Unidentified Fossilized Insect
It probably does. But you can always just complete the Reward Track in SPvP.
:/ I just had 2 drop from me in succession when I didn’t even want it by opening less than 10 chests. If I could give it to you I would
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
It probably does. But you can always just complete the Reward Track in SPvP.
Do you also get the specific weapon recipes (e.g. Blattodea) from completing the PvP Reward Track? Or are those only available from the Dry Top traders?
I just got one a few hours ago. Have ANET make them tradeable and you can have it for free.
It probably does. But you can always just complete the Reward Track in SPvP.
Do you also get the specific weapon recipes (e.g. Blattodea) from completing the PvP Reward Track? Or are those only available from the Dry Top traders?
Pretty sure those are only from the merchant. That would be crazy to get from the Reward Track, you don’t even get them from Buried Chests.
My first insect came really quickly, but the second seemed to take forever and I was thinking of giving up. Then I finally got it, and now that I have my two amber weapons I have since gotten three insects that I don’t really need. It just shows how bad RNG is. I am really tired of Dry Top and grinding out another 400+ geodes for another recipe is just not worth it, right now anyways.
Same. At 200+ and I’ve yet to drop one. :/
My GF got 4 out of her first 5 chests and she can’t even give me one.
I’ve given up on farming them and just see if a key will show up from those sand piles..
It probably does. But you can always just complete the Reward Track in SPvP.
Do you also get the specific weapon recipes (e.g. Blattodea) from completing the PvP Reward Track? Or are those only available from the Dry Top traders?
Pretty sure those are only from the merchant. That would be crazy to get from the Reward Track, you don’t even get them from Buried Chests.
Yeah, I suspected as much. Besides, the Reward Track itself gives Geodes, so I imagine ANet’s intention is that we just use that to buy the specific recipe we’re after.
I got one yesterday. Sorry. ):
I got one in under 10, and have no use for it because I find all of the weapon skins grotesque. I’d sell it if I could!
I got one in under 10, and have no use for it because I find all of the weapon skins grotesque. I’d sell it if I could!
You and me both. :/ I have no desire to get any of the Ambrite weapons. I’d gladly sell the Fossils to someone else. (I know we can trade it for Sandy Loot Bags, but getting 3 greens seems like a rip-off compared to how rare these Fossils are.)
I got one in under 10, and have no use for it because I find all of the weapon skins grotesque. I’d sell it if I could!
I also wish they could be sold, but unlike you I love the Ambrite weapons and have only had 1 insect drop in 100 chests so far, I would happily pay 5, even 10 gold to get a fossil and save me the effort of farming and complete the whole collection!
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I’m not sure but I think they’re more likely to drop at higher tier favour. I’ve gotten 2 from opening less than 50 chests, plus quite a few other good drops, but I only open chests at T4 and above.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I’m not sure but I think they’re more likely to drop at higher tier favour. I’ve gotten 2 from opening less than 50 chests, plus quite a few other good drops, but I only open chests at T4 and above.
Hmm, sounds interesting, but the very first chest I opened in entanglement(?) whenever they were first introduced dropped an insect and that was either a t2 or 3 instance. Since then I have been in many t5/6 instances and got nothing so you are probably just lucky.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I had gotten one pretty quick, also, but I didn’t know it was good for anything, so I vendored it. It looked just like typical trash.
You must be mistaken. They don’t look like typical trash at all, being exotic with a rather long name. They stand out, a lot. Also, you can’t vendor them.
I got one just last night myself. So they certainly do still drop.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Then I must have just trashed it, then. In any case, I didn’t see any use for it.
Well, hang onto them for now. “Trading 2.0” is coming tomorrow, and for all we know ANet might loosen the restrictions on some account bound items.
Try revisiting the fossilised insect collector again – I think I did see something somewhere about being able to trade the unidentified insects for something else.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
A past update allowed you to trade a Fossil for 3 Bags of Sandy Loot, but that usually just translates to “3 greens”, which just seems insulting considering how rare these Fossils are.
I’m glad I kept all my Fossils, rather than trade them for bags. Now I’ll be going for the full collection set, just because it’s there. Thanks OCD!
Yeah, I have plenty of fossils to make all the weapons, but since T5 is now seemingly impossible, and T6 even moreso, I’ll need to collect thousands of geodes, at a rate of about 60 per hour of play, in order to get the remaining recipes. Not cool ANet.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
And you only have your remaining lifetime to do it. Gasp.
The Unidentified Insects are totally ridiculous. I’ve opened tons of chests too and I only want ONE of the skins. I grinded for the recipe and inscriptions, etc…at least that had a finish line that was IN SIGHT. I got the geodes, bought the stuff…and now it’s just lockpick after lockpick, chest after chest…with no insect.
Come on, all I want is ONE and I have no idea how people are completing the entire collection. There is NO need for this kind of RNG for skins that don’t even affect the economy since I believe they’re all account-bound.
Order of the Icosahedron [TWNT]
Go spvp. Do full ’daily track reward cap (25% a day) and you get 100% track. Choose maguuma wastes (NOT JUNGLE!). Settled. IDENTIFIED FOSSILIZED INSECT. There you go, problem solved.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Got 8 in around 150 chests
Go spvp. Do full ’daily track reward cap (25% a day) and you get 100% track. Choose maguuma wastes (NOT JUNGLE!). Settled. IDENTIFIED FOSSILIZED INSECT. There you go, problem solved.
That ‘daily reward track cap’ only applies to Hotjoin games. If you play Solo Queue or Team Queue instead, you could potentially grind out the whole Insect in one day. The individual games will reward more points too, even if they take a bit longer to start. You’ll also earn twice as much coin from your wins and losses!
The drops are completely random. Witch I think is incredible unfair. Since ANet decided to make a achievement track for collecting all the weapons. Basically you have to be LUCKY to get the collection achieve. You shouldn’t be having to trust rng for achievements.
I myself have opened hundreds of chests, so far I have 5 drops of the fossils. But like u guys I know people that opened 2 as many as me and to this day didn’t get a drop.
This is just broken
The drops are completely random. Witch I think is incredible unfair. Since ANet decided to make a achievement track for collecting all the weapons. Basically you have to be LUCKY to get the collection achieve. You shouldn’t be having to trust rng for achievements.
I myself have opened hundreds of chests, so far I have 5 drops of the fossils. But like u guys I know people that opened 2 as many as me and to this day didn’t get a drop.
This is just broken
This to me would seem like the ideal place for ANet to put a Dry Top Achievement. Open 100 lock boxes and get a chest with your choice of a fossilised insect or 50 geodes. It means that those 2% of people trying for the fossilised insect who don’t get it after 100 boxes opened because the laws of probability decided to be a jerk to them are at least guaranteed 1.