[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Mea.8967


Did anyone find they seemed flirty? Is there such a thing as cross-racial dating in tyria?

I love lamp.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


Well, I figured Braham and Rox were an item. Maybe just mutual respect, like brother-sister (though I assumed Taimi was in the role of the sister).

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


It does happen.

However, Sylvari’s are more open to cross-racial dating since they’re younger than the other races and are born by the Pale Tree rather than a Male and Female romance.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

i wouldn’t say “flirty” as much as hinting that there’s a LOT more to Countess Anise than we’ve been told. especially with his comment about her power of illusion and wondering about her… Not allowing him to finish that sentence

– The Baconnaire

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


I didn’t find them flirty in the slightest, it’s more that Canach was being very cheeky and a bit of a suave rogue. And Mesmer’s are naturally alluring, I guess. :P

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


i wouldn’t say “flirty” as much as hinting that there’s a LOT more to Countess Anise than we’ve been told. especially with his comment about her power of illusion and wondering about her… Not allowing him to finish that sentence

Well you do know one of the biggest rules about talking to females is to never ask about her age.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Ashadow.6874


Countess Anise is clearly Livia.

#SAB 2014 plx


(edited by Ashadow.6874)

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Yuino.2684


Oh, I think they were not much flirty, but flirty enough for me to build an OTP. And I can see it shattering already.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


Mesmer, illusion and anise real age .. hmmmmmmmm good point canach. hahaha he burn her hardddd love the small convo between these two.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


It was just intelligent conversation. Can’t men and women have a conversation without it being flirting?

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Morsus.5106


It was just intelligent conversation. Can’t men and women have a conversation without it being flirting?

Apparently not, because it seemed very flirtatious. The bit where we asks her age made me laugh pretty hard.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: JerekLo.5893


Canach and Anise already best “couple.” Must have more.

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[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Did anyone find they seemed flirty? Is there such a thing as cross-racial dating in tyria?

Anise seems flirty no matter who she talks to… except Logan.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Autumnmane.3574


Did anyone find they seemed flirty? Is there such a thing as cross-racial dating in tyria?

Anise seems flirty no matter who she talks to… except Logan.

She seems to use pet names on anyone working under her at least. My necro got called “pet” so many times during the human noble personal story, felt like she was going to slap a leather collar on him at any moment.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Renkencen.6127


Yeah those two crack me up (the most unlikely duo). Still I don’t really like that our character is somewhat unfriendly with Canach.
Sure I don’t think we should start buddy up with him but I don’t him to be that evil (his intention were good but his method need some revision) unlike Scarlet.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: AuroraW.7149


Anise seems flirty no matter who she talks to… except Logan.

XD Thumbs up. Whats more, dont see Canach as a bad character. More like an anarchist soul who used the wrong means for a righteous cause … and paid for it. Still see Canach as a maverick / revolutionary at heart and I dearly hope that A-net won’t make him into a kitten – as they did with (former) megahottie Marjory. :-/

Booga: I took the bullets out of their guns. That was smart, huh?
Tank Girl: Booga, that was very smart.
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(edited by AuroraW.7149)

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Anise ojou-sama is so tsundere towards her shimobe.

20 level 80s and counting.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Zok.4956


Well you do know one of the biggest rules about talking to females is to never ask about her age.

Well you do know one of the biggest rules (not only about talking to females) is to know when it is best to break the rules. ^^


[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


I agree I didn’t really see them as flirting. Anise is flirtatious, sure, but I don’t think she was hitting on Canach any more than she was hitting on Minister Estelle. Canach, however, showed little to no romantic interest in Anise. At most, he wanted to get a reaction from her, and it wasn’t until the illusion comment that he got one. They definitely balance each other out, and I’m curious what Anise’s true plan is.

I hate to admit it, but I always expected Anise to pull some kind of back stab on Queen Jennah, being so close to her. Maybe I’m just used to the trope of the trusted adviser being evil that the instant a truly trustworthy adviser shows up, I expect the worst. (Besides, Minister Caudecus provides us the noble intrigue we need.)

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Canidae Canis.2861

Canidae Canis.2861

Countess Anise is clearly Livia.

I think this guy’s got it. The crack about Anise’s true age was the biggest hint, but also the fact that she has a habit of referring to everyone and everything as her “pet” makes her sound like a necromancer (like Livia is/was). She also wields a scepter – possibly the scepter of orr? I’m interested to see where this is going.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Dakota.4591


Given that Anise is a plant (used to make absinthe), makes me wonder if her sylvari illusion during the summit was actually her real form and the human one is a disguise.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Stramatus.5219


Countess Anise is clearly Livia.

I think this guy’s got it. The crack about Anise’s true age was the biggest hint, but also the fact that she has a habit of referring to everyone and everything as her “pet” makes her sound like a necromancer (like Livia is/was). She also wields a scepter – possibly the scepter of orr? I’m interested to see where this is going.

I didn’t necessarily embrace or dismiss this theory before, but this is a very good point. The fact is that Livia lived an extremely long time and Anise’s dialogue regarding her age and the constant use of “pet” is rather peculiar. Not to mention the fact that they both fulfill pretty much the same position within the Shining Blade.

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(edited by Stramatus.5219)

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Bathos.6341


I think less flirting,more verbal sparing, each proding the other to see if they can trick the other into admitting somethingthey’d not have normally revealed. Sort of reminds me of some of the better conversation scenes in DS9 between Bashir and Garek. (yeah I used to watch a lot of Star trek,I’m not a total treckhead like some people though)

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: JerekLo.5893


There is no shame in liking the most excellent back and forth between Bashir and Garek!

Jerek Lo | Singh | Slagg Blackclaw | Wilhelm von Wilhelm | Viscerious
Sorrow’s Furnace
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Countess Anise is clearly Livia.

I think this guy’s got it. The crack about Anise’s true age was the biggest hint, but also the fact that she has a habit of referring to everyone and everything as her “pet” makes her sound like a necromancer (like Livia is/was). She also wields a scepter – possibly the scepter of orr? I’m interested to see where this is going.

I didn’t necessarily embrace or dismiss this theory before, but this is a very good point. The fact is that Livia lived an extremely long time and Anise’s dialogue regarding her age and the constant use of “pet” is rather peculiar. Not to mention the fact that they both fulfill pretty much the same position within the Shining Blade.

Besides the fact Anise shows zero signs of using necromancer abilities, and Livia was openly using necromancer abilities as of Zhaitan rising, and NO sign of mesmer magic.

Why would Livia suddenly change her entire appearance (with illusion), AND stop using her SUPER powerful necromancer abilities while guarding the queen? That’s like an expert archer suddenly going “Nah, I wanna disguise myself!” and ditching his bow for a longsword despite the fact he can do far more damage with the bow. WHILE also trying to defend somebody else.

PS, Jennah was threatened by the Risen following the corrupted Seraph. I’ve been told in Sea of Sorrows Livia’s magikittenerally destroyed any Risen trying to get on her ship. Why would she not use that magic in that situation if Livia = Anise?

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Canidae Canis.2861

Canidae Canis.2861

Good points, but maybe she is in hiding for a reason that hasn’t been revealed to us yet. If they’re not the same person, there appears to be a link between them to some extent. Too bad LS will be on vacation until the fall!

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Noyala.1496


Given that Anise is a plant (used to make absinthe), makes me wonder if her sylvari illusion during the summit was actually her real form and the human one is a disguise.

That’s a very interesting theory. Would be awesome to see where this is going if that turned out to be true at some point!

[GAOS] Golem Army Of Surmia —- Desolation

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


Go team Canise!

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Anise’s age is not outrageous. More than likely it was just a typical response because for some stupid (feminist) reason it’s considered rude to ask a woman her age.

Considering Anise has his billet and Canach hit a nerve, Anise simply reacted with a reminder that she has his billet and he would be wise not to hit such a touchy subject because no matter how much of a smooth talker Anise is, she too has topics she can get worked up about, in this case it’s her age. They may or may not have been flirting, but the fact remains that Anise is older than she looks and Canach knows it all too well and is able to tease her about it.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Rukh.9287


The Countess can’t be Livia because then she couldn’t be Jennah who is actually Glint being both.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Mea.8967


Go team Canise!

I am abokittenely Pro-Canise

I love lamp.

[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: ghost.3208


The Countess can’t be Livia because then she couldn’t be Jennah who is actually Glint being both.

Mind b-b-b-b-b-b-b-blown


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[SPOILERS] Canach and Anise

in Living World

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


She also wields a scepter – possibly the scepter of orr?

Scepter of Orr was more of a staff than a scepter, and looked nothing like Krytan Scepter. It’s one hell of a stretch if they actually wanted that allusion.