Hey Informer,
This game is beautiful indeed! There are some minor options you can try to improve your fps without loose quality:
- Disable AA into the game or in your GPU driver. AA weigths tons specially in a mobility gpu;
- Try different shader and post processing options in graphic settings. I personally don’t like post processing at maximum. It’s too bright! Even clothes or leather shines like a metalic surface…
- Reflexive at maximum also demand havy gpu processing… try disable it and see how it likes to you
Core Parking:
About your alienware, have you disabled core parking function? This helped me tons! You’ll find threads about it here in this forum as well. I have done it through the registry method.. you don’t need to download any program. That’s how:
- Naviagate to this key
- Change “Attributes” to 0;
- Reboot;- Go to advanced energy management and change the core parking option to 100%, as the example image (it’s in portuguese, but is the same option).
Actually you’ll get an overall improvement not only in GW2, but in most games as well. Let me know how it goes to you.
There’s a stickied thread in this very sub-forum (3rd from the top) with a linked guide that is written specifically for AMD 5xxx graphics cards . Apparently there once was some kind of issue where things would get stuck in 2d/low-power mode even when playing 3d games. The guide is pretty clear with lots of screen shots, although it doesn’t explain the most basic things that you need to do along the way like how to open your control panel or catalyst control center or edit a file, so it does require you to know your way around windows a little, and to know some specs of your graphics card (like its max clock rate).