I think the most common ? players asks is: WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY IN GW2?
To be honest I’ve been playing GW2 a long time and I haven’t really figured this one out yet!
The problem for me I think is that I simply LOVE helping people and Guild Wars 2 is simply FILLED with not only “real people” who need help but NPC’s!
The creator’s of the game have made the quests/events/storylines so AMAZINGLY FUN you kindah get drawn into it and the minutes turn into hours!
Anyway this is how I make about 4 GOLD a night:
Like I said I love playing PvE (Player vs Environment) so I usually do runs w/my lowest level toons and I pretty much do 3 things:
Be sure to LOOT the CORPSE (press the “F” key) anytime you kill anything and/or are near a Reward Chest and press “G” when you are near a Plant, a Tree, or a Mining site.
Be sure you have a good amount of the “highest level” of PICKS, AXES, and SICKLES that your character can use. (Also, remember these items CAN BE used by any/all of YOUR toons so no need to DESTROY them.)
Also, anytime you see a VET or a CHAMP in an area by themselves be prepared to KILL KILL KILL because a lot of times their guarding either a CHEST or a RICH VEIN of metals or even a large patch of plants.
After any big battle (or after looting a chest) I immediately check my INVENTORY -then CLICK on the little gear sprocket icon on my backpack and select “DEPOSIT ALL MATERIALS”.
Then I always press “O” and sell any unwanted items to the Trading Post to insure that my backpack has enough room for my next major battle.
When I’m selling to the Post and they say “LIST” the item instead of “SELL IMMEDIATELY” I’ll either attempt a SALVAGE on the item if any “YELLOW” or above Sigils are on it or I’ll simply keep it and eventually sell the item to a local in-game Merchant / Karma dealer / Repair vender etc… by typing “F” and then SELL.
Also, before leaving the in-game Merch always remember to CLICK on the “SELL JUNK” button.
Then I repeat the process w/maybe a STORYLINE if I want to quickly LEVEL or maybe participate in an awesome MEGA EVENT before logging off!
Also, anytime I level I’ll sell my old gear and suit up with “FINE” gear (BLUE items) making sure ALL the armor is the same type of gear —RAVAGING HELM, RAVAGING BOOTS, etc.
(WHITE is to basic for survival and anything above BLUE becomes SOULBOUND which means you’ll either have to SALVAGE the item after leveling or SELL it to a local Merch NOT the Trading Co. thereby losing money.)
TRY NOT TO USE ANY OF YOUR KARMA POINTS! At level 80 go to the “CURSED SHORES” area and THEN use your KARMA to buy EXOTIC armor & weapons.
This is what I do/did to make/save money but to be honest probably staying in town CRAFTING your eyeballs out is probably the quickiest/most efficient way to make GOLD.