Cant join Order of Whispers

Cant join Order of Whispers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AzzaCin.3691


I’m a Norn Guardian and am now in my quest line to join a faction between Whispers, Vigil, or Priory. I can choose to join the Vigil or Priory but I don’t have the option to join the Order OF Whispers. Anyone else have this problem before and know how to fix it?

Cant join Order of Whispers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

Is there an option to continue the quest? I think it’ll open up after the last quest for the orders.

Cant join Order of Whispers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TimeBomb.3427


When I was doing story mode, the first quest from the orders I did was w/ Order of Whispers. Then the next one I had a choice of vigil or priory – assumingly because the last one I did was w/ whispers and they wanted me to see another order. The quest after that had me pick one of the three orders for real.

Cant join Order of Whispers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


Yeah, when you get a chance to join an order for good, it will clearly say “whichever order you choose now you will join.” Before that, there are a series of missions you can go on with different orders, allowing you to get an idea of their tactics. You can pick any group for these – after three excursions, I think, you’ll get the chance to make your final choice.

Cant join Order of Whispers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: penatbater.4710


just a clarification, choosing any order prior to the final choice doesn’t affect in any way which order you’ll choose, right?

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Cant join Order of Whispers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anlos.1920


Right. The first three missions where you can choose between two Orders to side with do not affect your final choice.