Dungeon rutine

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gidde.9721


Hey, i love to do dungeons and fractal on my free time but i’m wondering wich one i should every day since i’m farming for my legendary. Have around 2-3 hours usually and 5-6 on the weekend to spend.

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ricohman.7302


Sorrows embrace can be a 10min run with most pugs, AC paths 1 to 3 are quick when you get used to them. You could get all done in 1h 30mins or under for about 7 gold with loot

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gidde.9721


7 gold from only SE and AC? Thought u only got 1,5/1 gold from doing those pathes. Even togheter (and with loot) they should not reach the 7 gold mark.

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Name.9625


You get 1/1.5g PLUS 26s for each run. So let´s say you only run SE 1-3 and AC 1+3, that´s 3*(1g+0.26g)2*(1.5g0.26g) = 7.3g!!! And that´s without loot yet. So with a bit of luck you could get up to 10g only by those 5 paths

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ricohman.7302


I do it every day so 5.5 gold at least, bonus silver brings it to 6 gold and you often get drops of vicious claws and rates etc so usually at least 7 gold yes. Used to do hotw p1 as it was quickest but recent troll buff adds to much time to the run

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esmee.1067


You get 1/1.5g PLUS 26s for each run. So let´s say you only run SE 1-3 and AC 1+3, that´s 3*(1g+0.26g)2*(1.5g0.26g) = 7.3g!!! And that´s without loot yet. So with a bit of luck you could get up to 10g only by those 5 paths

You seem to count SE p2 aswell, I’ve done it only once, but isn’t that path ridicilously long (compared to the average dungeon?) I assume you ment AC p2, which is really quick, assuming the party has decent DPS and does it in 1, maybe 2 traps. (Which most PuGs seem to manage just fine.)

I’d like to mentioned TA up (fwd is decent too) and CoF p1 (maybe p2 if you have time leftover) aswell, I’ve never timed them but they definitly feel just as fast as AC p3. All are just as easy to find groups kitten p1 + p3 from my experience.

If I’m limited on time I’d do:
AC p1 + p2, CoF p1, SE p1, TA up. Assuming groups are available, these are the paths I feel I have the best times on in the average PuG (feel, didn’t time.)

(edited by Esmee.1067)

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

Never forget the ever favorite CoF path 1 and 2.


Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Do CoF p1, AC 1&3, SE 1&3 and CoE all paths. CoE is especially good since Charged Cores/Lodestones drop there.

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nagr.1593


don’t forget TA up/f. its fun if you let it, despite it taking just as long as cof p2, which i seem to skip a lot because it seems to take longer than it is.

Arun Kar

(edited by nagr.1593)

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hendo.1940


Hey, i love to do dungeons and fractal on my free time but i’m wondering wich one i should every day since i’m farming for my legendary. Have around 2-3 hours usually and 5-6 on the weekend to spend.

AC 1/2/3
CM 3
TA Fw/Up
SE 1/3
COE 1/2/3
Arah 1/2/3/4

27.90g + tokens + champ bags + chest loot in ~3 hours.

Selling Arah paths is also very profitable, if you can get it down to maybe an hour per path it’ll be like 24g an hour which you can repeat as many times as you want, provided there are buyers.

Rezardi – [DnT]
Game over, yo.

Dungeon rutine

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


These are the dungeon i try to do most days.
AC path 1 and 3 : The path 2 is quick too, but it can be a pain if your group is not decent enough.
CoF path 1 and 2 : I’m already at fireheart rise for the path 1, i’ll also do the path 2. It can be a pain when defending magg with a bad group, but it happen less and less. You can stick to path 1 if you are alone and pug 4 ppl.
CoE all path : Usually you can get good pugs there. A lot of people with good dps do these path, they are quick and give you the best loots.

With pugs you can do all that in 2 hours. With my guild it took us about 1.5 hours.

During the weekend i add,
CM path 1 and 3
TA foward and up
SE path 1 and 3

On the weekend, all this can take about 4 hours with pugs, 3 hours with your guild.

And sometimes we do Arah path 3 when people want to.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD