Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kount.5704


Well Met!

I purchased this game with my girlfriend back in March and we just recently got the chance to start playing with finals being finally over!

We must admit that this game is so beautiful and that there is so much to explore~ We absolutely love it!

However, as we played to level 28, we noticed that from time to time, we would see a large group of coordinated people showing up to do group events. How can they tell where the events are held? How do they coordinate together?? And how do we join them???

Help from you fine Tyrians would be appreciated!

Also, please share with us any good articles we should read for new players based on the new world of guild wars 2 (post the April patch)!

Thanks in advance,


Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Erich.1783


If they all have the same guild tag it might be a guild event, which is how/why they know where it is. If they are not all from the same guild it might be the World Boss Train. If it is the former you can ask for a guild invite, some guilds are very willing to let people join for a guild event others are less willing for a single event. If it is the later look here:

Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


First off, welcome both of you to gw2! Here are some basic tips to get you started on your adventure

Firstly, there is a huge difference between the combat here and the combat in WoW and most other MMOs. A few things of note:
The combat in this game is much more action-oriented- you can avoid attacks by strafing and dodging as you fight, and using skills to counter enemy attacks. It’s more important to avoid attacks than to heal them. You can avoid attacks via blind, blocks, teleports, and evades/dodges. Every class also has their own healing skill, which is your #6 slot. The current meta for PVE is to use full dmg gear an traits and wipe out mobs and bosses as quickly as possible, using active defense to avoid dying.
There is no healer/tank/DPS trinity. Everyone is responsible for their own survival, for DPSing the enemy, for coordinating support and control to make fights more manageable.
Your success in this game depends largely on your skill as a player, rather than your gear.
I highly recommend giving this a read:
In addition, GW2 is highly unlike WoW in many other respects. The game’s meant to be more of a journey- you take your time and enjoy the process of leveling, explore to your heart’s content, and when you hit 80, there aren’t tiers of raids and gear to chase one after the other. You pretty much find what you enjoy doing and do it.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


That coordinated group is probably just the zerg going from world boss to world boss. World bosses spawn on fixed schedule so you always know what boss is going to spawn next and where.

You can join these boss events when ever you see them just like any normal event. Just go in and start to shoot at things. You don’t even have to be grouped with anyone here to get credit for the kills and events. Everything is free for all.

(edited by Ameepa.6793)

Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sscripko.5387


Well Met!

I purchased this game with my girlfriend back in March and we just recently got the chance to start playing with finals being finally over!

We must admit that this game is so beautiful and that there is so much to explore~ We absolutely love it!

However, as we played to level 28, we noticed that from time to time, we would see a large group of coordinated people showing up to do group events. How can they tell where the events are held? How do they coordinate together?? And how do we join them???

Help from you fine Tyrians would be appreciated!

Also, please share with us any good articles we should read for new players based on the new world of guild wars 2 (post the April patch)!

Thanks in advance,


I know that as a guild, one of us will walk by an event, or series of events that we know generate a lot of loot. Normally we post it up in guild chat that those events are going, and all of a sudden, it looks like we are a highly coordinated group of people doing events.

Another place to look for events is on your server’s unofficial website. I am on Sanctum of Rall, so I can’t speak for all the other servers, but we have a calendar with various guilds putting up public events that they are doing (everything from dungeon learning runs, to naked runs through Orr). That might also be a good place to find events that people are doing.

Coordinated Groups Everywhere!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I was about to say that the OP may be stretching the term “organized” to the point of snapping…..

The world boss events are on a specific timer:
This is the most commonly used one:

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We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances