Action Camera and Targeted Ranged Abilities
You can set a hotkey to toggle the Action Cam quickly. So that way you’ll turn for running then deactivate Action Cam, cast the Bolas (which can now not track the Crosshair since there isn’t one) and resume the action cam.
There is also a Keybind to “look back” which will turn your camera up to 180° to face your avatar face on.
You can set a hotkey to toggle the Action Cam quickly. So that way you’ll turn for running then deactivate Action Cam, cast the Bolas (which can now not track the Crosshair since there isn’t one) and resume the action cam.
There is also a Keybind to “look back” which will turn your camera up to 180° to face your avatar face on.
OK thanks!
The bigger issue is having wall type abilities snap to the enemy you are targeting when in action camera. I wish they would change that.