What happened to Kessex Hills?
(just look how a few things have sparked more interest than scarlet ever could).
I am quite sure there were MASSIVE amount of interest around Scarlet before The Queens Speech.
ok there originally was but after people found out how much of a mary sue villain she was and how lame her “where is my place in the universe” motive was… people quickly grew tired of her.
Second, no one here has mentioned the sound. When you are in that area you can hear the krait chopping the trees down.
True. You can also hear faint cries which may be coming from human slaves being forced to assist in this construction, whatever it is. And the music changes when you approach the area; it becomes what I think of as the “ambient Orr music” which I can’t recall the name of. It’s a lovely and ominous piece that fits perfectly with the rumblings in the area.
And yes, you can still help…um, whatshisname…find his heirlooms; my engineer did it yesterday. What she was having trouble with, as I pointed out, was assisting the quaggans at the south end of the lake. The barrier severely limits movement in that area and I’m not sure if it’s possible to complete that renown heart.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
This is great. Keep doing this and maybe hint even further in the future. Keep of the good work. This feels like a living world.
The last time I saw something like that it was 250 years ago.
The asura that had just arrived to the surface and had these huge lumberjack machines cut lots of trees by the Sparkfly Swamp. Probably to make quick refuges and structures, as getting stone and metal for their usual buildings takes much longer.
But these do not look like cut by a similar machine. They are sliced diagonally. It had to be something strong, fast and sideways.
I’d be very interested to see if this leads to the revealing of the unknown underwater Elder Dragon that drove the krait, quaggan and largos from the Great Sea. That one dragon that has yet to be spoken of aside from being nicknamed the Deep Sea Dragon (assuming Mordremoth is indeed the name of the Jungle Dragon, thanks to Subject Alpha and the combat log).
The image attached was from a panel at PAX about creating dynamic events. You’ll see references about Krait – in particular a tower collapse. The context of all this is completely unrelated to the current location, but who’s to say bits and pieces of this are being utilized for a future project? So if anything, that confirms that a tower related to Krait is something that’s been on their possible to-do list…
If I had more time, I’d probably make a heatmap of all the krait sightings in-game so far, especially denoting any structures they currently have built throughout Tyria. Maybe also discover a Ley Line equivalent across the continent. lol
Speculating future events is always fun when it’s slowly hinted at like this.
(edited by ionfone.5803)
That’s what happens when you banish Krait from their homes in WvW borderlands.
Has anyone seen Kari? She is AUX-1’s mistress. Kari was last seen heading southwest from Marjory Delaqua’s camp. Maddox sent out a search party but could not locate Kari.
(just look how a few things have sparked more interest than scarlet ever could).
I am quite sure there were MASSIVE amount of interest around Scarlet before The Queens Speech.
Yeah, when she was promising to stop time and reveal that our world is built on fog, and Anet was hinting there would be a major, game changing announcement. Overhyped and no delivery at all, after we saw how lame she was everyone stopped caring except for champ farming.
This is the opposite, no hype at all, let’s hope it wildly over delivers in awesome content.
Has anyone seen Kari? She is AUX-1’s mistress. Kari was last seen heading southwest from Marjory Delaqua’s camp. Maddox sent out a search party but could not locate Kari.
I went looking but didn’t see anything.
Has anyone seen Kari? She is AUX-1’s mistress. Kari was last seen heading southwest from Marjory Delaqua’s camp. Maddox sent out a search party but could not locate Kari.
I went looking for her but I suspect she’s been caught and is currently sitting in some cage awaiting to be sacrificed to their god.
With all the hatred of Scarlet I’m seeing in this thread, you’d think people would be more eager to kill her during the invasion events instead of, say, repeatedly farming the champions.
the problem is that we’ve killed her like 100,000 times and she just keeps coming back. better to have her just back away into retirement.
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So I wasn’t going mad, I honestly just assumed that that ominous looking shroud had always been there. I hope to see more little finds like this in the run-up to other patches, because honestly it’s the anticipation and speculation of a new update that will keep people logging in.
Has anyone seen Kari? She is AUX-1’s mistress. Kari was last seen heading southwest from Marjory Delaqua’s camp. Maddox sent out a search party but could not locate Kari.
I went looking for her but I suspect she’s been caught and is currently sitting in some cage awaiting to be sacrificed to their god.
As I pointed out in an earlier post, the first thing one encounters southwest from Marjory’s camp is…a large centaur encampment.
It may not be the krait who have her…
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
Please let this be a lead-in to Krait being a playable race (metamorphose ala Little Mermaid to have legs as the workaround for armor viability). I’d accept Quaggan, stags, or even man-bear-pigs at this point as a new race. Just give us something, anything, please! I beg you!
New race= man-bear-pig
New profession=Still waiting for the Sandwich-mancer :P
It’s funny how everyone noticed some trees that got chopped down, but really few noticed the whole kittening fishing village was wiped off the face of Tyria… But I am really happy that they revisited this area, besides from the tengu and the wizard’s tower, sadly there is nothing really interesting to see here besides ettins here, centaurs there… Really pleased with the secretive approach, here’s hoping we get amazed with the next story
The before screen is from the wiki, and here is some more stuff for you guys to read up on if you’re interested. I remember seeing the concept art even before this, on the blog they had before the game came out. Luckily, the text has been saved on the wiki.
The possible krait obelisk seems to be taller than the Dominion of the Winds walls. The tengu might feel threaten of an ominous structure visible inside their walls. This kind of reminds me of Shingeki no Kyojin. Now only if the krait could summon leviathans to break into the tengu city, the krait will pour inside like ants, and the tengu would need all the help they can get from Lion’s Arch.
Was this near the lake where that krait blood witch spawns?
Everyone always ignores the poor kitten because she’s just really annoying to kill with her multiple boyfriend krait.
Maybe she’s like… invoked a ritual? There could be a quaggan who really wants to live on land, but her father tells her not to trust the humans. So she’s goes to see the blood witch, and the blood witch is like
‘I can turn you into a human, but I need your father’s trident’.
Then the quaggan becomes human. However, a caveat is that she must kiss someone out of true love for it to remain permanent. She’s then spotted by Lord Faren, and then some stuff happens, and there is an invisible barrier around the lake and then they get married.
Changes like this make me so very happy I hope they continue to foreshadow upcoming patches using stuff like this.
Then the quaggan becomes human. However, a caveat is that she must kiss someone out of true love for it to remain permanent. She’s then spotted by Lord Faren, and then some stuff happens, and there is an invisible barrier around the lake and then they get married.
Can we please have this as the official Living Story, ktnxbai!
“I wanna be
where the players are
I wanna see ’em
farming, zerging!” (?!?)
Also, maybe Queen Jennah is in fact the Krait Witch, could explain why she is always BAREFOOT – she just loves looking at her feet…
Exhibit A(?):
[DV] – megaboss community
Then the quaggan becomes human. However, a caveat is that she must kiss someone out of true love for it to remain permanent. She’s then spotted by Lord Faren, and then some stuff happens, and there is an invisible barrier around the lake and then they get married.
Can we please have this as the official Living Story, ktnxbai!
“I wanna be
where the players are
I wanna see ’em
farming, zerging!” (?!?)Also, maybe Queen Jennah is in fact the Krait Witch, could explain why she is always BAREFOOT – she just loves looking at her feet…
Exhibit A(?):
I want this so badly! I’d do all the script writing and everything. You could write the song lyrics.
To be honest, I’m not sure why this wasn’t the main plot idea. Screw the dragons and Orr, the Little Quaggan-maid is where it’s at.
With regards to ‘Queen’ Jennah, I always assumed it was because she’s actually a man in disguise, and can’t find shoes big enough for his feet.
Also, maybe Queen Jennah is in fact the Krait Witch, could explain why she is always BAREFOOT – she just loves looking at her feet…
Exhibit A(?):With regards to ‘Queen’ Jennah, I always assumed it was because she’s actually a man in disguise, and can’t find shoes big enough for his feet.
Nah, she’s just trying to improve diplomatic relations with the norn.
It’s funny how everyone noticed some trees that got chopped down, but really few noticed the whole kittening fishing village was wiped off the face of Tyria… But I am really happy that they revisited this area, besides from the tengu and the wizard’s tower, sadly there is nothing really interesting to see here besides ettins here, centaurs there… Really pleased with the secretive approach, here’s hoping we get amazed with the next story
The before screen is from the wiki, and here is some more stuff for you guys to read up on if you’re interested. I remember seeing the concept art even before this, on the blog they had before the game came out. Luckily, the text has been saved on the wiki.
Actually, the first thing I noticed was that the music abruptly changes from generally happy Kryta music to something you would normally hear in Orr and other Wastelands. I am pretty sure it wasn’t like that before.
Also, my crazy theory for next week::
It involves the Tengu. They think they are safe from the outside world, living happy behind their walls. Well, the Krait who believe themselves superior to everything want to send a message to the rest of the land dwelling races, that not even the isolated Tengu are safe,,,,or something like that…
That, or Red Salad is involved.
The screenshots page has been updated. It includes an image called “Krait Obelisk Shard” with a glowing green rock inside what appears to be Divinity’s Reach, and another image called Antitoxin Spray which I think might be in Orr. I don’t think the second image has to do with the Krait (possibly a new engineer skill?). Looks like the krait are preparing to attack Divinity’s Reach.
Shiren, I just had a thought. What if the Antitoxin Spray is in fact for the new map/dungeon they’re adding? What if the krait are trying to turn everybody in Divinity’s Reach into Krait with their magic, and the Antitoxin Spray is the only way to resist it?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
The screenshots page has been updated. It includes an image called “Krait Obelisk Shard” with a glowing green rock inside what appears to be Divinity’s Reach, and another image called Antitoxin Spray which I think might be in Orr. I don’t think the second image has to do with the Krait (possibly a new engineer skill?). Looks like the krait are preparing to attack Divinity’s Reach.
I give it a 1% chance of being a random new Resource Node with yet another new Gear stat!
The floating bows in the screen shot make this look like that Orr (the Lyssa temple specifically, although I could be wrong) so I doubt this is a new krait dungeon unless the krait are using the floating bows. The character is in light armour with a rifle, so that’s not an engineer but a light class using an environmental weapon, but I don’t recall environmental rifles being involved in the Lyssa temple event (maybe they are updating it ala Tequatl?).
The screenshots page has been updated. It includes an image called “Krait Obelisk Shard” with a glowing green rock inside what appears to be Divinity’s Reach, and another image called Antitoxin Spray which I think might be in Orr. I don’t think the second image has to do with the Krait (possibly a new engineer skill?). Looks like the krait are preparing to attack Divinity’s Reach.
I give it a 1% chance of being a random new Resource Node with yet another new Gear stat!
That is possible. The NPCs in that screen shot don’t seem to concerned about the shard being there. They seem rather content to ignore it. If the krait were attacking, the people might be a little more concerned.
(edited by Shiren.9532)
The “antitoxin” one has to be Orr. I see one of those annoying bomb-dropping eagles in the background.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
I have to say, it is these rare moments when the team adds something in secret, and keeps quiet about it, that I become the most interested in the Living Story. The game needs more mystery, and things gradually changing in the world. It’s far more interesting for the players to discover these things for them selves, than to read about it on the front page of this website.
I have to say, it is these rare moments when the team adds something in secret, and keeps quiet about it, that I become the most interested in the Living Story. The game needs more mystery, and things gradually changing in the world. It’s far more interesting for the players to discover these things for them selves, than to read about it on the front page of this website.
Hear, hear!
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
I’m really curious about this, I just hope that Scarlet isn’t randomly behind it again. She just isn’t my kind of villain and having her steal the stage whenever something interesting happens is….well disappointing.
i have a feeling it will be either
A) the krait found something and are indeed building an obelisk and about to release a whole lot of evil onto kessex
B) Scarlet has fooled the krait into thinking shes a prophet and made them build her an obelisk which she has clocked with her hologram tech.
if its B, and i have a feeling its B, i hope this will just explain once and for all what shes up to and not another, obelisk clockwork corrupted thing we know nothing about but blow it up and to find out the princess is in another castle.
(edited by Kingmutez.4931)
I’m really curious what Arena Net will do to Viathan Lake. I keep coming back there. It’s a good place to put a giant boss and tons of meta events like in Straits of Devastation leading to Temple of Balthazar.
Only saw a person comment on the trapped Hylek behind the barrier, but there’s also trapped humans. After carefully inching forward because the barrier keeps bouncing you back, talking to them says this:
It’s funny how everyone noticed some trees that got chopped down, but really few noticed the whole kittening fishing village was wiped off the face of Tyria… But I am really happy that they revisited this area, besides from the tengu and the wizard’s tower, sadly there is nothing really interesting to see here besides ettins here, centaurs there… Really pleased with the secretive approach, here’s hoping we get amazed with the next story
The before screen is from the wiki, and here is some more stuff for you guys to read up on if you’re interested. I remember seeing the concept art even before this, on the blog they had before the game came out. Luckily, the text has been saved on the wiki.
Looking at these pictures it looks like the water level of the lake has gone down as well. Look at the waterfall in both pictures. Also the cracked ground is similar to what you see in a dried lake bed.
It’s funny how everyone noticed some trees that got chopped down, but really few noticed the whole kittening fishing village was wiped off the face of Tyria… But I am really happy that they revisited this area, besides from the tengu and the wizard’s tower, sadly there is nothing really interesting to see here besides ettins here, centaurs there… Really pleased with the secretive approach, here’s hoping we get amazed with the next story
The before screen is from the wiki, and here is some more stuff for you guys to read up on if you’re interested. I remember seeing the concept art even before this, on the blog they had before the game came out. Luckily, the text has been saved on the wiki.
Looking at these pictures it looks like the water level of the lake has gone down as well. Look at the waterfall in both pictures. Also the cracked ground is similar to what you see in a dried lake bed.
I think the perceived change in water level is due to the pictures being taken from different points. In the second one the character is further from the waterfall, and further round the right side, so the land between is obstructing the PoV. He is also lower down due to no buildings being available to stand on:)
(edited by Comicus.4036)
Only saw a person comment on the trapped Hylek behind the barrier, but there’s also trapped humans. After carefully inching forward because the barrier keeps bouncing you back, talking to them says this:
Same as they used to say. It was for the quaggan heart in the NW part of the lake.
Can we please check the water level? I think it has changed. Also in the concept art the obelisks look as though they’re standing in drained river beds or lakes…
When I first see this I thought HOLY MOLY finally we are going to get access to the Wizards Tower and find what Galrath and Verata was searching for all those years. Was kinda hoping for some epic new skills from the tower
. Guys you can still make this happen!!!
If I recall correctly, this used to be a small seaside town or village that nearly always had an event where Krait would attack and take villagers as prisoners. Did they finally wipe them out once and for all?
Is that Auld Red Wharf or Triskell Quay? The latter is the one that had the events – Auld Red Wharf has been destroyed since release.
Yup, I goofed. Really shows my Tyrian geography skills are lackluster. The original picture I posted was Auld Red Wharf. This is Triskell Quay, still standing….well, at least the buildings…
And you can still do the renown heart.
However, one thing I noticed this evening…there’s another renown heart at the south end of Viathan, where you assist the quaggan village there by killing krait, freeing captives and so on.
It’s…very difficult to complete since the barrier appeared. Most of the krait are beyond it. I won’t say it’s impossible because guildies called me away to help in the Mad King’s realm before I could experiment too much. But I wonder if this was an intended consequence?
I actually just cheesed it via buying a silver worth of crab meat off the TP. Well, two silver, I accidentally double-clicked the Buy order button. The quaggan took all 100 meats from me so I dunno how many would have done it. So for people who just want map completion, it’s trivial to do the heart. For those that want the adventure of it, hmm … maybe the krait over in the ruined village would count?
It’s funny how everyone noticed some trees that got chopped down, but really few noticed the whole kittening fishing village was wiped off the face of Tyria… But I am really happy that they revisited this area, besides from the tengu and the wizard’s tower, sadly there is nothing really interesting to see here besides ettins here, centaurs there… Really pleased with the secretive approach, here’s hoping we get amazed with the next story
The village was destroyed when we first saw it, while the chopped down trees are new.
(Sometime in Kessex Hill’s history before GW2 released, there were three villages around Viathan – Auld Red Wharf (destroyed, shown in the screenshots you posted), the ruins now known as Mudbay Digs (occupied by bandits) and Triskell Quay (intact, but raided by krait).)
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
The floating bows in the screen shot make this look like that Orr (the Lyssa temple specifically, although I could be wrong) so I doubt this is a new krait dungeon unless the krait are using the floating bows. The character is in light armour with a rifle, so that’s not an engineer but a light class using an environmental weapon, but I don’t recall environmental rifles being involved in the Lyssa temple event (maybe they are updating it ala Tequatl?).
The screenshots page has been updated. It includes an image called “Krait Obelisk Shard” with a glowing green rock inside what appears to be Divinity’s Reach, and another image called Antitoxin Spray which I think might be in Orr. I don’t think the second image has to do with the Krait (possibly a new engineer skill?). Looks like the krait are preparing to attack Divinity’s Reach.
I give it a 1% chance of being a random new Resource Node with yet another new Gear stat!
That is possible. The NPCs in that screen shot don’t seem to concerned about the shard being there. They seem rather content to ignore it. If the krait were attacking, the people might be a little more concerned.
Another possibility is that the Krait Obelisk Shard is somehow related to the Solid Ocean Fractal? I included a screenshot for comparison (and also a random jade weapon to show that it doesn’t look similar but the other two do look almost the same…)
Where is this Krait Obelisk Shard located or isn’t it in the game yet? As Chrispy says it indeed looks like a piece of the Jade Sea. If it is a piece of the Jade Sea then there is a connection with the Elder Dragon “Bubbles”.
Check these old pictures of Jade Sea stones (It looks the same with the rest aka the Krait Obelisk:
The Krait Obelisk shard, Its not in the game yet. Its just from a screenshot posted by Anet. you can find the original screenshot in this section of the website:::
And here is the actual Screenshot:::
I noticed the cut down trees, the illusion, the construction sounds comming from the center of the lake, the change in music. But the one thing that interests me the most is that screenshot showing the Obelisk Shard. Now I really want to know what exactly Anet is planning! Guess we’ll find out in 2 days, huh?
Also, The Shard might be related to the Solid Ocean Fractal, which is related to the Jade Sea in Gw1, which itself was created 450 years ago by Shiro when he died, using magic he took from the Emperor of Cantha when he was slain, which involved some dark rituals before the act was one. The magic itself ripped from the emperor was given to him by Dwayna (atleast the wiki says so, its been way too long since I wactually played the game), yet, people keep saying an Elder Dragon is involved. We know that the Salt Spray Dragons are Dragons, and the biggest, baddest saltspray dragon of them all, Kuunavang, is obviously a champion of an Elder Dragon, but, what do they actually have to do with the Jade sea?
For the love of frick don’t ruin the Krait too by associating them with Scarlet as well..
Too bad the Queen and Thackery know nothing about this…. if the story is truly “living”, even an idiot like Thackery would have at least a “we’re investigating strange happenings at Leviathan” dialog.
For the love of frick don’t ruin the Krait too by associating them with Scarlet as well..
this times a million. Keep the cabbage patch kid out of this story. Make it dark and gritty, surround it with mystery, have interesting characters, give us players something to discover to develop the lore behind the krait, and end it with a twist which helps lead into the next krait chapter.
off to such a good start, could the writers stuff this up?
An underwater living story would be something … at least will boost the players to improve their underwater breathe mask and weapons, most of them ignore this aspect and have the starter breathe mask and at the best some rares as underwater weapons .
Btw A Net, we wish to have some rare/exotic/ascended breath mask, why are you ignoring this gear piece so much ?
For the love of frick don’t ruin the Krait too by associating them with Scarlet as well..
Agreed, though I don’t mind Scarlet I too wouldn’t mind seeing other evil doers doing….evil without her hand in it.
It would show that there’s more than one group making power plays to further their own goals.
We’ll find out in about 24 hours time. I’m excited for sure.
I know what is going to happen, Kraits have been working and worshiping very hard to improve Superior Runes of the Krait! :P
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)