Yet another time gated back pack.

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Why did they feel they needed to time gate this? Giving me only 1 foxfire cluster for every 112 wood I gather is slowing me down more than the time gate ever will.

Whatever rush you’re in isn’t for me to understand, you can buy the Plates from the Trading Post.

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Lasica.5068


The material requirements get more amusing by the update. Come on, Anet. 50 gold of materials for a decoration. Naw…

You are doing it wrong. I’ve made roughly 170g on the materials so far and I’m not one of these hardcore farmers who have been hitting trees so much they were mistaken for bots and who probably have made a lot more.

3 clay pots = approx 90g profit
9 foxfire clusters = approx 50g profit (I kept the other 48 I’ve farmed)
2 plate of food = approx 30g profit (I’ve decided to keep the rest for myself or it would be more)

It’s a 2 week release and it takes 7 days to make the item. Getting it on day one makes you no more special than someone who gets it on day 14.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Why did they feel they needed to time gate this? Giving me only 1 foxfire cluster for every 112 wood I gather is slowing me down more than the time gate ever will.

Whatever rush you’re in isn’t for me to understand, you can buy the Plates from the Trading Post.

I’m in no rush. What made you think I’d be in a rush to make yet another useless skin to add to my wardrobe? I’m just quoting my average drop rate. The last thing I’ll do is spent gold on the TP for it.

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Why did they feel they needed to time gate this? Giving me only 1 foxfire cluster for every 112 wood I gather is slowing me down more than the time gate ever will.

Whatever rush you’re in isn’t for me to understand, you can buy the Plates from the Trading Post.

I’m in no rush. What made you think I’d be in a rush to make yet another useless skin to add to my wardrobe? I’m just quoting my average drop rate. The last thing I’ll do is spent gold on the TP for it.

What is slowing you down, then?

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Yet another time gated back pack?

Yet another marketing gimmick to excite people: a backpack which “grows”.

Kinda fun from a roleplaying perspective though. I say be a little more open-minded and it becomes a decent thing.

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Morte.5916


You do realise this item will be an ascended item by the end of things…this is only phase 1 of it.

But will it be an ascended item with nomad stats, or can I get something I prefer to my masterwork berserker’s back item from the main story?

That is the question…

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


So, I found earlier this evening after crafting one of the Plant Food items that they are time gated. Needless to say, this is quite annoying, as the other plant food (which I have yet to craft any of) demands 4 of those Foxfire Clusters each time, so I’d better manage to get luck enough with those to have enough for each daily reset! On the other hand, I do have more then enough of the other materials to just make 7 plates of each (clusters notwithstanding) only to be held back by a contrived limt to making plant food once a day.

Why? No, seriously, why? Ascended crafting being timegated was barely justifiable, and now food items for a plant are time-gated? That’d be like people only being allowed to upgrade one Spinal Blade Item to the next tier only once per day. That would be stupid.
Why here?

Due to this, I missed to chance to craft these before the reset earlier today, simply because I didn’t know. And you don’t get that missed chance back.

You know, just because there’s a wiki/Dulfy/other source for all this doesn’t mean I should have to check it all ahead of time, even though I’m sure you expected most players to, which is why you didn’t mention/indicate in-game “This item crafting is time-gated”. I’m getting sick of it. It only really made sense with the daily acheivements/laurels. Now every time I log in feels like a set of chores.

- Do the dailies.
- Mine all the Rich Iron/Platinum Veins that come to mind.
- Run some dungeon paths—if I feel like it.
- Mine the nodes in the Home Instance.
- Charge some Quartz at the Obelisk – if I feel like it, since Celestial gear’s only good for like, 2 or 3 classes, one of which I don’t play anyways.

- And now: Make one of each of this plant food for a week to be able to make an exotic backpiece! When I could make most, if not all of the others at my own pace!

I like this game, I really do, but things like this are starting to make me not like it as much as I want to. Stop with the timegating, and just let people get what they’re after at their own pace. Who am I to care if someone managed to get lucky with chopping all the wood to get enough clusters, and had enough of the other materials to build it in a day or two? Instead, you gotta wait a week, even if you get everything you need before that.

(edited by Nilkemia.8507)

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


My opinion is already bias because I don’t like the flower. :P

I think people need to take a moment however and think about the long run when we’re episodes 9-10 or into Season 3. People will be able to go back into Season 2 from Episode 3 and on to build the back item quite quickly. We’re time gated due to release schedule but come the next season, players visiting these episodes wont have this problem.

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: munkiman.3068


If this is really a 3 part deal, do people see this becoming the first legendary item added to the game (exo, ascended, legendary)? This almost feels like a test for a pre-cursor scavenger hunt as well, only on a smaller level.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: TheRyftLord.5820


If this is really a 3 part deal, do people see this becoming the first legendary item added to the game (exo, ascended, legendary)? This almost feels like a test for a pre-cursor scavenger hunt as well, only on a smaller level.

I’m not sure whether that would be better or worse than the RNG…

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: OtakuModeEngage.8679


can we atleast start having backpacks that make sense?

Like Anton having his crossed back up blades on his back?

That’s why I liked rox’s quiver, it looks perfect on a ranger… too bad you can’t buy it anymore…

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Lazarus.3970


That’s why I liked rox’s quiver, it looks perfect on a ranger… too bad you can’t buy it anymore…

Yeah, Im actually regretting not getting it when it came out. Its a nice back item.

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Meh I’d rather wait for the inevitable release of the melandru backpack for my sylvari ranger that doesn’t touch bows.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I have no problem with new back items etc

I do have a problem with stupid things like making them require a item that rarely drops from Tier 6 tree nodes and then spending hours running around maps not being able to find any since the megaserver completely screwed up the node map website thus being forced to rely on stupid tier 5 tree nodes which I can find everywhere and then after running around 6 maps wasting hours of my time only to not get a single kitten drop… and it gets even better

and then it gets better
when I finally do get these 40 odd rare drops I can only make 1 item per day from them meaning I gotta wait around a week to finish the kitten things hell with this backpiece
there is no way in hell im spending hours running around harvisting tree nodes accross several maps every day for nothing while constantly seeing people in the map chat showing off that they just found 7 on one god kitten map

I swear my account must be bloody cursed or something because despite all my magic find my drop rate on anything higher than greens is complete and utter crap and has been since the game launched

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I like that it is time-gated and a rather long process. It gives me something to do the other 13 days between story updates.

I do wish there was a PvP reward track that drops Foxfire Clusters and clay bricks though. Just for fun. Because farming foxfire and geodes only works one way (each) currently and it gets boring way before the 20 hours or so of farming required, even when spreading it all out over two weeks or more.