stop calling me "boss"!
There are always silly complaints. Always.
lol, people complain about not being important, so they make you the ‘boss’ then people complain about that too; there’s no wining.
Well for me, this is a plus, I don’t mind being a mob boss; it adds a bit of depth to my character persona.
There are always silly complaints. Always.
it’s not silly, it’s grating. it would get on my nerves if my guildies started calling me “boss” just because i’m the guild leader, it gets on my nerves when these guys keep calling me boss. “that’s for the boss only”. “lead on, boss”. “our boss has arrived”. STOP.
but yes, it’s a minor complaint in an otherwise enjoyable episode.
I don’t mind being called boss, I mean your character is always referred to with a title instead of your name in ps/ls. I just find it funny that
- Braham calls you boss
- commences to tell everybody what to do
lol, people complain about not being important, so they make you the ‘boss’ then people complain about that too; there’s no wining.
Well for me, this is a plus, I don’t mind being a mob boss; it adds a bit of depth to my character persona.
eeehh, i was never one to complain about my relevance in the story, though i DO appreciate every time someone from the pact or the orders calls me commander. that’s a title i earned, and it’s a lot less grating than “boss”. but that’s a title i only expect to hear from officials, not random citizens.
i just feel it’s weird, because nothing made it seem like i was on anything other than an equal level as them, one more adventurer (though with plenty of baggage) in a group of adventuring friends.
i guess i just don’t like nicknames, and “boss” sounds like one to me >.>
The problem is that the player needs to have a name the NPCs can call them.
I was wondering how they would get around that issue in Episode 1 when someone said something like “our friend over here” and it took me a few seconds untill I realized they meant me.
The personal story did it as well (e.g. Snaff Savant or Slayer of Jormag), but they changed your “name” every few levels untill you became known as “commander”.
I don’t mind being called boss, I mean your character is always referred to with a title instead of your name in ps/ls. I just find it funny that
- Braham calls you boss
- commences to tell everybody what to do
i found it funny that i was being called boss during the leyline hub part, and then everyone just rushed ahead without me. didn’t give me time to appreciate the area until it was over >.>
it’s funny too, because on the other instances, the NPCs were just chasing you like henchmen from GW1… until they despawned, that is (seriously, kasmeer and jory left me fighting that veteran alone about halfway through and nowhere to be found).
they also seem way less likely to rez you now, which is… slightly annoying. they just run over my body because they’d rather keep hitting enemies. on the bright side, props for super proactive NPCs that don’t kitten for 10 seconds before using another skill.
I like my character being called boss. Reminds me of Saints Row.
Forget you. I’m da bawss.
The problem is that the player needs to have a name the NPCs can call them.
I was wondering how they would get around that issue in Episode 1 when someone said something like “our friend over here” and it took me a few seconds untill I realized they meant me.
The personal story did it as well (e.g. Snaff Savant or Slayer of Jormag), but they changed your “name” every few levels untill you became known as “commander”.
i realize that, i just don’t like “boss”. feels authoritary, which i shouldn’t be. “friend” sounds artificial (when was the last time you called your friend “friend”?), and to use second person (which would be preferred), they’d need to actually start employing animations during the non-cutscene dialogue.
I like my character being called boss. Reminds me of Saints Row.
see: my comment about feeling like a mobster.
i realize that, i just don’t like “boss”. feels authoritary, which i shouldn’t be. “friend” sounds artificial (when was the last time you called your friend “friend”?), and to use second person (which would be preferred), they’d need to actually start employing animations during the non-cutscene dialogue.
So what name would you suggest, I don’t think simple animations especially in combat scenarios would suffice.
Personally I think “Boss” is at least somewhat fitting, since they won’t really do anything when you’re not around :P
i realize that, i just don’t like “boss”. feels authoritary, which i shouldn’t be. “friend” sounds artificial (when was the last time you called your friend “friend”?), and to use second person (which would be preferred), they’d need to actually start employing animations during the non-cutscene dialogue.
So what name would you suggest, I don’t think simple animations especially in combat scenarios would suffice.
Personally I think “Boss” is at least somewhat fitting, since they won’t really do anything when you’re not around :P
that’s what i’m trying to think, though there never seems to be any talk involving the player during combat (or any talk at all, which is a missed opportunity, but that’s for another thread), only in still dialogue.
By employing the Seer abilities I learned last season from all those people predicting how bad the next patch/LS chapter, regardless of having no evidence at all, I foresee that we won’t be called “boss” next chapter and then everyone will cry about feeling unappreciated and unwanted.
By employing the Seer abilities I learned last season from all those people predicting how bad the next patch/LS chapter, regardless of having no evidence at all, I foresee that we won’t be called “boss” next chapter and then everyone will cry about feeling unappreciated and unwanted.
Ah just don’t both because people will find something to complain about in the end.
On that note:
If thing escolate far enough then we may be called into active duty again to become the Commander the Pact to handle the Mordremoth Invasion. This is a full blown invasion we are dealing with right now after all and one caused by a Elder Dragon at that.
lol, people complain about not being important, so they make you the ‘boss’ then people complain about that too; there’s no wining.
Well for me, this is a plus, I don’t mind being a mob boss; it adds a bit of depth to my character persona.
eeehh, i was never one to complain about my relevance in the story, though i DO appreciate every time someone from the pact or the orders calls me commander. that’s a title i earned, and it’s a lot less grating than “boss”. but that’s a title i only expect to hear from officials, not random citizens.
i just feel it’s weird, because nothing made it seem like i was on anything other than an equal level as them, one more adventurer (though with plenty of baggage) in a group of adventuring friends.
i guess i just don’t like nicknames, and “boss” sounds like one to me >.>
Honestly, the thing is you’ve never been on an equal level with them. From the very beginning, YOU were the only one of the group to face down a dragon and live, YOU lead the assault on Zhaitan on multiple fronts.
They’re mere foot soldiers in comparison tbh.
By employing the Seer abilities I learned last season from all those people predicting how bad the next patch/LS chapter, regardless of having no evidence at all, I foresee that we won’t be called “boss” next chapter and then everyone will cry about feeling unappreciated and unwanted.
i hope that wasn’t directed at me, ’cause i think i even mentioned on this thread that i actually really liked the past two episodes (and never really had much issue with living story to begin with).
but it’s important to voice (eloquently and educatedly) your criticisms, however minor, if you want to have them addressed.
i’m only pointing out what i think would improve the game’s narrative, however minor that improvement might be. if anything, the fact that such a small thing is one of my few complaints speaks volumes about what i do like.
lol, people complain about not being important, so they make you the ‘boss’ then people complain about that too; there’s no wining.
Well for me, this is a plus, I don’t mind being a mob boss; it adds a bit of depth to my character persona.
eeehh, i was never one to complain about my relevance in the story, though i DO appreciate every time someone from the pact or the orders calls me commander. that’s a title i earned, and it’s a lot less grating than “boss”. but that’s a title i only expect to hear from officials, not random citizens.
i just feel it’s weird, because nothing made it seem like i was on anything other than an equal level as them, one more adventurer (though with plenty of baggage) in a group of adventuring friends.
i guess i just don’t like nicknames, and “boss” sounds like one to me >.>
Honestly, the thing is you’ve never been on an equal level with them. From the very beginning, YOU were the only one of the group to face down a dragon and live, YOU lead the assault on Zhaitan on multiple fronts.
They’re mere foot soldiers in comparison tbh.
so? i’m going to walk a fine line here, but assume i was a war veteran in real life. should i expect newfound friends to treat me highly? no. what i did in the past is important for the people involved in that event. i might gather their respect (and that is clear from dialogue without them calling me boss), but it shouldn’t automatically put me in a position to boss people around (see? it even sounds pejorative)
lol, people complain about not being important, so they make you the ‘boss’ then people complain about that too; there’s no wining.
Well for me, this is a plus, I don’t mind being a mob boss; it adds a bit of depth to my character persona.
eeehh, i was never one to complain about my relevance in the story, though i DO appreciate every time someone from the pact or the orders calls me commander. that’s a title i earned, and it’s a lot less grating than “boss”. but that’s a title i only expect to hear from officials, not random citizens.
i just feel it’s weird, because nothing made it seem like i was on anything other than an equal level as them, one more adventurer (though with plenty of baggage) in a group of adventuring friends.
i guess i just don’t like nicknames, and “boss” sounds like one to me >.>
Honestly, the thing is you’ve never been on an equal level with them. From the very beginning, YOU were the only one of the group to face down a dragon and live, YOU lead the assault on Zhaitan on multiple fronts.
They’re mere foot soldiers in comparison tbh.
so? i’m going to walk a fine line here, but assume i was a war veteran in real life. should i expect newfound friends to treat me highly? no. what i did in the past is important for the people involved in that event. i might gather their respect (and that is clear from dialogue without them calling me boss), but it shouldn’t automatically put me in a position to boss people around (see? it even sounds pejorative)
In this case, yes it does. You have the most experience with the dragons both as a front line fighter and a commander. So of course you’re the de-facto leader/boss.
Well, they needed to call us something. The only other good title would be whatever each race title is for you. (Hero, Soldier, Slayer, Valiant, Savant, and/or Commander, once you’ve gotten past that stage.) While “boss” sounds…bossy, it still works.
This complaint feels silly.
The thing is, you can’t please everyone. Once you introduce something, different groups of people come to like it, while others hate it. If in a subsequent patch you were to change it, you would displease the former and please a fraction of the latter, as a large portion of them do not even know what they want and somehow expect ANET to find out and give it to them.
I personally do not mind being called “the boss”, because I know that it’s only used because they can’t have the NPCs call our characters by their names.
The thing is, you can’t please everyone. Once you introduce something, different groups of people come to like it, while others hate it. If in a subsequent patch you were to change it, you would displease the former and please a fraction of the latter, as a large portion of them do not even know what they want and somehow expect ANET to find out and give it to them.
I personally do not mind being called “the boss”, because I know that it’s only used because they can’t have the NPCs call our characters by their names.
well of course. and in any subjective matter, usually you’d rather have your subjective opinion win, so you state as much, which is what i’m doing.
yes, some people were hoping to be called boss. i was not one of them. i’m voicing my discontent (hopefully in an educated manner) so that ANet can gauge which side they would prefer listening to, or maybe even finding a way to make both happy.
Why not just call us “Commander” again? Aren’t we technically still a commander?
Why not just call us “Commander” again? Aren’t we technically still a commander?
we’re not their commander though. we command the pact. and commander is too formal for someone that’s being written as their friends. could be used in moderation, like when following orders, but it’s not an ideal replacement, especially since the only one tied to an order is marjory, and only tangentially.
I don’t like being called “boss”.
I’d rather be called “Sir”.
Hell , it is better than being called ‘’ HERO ! ’’. I am the Slayer/Commander…hell even Warmaster is fine, at least it reminds me I am carrying my mentor’s memory.
I liked being called boss. It sounded natural to me.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I thought “hero”, “slayer”, etc worked rather well for catchall names in the Personal Story, but I agree with TC that “boss” seems like a weak substitute for [Player’s Name]. “Boss” implies we’re in a position of leadership, and there’s nothing in-game that indicates we’ve displayed any.
I’d rather they call me commander, but boss is “acceptable” over being called “hey you!”
The PC is the ‘Boss’
Tamini is the Brains
Kasmeer is the good cop
Marjory is the bad cop
Braham is the muscle
Rox is the confused kid
Canach is the dark rival
There you go. Destiny’s Orphans.
The PC is the ‘Boss’
Tamini is the Brains
Kasmeer is the good cop
Marjory is the bad cop
Braham is the muscle
Rox is the confused kid
Canach is the dark rivalThere you go. Destiny’s Orphans.
i can almost picture a 90’s cartoon intro with this.
I mean, we have titles. It would be nice if we could use them as more than window dressing. I notice the NPCs do use the correct pronouns, so they are paying attention to that, and sometimes even our professions and race.
I don’t know many friends that go around calling each other by their full names, but also they have a way of speaking in a group that implies you are the subject or the one they are talking to.
With Boss, I don’t mind, but it should/could be associated with one character as a nickname for the PC. Rox calling the PC Boss could be her thing, while other NPCs say something else entirely. (I’ve always been partial to “Sir” regardless of gender.)
Why not just call us “Commander” again? Aren’t we technically still a commander?
As of now we are currently not on active duty which is why we are wandering around the world freely.
We will be called Commander again once we are in active duty with the Pact.
(edited by EdwinLi.1284)
Why not just call us “Commander” again? Aren’t we technically still a commander?
As of now we are currently not on active duty which is why we are wandering around the world freely.
We will be called Commander again once we are in active duty with the Pact.
I could be sorely mistaken here, and I’m sure someone in the military will set me straight if I am, but I’ve always been under the impression one is always addressed as their highest rank in the military whether they’re active or not.
I could be sorely mistaken here, and I’m sure someone in the military will set me straight if I am, but I’ve always been under the impression one is always addressed as their highest rank in the military whether they’re active or not.
That policy usually only follows to members of the military force.
None of the Investigation Team are members of the Pact so they are not bound by the military policy to address our character as Commander like the Pact Members when our character is off duty.
I totally agree that it feels cheesy. Seems pretty much like the direct result of previous complaints on the forums that some people didn’t feel like they were the center of attention in the story.
But in general, as I have said a few times before on the forums, I don’t think these stories work too well in an MMO setting. I would rather write my own story through my choices, so to speak, than have all new content be a single linear quest chain where everybody is called a special snowflake even though it is abundantly clear that it isn’t the case in MMOs. I’m sure some people will be pleased by the sudden flattery (even if it comes out of nowhere and is still more of a nominal thing than fact), but it just makes me cringe. Like really… do we have to be coddled this much? It feels so out of place that it’s just puzzlingly sycophantic on the part of the NPCs and patronizing on the part of anet, if you ask me.
But, as other people have pointed out, it is easier for the writers if they can call us something, so meh. I’ll just try my best to ignore it and let the people who are willing/able/eager to accept it have their day in the sun.
(edited by spikyblackhair.4951)
Why not just call us “Commander” again? Aren’t we technically still a commander?
As of now we are currently not on active duty which is why we are wandering around the world freely.
We will be called Commander again once we are in active duty with the Pact.
I could be sorely mistaken here, and I’m sure someone in the military will set me straight if I am, but I’ve always been under the impression one is always addressed as their highest rank in the military whether they’re active or not.
Depends upon the venue and circumstances in the case of the US.
I personally like it and find it appropriate as the PC is the team leader. If you take umbrage to being treated with any honor considering the heroics you’ve done in your storyline then perhaps playing the wrong kind of MMO. As these kinds of MMOs deeply involve and integrate your PC into the narrative and takes into account the superhuman level of heroics you’ve achieved.
Eh, I rather like it. It’s way better than the characters completely ignoring you and your accomplishments like they used to in the past. Boss seems to fit well since the characters are never overtly friendly towards our pc’s, so at least having a working relationship helps explain that away. It’s not like it’s possible for them to call you by name without sounding like Microsoft Sam, so boss is about as good as you can get.
Endless Petrification Tonic
You liberated the biconics in Season 1, they look up to you, so I think it is suitable they call you boss. You are also a relative “team” and you aren’t the all-knowing of the team, so even though you are the boss, doesn;t mean that the biconics are incapable of doing anything….which is why they actually do things.
There really isn’t much to please a crowd. But as it stands, you are the leader/boss of a group capable of handling themselves (kinda), but are still a group at the end of the day, that you are a part of.
I personally like it and find it appropriate as the PC is the team leader. If you take umbrage to being treated with any honor considering the heroics you’ve done in your storyline then perhaps playing the wrong kind of MMO. As these kinds of MMOs deeply involve and integrate your PC into the narrative and takes into account the superhuman level of heroics you’ve achieved.
The problem isn’t that they’re calling us “boss”, it’s that they’re doing it without much (any?) cause to do so. If they hadn’t simply done it out of nowhere – if there had been something organic that lead to them calling us that – then I’d be okay with it. But out of the blue as it is, it just seems off.
The problem isn’t that they’re calling us “boss”, it’s that they’re doing it without much (any?) cause to do so. If they hadn’t simply done it out of nowhere – if there had been something organic that lead to them calling us that – then I’d be okay with it. But out of the blue as it is, it just seems off.
There was, you lead them and the world to victory over Scarlet. You earned their trust and respect through battle and blood last season.
The problem isn’t that they’re calling us “boss”, it’s that they’re doing it without much (any?) cause to do so. If they hadn’t simply done it out of nowhere – if there had been something organic that lead to them calling us that – then I’d be okay with it. But out of the blue as it is, it just seems off.
There was, you lead them and the world to victory over Scarlet. You earned their trust and respect through battle and blood last season.
You’re confusing combat prowess with leadership. Or maybe I’m nitpicking. Either way, it just doesn’t feel as deftly handled as the monikers bestowed upon us in the Personal Story.
I personally like it and find it appropriate as the PC is the team leader. If you take umbrage to being treated with any honor considering the heroics you’ve done in your storyline then perhaps playing the wrong kind of MMO. As these kinds of MMOs deeply involve and integrate your PC into the narrative and takes into account the superhuman level of heroics you’ve achieved.
no, that’s not it. like i said, i do like when i’m called commander, but only because it makes sense for those people specifically to do that (even if on the same breath, they ask if gixx sent me, when i’m a whispers agent).
in the case of rox & co., i’ve always felt there was a sense of equality and camaraderie, or at least they’re pushing for it, so i always felt like i was on the same level around them. just one more adventurer on the group. hell, until last patch, we were referred to as “you” or “friend” (which is kinda grating too, but for different reasons). now i’m suddenly their boss. THE boss.
something about it makes me feel like the writers secretly wish they were writing an old cartoon about a ragtag gang of kids.
I don’t mind being called boss. Not at all
It does feel sort of forced, insofar as it comes out of nowhere, and seems like it’s a reaction to forum complaints. It also sounds just a wee bit sarcastic, which is undeserved (for the PC, anyway).
Random alternate suggestion: If they bring Canach on as member #6, he might not want to call the PC “boss” given their past antagonistic history. Some insubordinate behavior could then lead to a compromise where they call the PC “The Hero of Lion’s Arch” instead, which is sort of a formal honorific the PC has on account of canonically killing Scarlet. Everyone gets irritated after a couple times trying to use such a long title , so Taimi shortens it to T.H.O.L.A., and you’re Thola from then on out. You have a fixed name for VO, it’s explained rather than just popping in, it provides an opportunity to characterize the biconics and the relationships among them and between them and the PC, etc.
Oh no, the thread broke.
I was fine with the Hero of Shaemoor and Commander. I am not really keen on `Boss´, it feels like I was demoted.
most games just use ‘hero’ and it has done pretty well for quite a few years..
remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day…