Skip to end for cutscenes!
All the cut scenes need a skip button. We had a huge post about this before. It’s mind numbing to have to sit through the things while achievement hunting in story. I don’t know. Maybe a skip button is too confusing to players :b
Funny how they implemented mail carriers from a forum suggestion pretty fast compared to other needed changes like this. Gemstore item = profit, so i wouldn’t have hopes for this soon even though it is sorely needed when it comes to re-running for achieves.
For some scenes, it is said to be unskippable code-wise. Sounds like a challenge for the programmers to step it up a notch. Don’t mean to bad-mouth anyone, but having to see [spoiler!] Caithe kill Wynne over and over again is just bad. The first time seeing it, the scene was very dramatic and sad. Subsequent times, like all other achieve-hunters, we are impatiently sitting there thinking about that nice skip button.
You can restart the fight after it’s finished using Mote. You don’t have to restart the entire instance.
New gem store item, Skip Button, 800 gems. Consumable, 10 uses
You can restart the fight after it’s finished using Mote. You don’t have to restart the entire instance.
You’re definitely right. But, the dragon had put a dent in my armor so I had go repair. So when I return, Wynne had to die again.
They don’t want us skipping that last cutscene. They want us all watching Twitch on January 24, so they’re gonna drive the point home.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
What’s funny is, the last cutscene originally was skippable, but they removed the button in a bug fix.
I don’t mind having to watch the cut scenes the first time through as it is pertinent to the story. However, once you have unlocked and played through the story you should be given the option to skip cut scenes on replay and doing the achieves.
Funny how they implemented mail carriers from a forum suggestion pretty fast compared to other needed changes like this. Gemstore item = profit, so i wouldn’t have hopes for this soon even though it is sorely needed when it comes to re-running for achieves.
Different teams, different technical difficulties involved etc.
Although that said, yes skip buttons are important.
Kinda wonder if the trailer is gonna stick around after the 24th or not, otherwise it might be weird for someone seeing it in, let’s say, February or later
I’d imagine they would at the very least remove the PAX announcement at the end.