Can you dye underwater masks?
Nope, it’s undyable.
Nope, it’s undyable.
You’ll almost never see it. It’s not very visible to you when underwater and no one else will ever swim over to you to look.
ANet may give it to you.
You’ll almost never see it. It’s not very visible to you when underwater and no one else will ever swim over to you to look.
Actually, some of us enjoy spending a lot of time underwater, and some of us really love to take awesome screenshots. So yes, the masks are very much visible for some of us. I do see your point, though. Making them dyable might simply be too much work, and most players won’t care about the result. I guess that’s why you can breathe underwater before you even get a breathing mask. Adding an air-meter would simply be too much work.
Of course, what they could do is make masks of different default colors and shapes. There are already variations, so why are all gray? (all I’ve found, anyway.)
You’ll almost never see it. It’s not very visible to you when underwater and no one else will ever swim over to you to look.
I don’t have a mask though. I have a helmet covering almost my entire head.
The funny thing is that underwater breathing masks actually do have working dye channels. There was a bug some time ago that would allow you to view (and dye) underwater masks via your normal headgear dye option. It wouldn’t stick or anything, once you accepted, but you could actually preview the underwater headgear with different dyes.
So I really have no reason why we can’t dye them. But whatever.