Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: barbour.3062


Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

I know I am. The crafting system is a pain in the butt. There was nothing wrong with the old way; Take required items to NPC and pay cash to get new armor, weapons ect.

Waypoints. Why do they cost money? I can understand if they cost a fee to travel huge distances (aka between different map sections), but to cost money when I am traveling within the same map area is ridiculous. Especially when you die. When you die, it should give you the option to go to the nearest discovered waypoint for free or pay to go to a different one.

Ingame cash. I found getting cash to be really slowed compared to the first game. On my 4th day of play and it took a really long time to even reach 4 silvers. Losing cash to waypoints and armor repairs.

That brings up my next complaint. WTF is with armor damage? Die one or two times and your armor becomes near useless. This and the hoops you have to jump threw for crafting are my biggest turn offs of the game. Why have this at all. It is a pointless game aspect, designed to slow down no-lifers (those who sit on the game 24/7) and all it does is slow the progress down of legit players.

Anet if your listening, bring back the simple crafting of Guild Wars1. Ditch the armor damage or make it take many deaths to break armor. Make this game more enjoyable to play. Did you guys and gals really think copying the worse aspects of the kitteny MMOs would make GW2 a good game? Cause you were dead wrong.

Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AndrewR.1508


I completely disagree with everything you’ve posted; and have played GW1 quite a bit.

- Waypoints cost money because you are saving time by ‘warping’ to them instead of going the scenic route. You pay for convenience…..plain and simple.

- In Game cash, with as much reward as you get from completing the karma side quests, killing mobs, and selling trophy’s, I just don’t see an issue of ever running out of coin.

Armor Damage, this is pretty logical and it makes sense to me. I like it.

Crafting: I absolutely love this system; its intuitive and challenging all in one. Also the discovery section is pretty neat. I think its a great new take on crafting. Something that is ‘different’ than everything else. I really like it a lot.

Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Wow, these are very trivial and non-impacting complaints. None of what you described has slowed me down in the slightest, no offense but I think it something you are doing wrong. Also as far as crafting, people actually like to craft in mmos, not hand something to an npc.

Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: firehawk.8067


I couldn’t stand GW1. I think they made the right changes and from what I hear, they listened to their players on what changes they wanted to see.

Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: barbour.3062


Not trivial to me at all. They have slowed my progress down a lot and have made the game a frustrating experience. I have bought all the expansions for the original game and spent hours after work playing. If changes are not made, I won’t be spending another penny on Guild Wars 2. Besides the map and lore, it is guild wars in name only.

Any other Guild Wars1 players disappointed with the changes of GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator


This forum section is not for suggestions and/or game feedbacks.

As these sections are not opened yet, I’m closing this topic.

Thanks for your understanding.