in more Crazy Asura Tech™ and the Queens’ half-Charr son can be part of the story as a young pup, then not too much later enter adolescence, and by the time we hit 2014 he’ll be an integral part of the Living Story™.

Rejected by both of his people for being mixed race, his mother unable to acknowledge him publicly, he strives not only to reconcile the Humans and Charr but also to bring healing to the broken relationship between his biological father and his mother’s husband (now married to Logan for political purposes).

He will also champion a small, but growing population of other mixed race children brought about by the marketing of said Crazy Asura Tech™ in response to demand by mixed race couples who now see the opportunity they’d never thought they’d have to produce children together (and, of course, the Inquest’s evil exploitation of said Tech™ to create Norn/Asura hybrid Genius-Juggernauts!).

(edited by Gibson.4036)

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Queensdale’s Sky

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Vincent Von Demetri.1450

Vincent Von Demetri.1450

Quaggan’s Secret?


Citizen 3
“I’ve got the latest, and trust me, you’re going to want to hear this. I’ve heard that Queen Jennah has been training an elite military force. You know what’s surprising? It’s made up of quaggans!”
- Quaggans?
“I was so surprised. But it makes perfect sense. Because they’re quaggans—no one would ever expect them to attack. I’m no military strategist, but I think that’s brilliant.”

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Quitting Suckers → every player who got bored off living story and is going to ESO because GW2 became untolerably stale.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


“Queue Suffering”.. Devs will drop another pavilion style instance that is even more lucrative to farm (in only the first 3 hours of going live of course) but only allow 5 players in at once thereby forcing entire servers worth of fiending drooling gamers whining in overflow for several hours at a time.. Oh.. And something similar to the gauntlet too but instead of 6 domes, only 1 lucky contestant will be able to enter at a time

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Since is’s the anniversary update my guess is “Queen’s Surprise”.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Crise.9401


Queen’s Scandal —- no doesn’t sound right, Queen’s Sorrow would be better-

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


‘Quantum Starfighters’

New Mini Game: The Kessex Run

The Kessex Run is an 18-waypoint route used by the Aetherblades to move Piles of Crystalline Dust from Kessex to an area south of Lion’s Arch without getting caught by the Lionguard that are patrolling the movement of dust from Kessex’s mines.

“Quite possibly the Largest and most elaborate mini-game/jumping puzzle/Champion filled, non-instanced, non-soloable, timed, dynamic, player vs player, player-driven event the Guild Wars™ universe has ever seen. We are fortunate to live in such an age that we can have a free candy dispenser in our office.” – Colin Johanson

New Area: The Forest Moon of Caledon
What is that giant, leafy ball hovering over Caledon Forest? See our Facebook page and peruse the official Guild Wars 2™ website to learn more!

New Skin: The Likesaber , a sword skin available in your choice of red or blue, will be awarded to ANY player who likes us on Facebook. Like us, please?

New Profession: Dervish. Why? Because we like you. You really should like us back. We insist.

New weapon types: Two-handed Axe , Lasercannon .

New Crafting Profession: Basketweaving.

“Will Logan rescue Queen Jennah? Will the Charr finally accumulate enough Energon Cubes to power their Siege Cycles? Will Snaff come back from the future? Visit the Herald in Lion’s Arch to maybe find out!”

(edited by Elbegast.6970)

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Oraith.1732


Please no more carnivals, please no more carnivals

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: eekzie.5640


Could it be Quaggan Soup?

There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.


Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Exodeus.3649


Quaggan Seduction or Quaggan Sensation

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


“Quarter Swell”

Queen Jenna has each race submit two tributes to represent them in a no holds barred battle to the death. The single survivor is given a pre-cursor. The battle takes place within the the cloc-I mean wheel-shaped pavilion.

It’s Hunger Games 2.0 Awwwww yeeeeaaaaaaah!!!!

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Quilted Sleepwear.

An terrifying new update where the Jubilee celebrations are attacked by a voracious army of watchknights…. dressed in onesies.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

They said that this story is getting wrapped up so obviously we have to deal with the Dredge/Charr union coming from underneath the Cantha District (I refuse to call it anything else) and The Aetherblades and their mysterious figurehead from above.

QS= Queen’s Sacrifice. She has to make a decision and it won’t end well.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I’m betting Queen’s Spy, where a Watchknight is disguised as someone.

Judging by the .dat file though…

“A migratory market’s just opened at the foot of Mount Maelstrom! See its wonders before it leaves!” 109839_0735
Presumably called ‘The Wandering Bazaar’. (Perhaps it’s a small Bazaar envoy, so we can still get recipes and things?) 109839_0737
Wandering magicians appearing in cities. (These things could definitely be for the next update)

(edited by Kain Francois.4328)

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: entropyblade.5682


I’m going to submit “Queen’s Soiree” as my prediction. The Jubilee finishes off with a grand dance and ball (which is, of course, gatecrashed by the Aetherblades and Scarlet). At the same time, the GW2 anniversary celebrations take part, so we’ll be getting birthday presents.

to me, queen’s soiree actually makes the most sense.. and matches the feel of the pic… especially with that giant hot air balloon floating there. at this point, it seems like it’ll 100% involve aetherblades and scarlet…

so i guess we’re gonna be getting part 2 of this carnival update…. hopefully it’ll end with something exciting like the crown pavilion blowing up in an epic battle

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Brave Sir Ryan.1240

Brave Sir Ryan.1240

Queen’s Speech?

Nah – obviously Queen’s Sorority. Use your everlasting watchnight tonic to join the queen and her army of fembots in an Outrageously great time.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I’m betting Queen’s Spy, where a Watchknight is disguised as someone.

Judging by the .dat file though…

“A migratory market’s just opened at the foot of Mount Maelstrom! See its wonders before it leaves!” 109839_0735
Presumably called ‘The Wandering Bazaar’. (Perhaps it’s a small Bazaar envoy, so we can still get recipes and things?) 109839_0737
Wandering magicians appearing in cities. (These things could definitely be for the next update)

Clearly it is Quaggan Supermarket

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: MesmeForever.3612


They’ll rename it before it launches just to keep us on our toes in the future. The QS will mean nothing.

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: Elbegast.6970


Queen’s Speech
Queen’s soiree
Queen’s spy

You, Sir, win a rather large internet cookie. +11!