"There is just one thing to buy"
theres a guy in lions arch that tells you everything that happened itn living world 1,2 +cutscenes. you don’t have to buy It unless yo want to play it but HoT is essential for progression
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)
Season 2 can be purchased with gems, which can be purchased with in-game gold without having to spend a real life dime. It is completely optional for you to spend more on the game than the base cost, and that can be said for many things currently available – 250 gems per episode is not difficult to reach with converting gold to gems (about 40 gold per episode after the anniversary inflation dies down).
Further, if you really want to experience it without buying it, you can simply party up with someone that has access to it and run all 8 episodes with them (of course though, you won’t get any loot or achievements, merely experience the story).
Is false.
Sorry to call out on this. But Anet shouldn’t mis-represent things…There is also Season 2 to buy, so you can buy. HOT, then, if you want, you can buy Season 2. 2 things to buy, not one.
Am I being unreasonable in saying that this statement is false?
Season 2 is option story content. Not having any part of Season 2 doesn’t prevent you from being able to play any of the content, old or new (up to HoT of course) As pointed out, to get the story you can party with someone who has it unlocked. The only thing you are missing is some skins, and an Ascended Amulet.
So yes, there is only 1 thing to buy. You buy HoT, and you get the whole game, without the free account restrictions.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
theres a guy in lions arch that tells you everything that happened itn living world 1,2 +cutscenes.
What guy is that? Haven’t heard of him yet!
It’s a Priory woman, Ella Mackay (spelling uncertain, sorry). She’s on the beach just north of the Tengu wall waypoint (Diverse Ledges, I believe). She summarizes season one, highlighting the key points that lead to season two. She does not give season two — you can join the instance of anyone who has S2 unlocked to see the story, though not to get the rewards and achievements.
The summary does not include a lot of things that happened or give the flavor of what it was like to be there, so you’d still need to see videos and read summaries for more detail.
Is false.
Sorry to call out on this. But Anet shouldn’t mis-represent things…There is also Season 2 to buy, so you can buy. HOT, then, if you want, you can buy Season 2. 2 things to buy, not one.
Am I being unreasonable in saying that this statement is false?
Source for your quote in your title? Your whole thread rests on this very fact, so you need to provide the source of the said quote.
Is false.
Sorry to call out on this. But Anet shouldn’t mis-represent things…There is also Season 2 to buy, so you can buy. HOT, then, if you want, you can buy Season 2. 2 things to buy, not one.
Am I being unreasonable in saying that this statement is false?
Source for your quote in your title? Your whole thread rests on this very fact, so you need to provide the source of the said quote.
Mike O’Brien @PAX Prime 2015
Is false.
Sorry to call out on this. But Anet shouldn’t mis-represent things…There is also Season 2 to buy, so you can buy. HOT, then, if you want, you can buy Season 2. 2 things to buy, not one.
Am I being unreasonable in saying that this statement is false?
If you are a new player and have bought the “base game” and you want the achievements of season 2, then you also have to buy season 2. If you do have a friend that already has season 2 unlocked, you can play with him season 2 without buying it.
There are also a lot of things in the gem-store that you can buy.
So, a player can definitely buy more than only HoT.
But you have to see the whole context of his statement: A player needs to only buy the latest version of the game and the previous versions are included. Right now we have “the basegame” and “HoT”. (and season 2 was not part of the base-game, if you i.e. bought the base game a few month ago, but it also was not an expansion).
So: In context his statement is not false. But out of context it could be seen as false. But I think it is wrong to see it out of context.
Season 2 may not be a full sized expansion, but it is at least story based DLC. It is very different than the cosmetic or booster stuff the gem store normally holds, so thinking of it the same as all of the other gem store stuff, it not being honest about the nature of Season 2. I believe that Season 2 should be considered a mini expansion due to it having additional story and game play elements in it.
A player can play Season 2 without unlocking it by playing inside a Season 2 instance created by someone else. But this does not mean that the story and game play content are free. It just means that the content is behind a sort of soft paywall. One that can be somewhat subverted. It is still however something someone had to have paid for, especially if one doesn’t know people who got it for free.
Of course in the context of Mike O’Brien’s statements he does say “What should you have to already own so that you are allowed to buy the new expansion pack?” It is true that you don’t have to own Season 2 to buy the latest expansion pack, so there is only one thing to buy if you want the latest expansion pack.
He, however, also provides a question prospective players could ask, “Should I buy the base game and also every single expansion?” The answer to this question is not, “there is only one thing to buy.” The answer to this second question is you buy HOT, and you can optionally buy Season 2 to get the bridge content between the original and expansion story.
My biggest problem is Mike O’Brien talks about all of the content you get with a single purchase. By saying “there is just one thing to buy” he implies that buying HOT gives you the complete experience. He, however, ignores the fact that even after streamlining the buying process, there is still this thing called Season 2 and that buying HOT leaves out that portion of the content. He emphasizes what is included in the purchase price without mentioning the thing that is left out, and can be purchased separately.
Now you did catch me. He doesn’t have a direct lie. But he dances around how much content they released, and how they simplified purchasing without mentioning Season 2. Of course they wouldn’t want to mention Season 2 as a complicating factor to your purchase decision when they talk about how simple buying in is. And they wouldn’t want to mention how there is additional paid content in addition to the past and future ‘free’ (included in base price) content they release.
Season 2 is just such a little nagging counterpoint to everything he says in that announcement that it feel less than honest. I guess they always want to only talk about the good. It is marketing. It is to be expected.
People keep saying Season 2 is optional to get for HoT, which kinda is. And it doesn’t really give you anyhting interesting besides caprace set which is not really that great. BUT if you wanna understand wth is going on at HoT, Season 2 is the perfect explanation of what happened between Season 1 and HoT, plus some extra details about scarlet and stuff.
Is false.
Sorry to call out on this. But Anet shouldn’t mis-represent things…There is also Season 2 to buy, so you can buy. HOT, then, if you want, you can buy Season 2. 2 things to buy, not one.
Am I being unreasonable in saying that this statement is false?
Source for your quote in your title? Your whole thread rests on this very fact, so you need to provide the source of the said quote.
Mike O’Brien @PAX Prime 2015
Yeah, as I thought, you were taking things out of context. He was talking specifically about expansions, he talked about how other MMOs did it with expansions, and how they decided to do something different in that they bundled for free the core game with the expansion, which is something they will be doing with every other expansion as well. So there is only 1 thing to buy, you do not have to buy the core game and then every expansion up to the newest expansion.
So nope, they did not mis represent anything. You just took things out of context.
How many times has this been answered. You bought the core game, you get the core game. LS is exactly like it sounds, you get LS if you were living then. For a nominal fee, you are able to go back and play a time limited event that you would have entirely missed. What you interpret as a problem and breach of business model is actually an excellent opportunity that Anet has taken the time to compile for new users who want to experience past content. They could have easily said “Hey, you missed it, too bad.” like the majority of other design teams, but instead they give you the option to experience it at your leisure.